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Slides: Building Adaptive iOS & Android Apps @BradBroulik | [email protected] iOS Code: Android Code:

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2 Adaptive in the real world…

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3 Adaptive Table

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4 The Adaptive Advantage Better UX User Efficiency Less Maintenance Future Friendly

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5 No device customer left behind OLD NOW NEXT? APP DEVELOPMENT

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6 Adaptive Building Blocks 1) Size classes or qualifiers 2) Adaptive layouts 3) Adaptive images

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7 iOS 100 Universal iOS Apps TIP: By default, iOS apps are configured to be universal. Developers must explicitly choose to restrict this behavior.

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8 Vertical Size Class (height) Horizontal Size Class (width) iPhone 4, 5, 6 Portrait Regular Compact iPhone 4, 5, 6 Landscape Compact Compact iPhone 6 Plus Portrait Regular Compact iPhone 6 Plus Landscape Compact Regular iPad Portrait/ Landscape Regular Regular # Size Classes NOTE: A size class coarsely categorizes available space horizontally and vertically SplitViewController compatible

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9 Size Classes Images via WWDC 2014 - View Controller Advancements in iOS 8 Split View Controller

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10 Trait Collections Set images based on trait collections Images via WWDC 2014 - Building Adaptive Apps with UIKit NOTE: A trait collection provides characteristics of a view controller which manages the views of your UI.

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11 # Responsive Layouts Compact Regular NOTE: Is it adaptive or responsive? Responsive is a single template that responds based on a size class (iOS). Adaptive is multiple templates - one for each size class (Android).

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12 CollectionView Master/Detail Layout Patterns Grids Mostly Fluid Auto Layout SplitViewController

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13 Master/Detail NOTE: The entire Adaptive iOS Demos app runs within a SplitViewController and responds to regular and compact sizes. Master Detail NOTE: SplitViewControllers are “split” by default in horizontally regular displays.

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14 SplitViewController Master Detail

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15 TIP: Collection Views automatically adapt their flow layout based on the available container size. Toggle for full-screen (refer to UIViewControllerExtensions.swift) Grids

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16 TIP: With Auto Layout you may configure your UI to be responsive for any size class. Mostly Fluid Multi-column when regular Single-column when compact

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17 TIP: Setup Auto Layout constraints by size class for a responsive and fluid user interface. View Xcode constraints by size class Manage constraints by size class Auto Layout

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18 Adaptive Images SVG 1x SVG 2x #

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19 Use Case: Image by size class TIP: Xcode allows us to set the corresponding size class for our UIImages iPad regular iPhone compact Any width Compact width

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20 Use Case: Art direction Art direction allows us to use smaller images that appear larger on smaller devices by cropping the subject of the photo.

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21 Use Case: Vector icons TIP: The images are black to simplify template rendering. This allows you to set the image color at runtime or in Interface Builder. Set the Types to “Vectors” before dragging vector PDF into Xcode Set Render As to “Template Image” to render the image in any color NOTE: The SVGs must be sized @1x and Xcode will manage the generation of the various sized PNGs.

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Adaptive iOS Content Dynamic Type Popovers Self-sizing Cells Adaptive 22

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Popovers TIP: Use a UIPopoverPresentaionController to present your popover. It allows you to adjust the popover for the display environment. Horizontally regular environments display as popovers and horizontally compact environments adapt to your choice of UIModalPresentationStyle (FullScreen, FormSheet, etc). 23 Popover appears as “FullScreen” in compact width Popover appears as “Popover” in regular width NOTE: Alerts and action sheets are also adaptive objects. Popover appears as “FormSheet” in compact height (new in iOS 8.3)

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24 protocol UIAdaptivePresentationControllerDelegate: @availability(iOS, introduced=8.3) adaptivePresentationStyleForPresentationController(_: traitCollection:) Coming Soon? Adapt via TraitCollection. Previously the adaptive rule only applied to a compact-width size constraint. Maybe a new size class at WWDC 2015 - The latest iOS 8.3 API now allows Adaptive Presentation Controllers to adapt by TraitCollection.

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25 Self-sizing Cells NOTE: Self-sizing cells were introduced in iOS 8. Verify layouts are font size friendly and accessible

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26 1) tableView.estimatedRowHeight = 68.0 2) tableView.rowHeight = UITableViewAutomaticDimension 1) Allow row height to grow (FlexibleFontsTableViewController.swift) 2) Use text style font for accessibility (body, headline etc) 3) Set line length to zero to enable multi-lines 4) Test UI with different font sizes NOTE: Dynamic type was introduced in iOS 7 . Dynamic Type Dynamic Type Simulator

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27 TIP: You can adjust font attributes based on size constraints. Here, we increase the font-size on regular width layouts. Adaptive

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28 Adaptive iOS Testing Tools Actual Devices Emulators

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29 Resizable Emulators

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30 TIP: View different UIs simultaneously in Xcode’s new assistant preview editor. Preview Multiple Layouts

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31 Toggle Double-Length Pseudolanguage Preview Alternate Font Lengths TIP: In the assistant preview you can see how your UI adapts for double-length text.

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32 Android TIP: By default, Android apps are universal. Developers must explicitly choose to restrict this behavior.

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33 # Size Qualifiers Configuration Qualifier Description Smallest Width sw Smallest possible width for a screen (preferred when supporting 3.2+) Available Width w Minimum available width for a screen Screen Size small normal large xlarge Resources by size (pre Android 3.2) Orientation land port Resources by orientation Density ldpi mdpi hdpi xhdpi xxhdpi xxxhdpi Resources by density

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34 TIP: The layout alias allow us to swap in alternate layouts for different size qualifiers. 2) Bind the “large” layout to our activity_mostly_fluid alias 1) When layout is sw600dp Size Qualifiers 3) Load the layout by alias name:

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35 # Adaptive Layouts Small large NOTE: Is it adaptive or responsive? Responsive is a single template that responds based on a size class (iOS). Adaptive is multiple templates - one for each size class (Android).

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36 Layout Patterns Master/Detail GridView Mostly Fluid Fragments Size Qualifiers CardView

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37 TIP: Creating master/detail layouts is very quick in Android Studio. Select New, Activity, Master/Detail Flow. That’s it - you’ll have a master/detail layout template setup in a few seconds! Master/Detail

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38 TIP: GridView automatically adapts its flow layout based the the available container size. GridView TIP: CardViews are also adaptive friendly widgets.

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39 NOTE: This UI shows the multi-column template when the smallest-width is at least 600dp (sw600dp). Each template is a separate XML layout file. Mostly Fluid Multi-column template for sw600dp layout (activity_mostly_fluid_large.xml) Single-column template (activity_mostly_fluid.xml)

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40 Adaptive Images SVG 2x SVG 3x #

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41 Art direction allows us to use smaller images that appear larger on smaller devices by cropping the subject of the photo. Use Case: Art direction

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42 Use Case: Vector drawables CAUTION: Vector Drawables are only available in Android 5.0 (API level 21) and above. AppCompat support is not currently available. TIP: Victor converts SVGs to PNGs at build time and doesn’t pollute the source code. Android Icon Generator works with SVGs

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43 Use Case: Tinted drawables CAUTION: Tinted Drawables are available only in Android 5.0 (API level 21) and above. AppCompat support is not currently available. TIP: One drawable - many colors. You may tint any image type. DevBytes: Android Vector Graphics

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44 Adaptive Content Scaleable Fonts Tabs Action Bars

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Action Bars 45 TIP: Action bar items adapt to large and small devices automatically when setup with an “ifRoom” attribute. Action bars automatically collapse if there isn’t enough room

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Tabs 46 TIP: ActionBar tabs adapt to small and large screen widths automatically. They appear as a “stacked action bar” or alongside the action buttons depending on available space. CAUTION: The new Toolbar Widget in Android L is not adaptive out-of-the-box but it can be customized to support any size qualifier.

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Scaleable Fonts Verify layouts are font size friendly and accessible Test UI with different font sizes TIP: Use scale-independent pixels (sp) for font sizes. This unit of measure adjusts for both screen density and the users font-size setting. 47

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48 Adaptive Android Testing Tools Actual Devices Emulators

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49 Preview Multiple Layouts Android Studio’s preview mode allows you to view multiple devices at once

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50 Adaptive Project Strategies Adaptive Retrofitting Adaptive Apps Mobile-First Adaptive

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Slides: Thank You! @BradBroulik | [email protected] iOS Code: Android Code: