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Vladimir Agafonkin 12.2012 Wednesday, 16 January 13

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Wednesday, 16 January 13

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February 2005 June 2006 June 2009 May 2011 Google Maps API OpenLayers Google Maps API v3 Wednesday, 16 January 13

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Wednesday, 16 January 13

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Wednesday, 16 January 13

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not just usual maps Wednesday, 16 January 13

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Wednesday, 16 January 13

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Wednesday, 16 January 13

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how?.. Wednesday, 16 January 13

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open source Wednesday, 16 January 13

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• 2 years of development Wednesday, 16 January 13

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• 2 years of development • 8143 lines of code Wednesday, 16 January 13

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• 2 years of development • 8143 lines of code • 1759 commits from 90 people Wednesday, 16 January 13

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• 2 years of development • 8143 lines of code • 1759 commits from 90 people • 3364 followers, 561 forks Wednesday, 16 January 13

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• 2 years of development • 8143 lines of code • 1759 commits from 90 people • 3364 followers, 561 forks • issues: 170 open, 1026 closed Wednesday, 16 January 13

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• 2 years of development • 8143 lines of code • 1759 commits from 90 people • 3364 followers, 561 forks • issues: 170 open, 1026 closed • pull requests: 40 open, 342 closed Wednesday, 16 January 13

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open source can be simple Wednesday, 16 January 13

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Wednesday, 16 January 13

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Wednesday, 16 January 13

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independence Wednesday, 16 January 13

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independence from data providers Wednesday, 16 January 13

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number of features Images Markers Popups Vectors XYZ tiles GeoJSON WMS Layer groups Inertial pan Scroll zoom Dblclick zoom Box zoom Keyboard nav Pinch zoom Dbltap zoom Marker drag Pan anim Zoom anim Zoom buttons Attribution Layer switcher Scale Map rotation Fractional zoom WebGL renderer TMS WMTS TileCache MapGuide MapServer KaMap KaMapCache MultiMap Google Yahoo WorldWind Virtual Earth Bing Zoomify UTFGrid OSM ArcGIS ArcIMS GML GeoRSS KML WFS WFST ArcXML Atom CQL SLD GPX OSM XML OWS Context WKT XLS XML Drawing Editing Graticule Measure Pan control Minimap Permalink Clustering Wednesday, 16 January 13

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number of features Images Markers Popups Vectors XYZ tiles GeoJSON WMS Layer groups Inertial pan Scroll zoom Dblclick zoom Box zoom Keyboard nav Pinch zoom Dbltap zoom Marker drag Pan anim Zoom anim Zoom buttons Attribution Layer switcher Scale Map rotation Fractional zoom WebGL renderer TMS WMTS TileCache MapGuide MapServer KaMap KaMapCache MultiMap Google Yahoo WorldWind Virtual Earth Bing Zoomify UTFGrid OSM ArcGIS ArcIMS GML GeoRSS KML WFS WFST ArcXML Atom CQL SLD GPX OSM XML OWS Context WKT XLS XML Drawing Editing Graticule Measure Pan control Minimap Permalink Clustering Wednesday, 16 January 13

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number of features Images Markers Popups Vectors XYZ tiles GeoJSON WMS Layer groups Inertial pan Scroll zoom Dblclick zoom Box zoom Keyboard nav Pinch zoom Dbltap zoom Marker drag Pan anim Zoom anim Zoom buttons Attribution Layer switcher Scale Map rotation Fractional zoom WebGL renderer TMS WMTS TileCache MapGuide MapServer KaMap KaMapCache MultiMap Google Yahoo WorldWind Virtual Earth Bing Zoomify UTFGrid OSM ArcGIS ArcIMS GML GeoRSS KML WFS WFST ArcXML Atom CQL SLD GPX OSM XML OWS Context WKT XLS XML Drawing Editing Graticule Measure Pan control Minimap Permalink Clustering Wednesday, 16 January 13

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quality of features Images Markers Popups Vectors XYZ tiles GeoJSON WMS Layer groups Inertial pan Scroll zoom Dblclick zoom Box zoom Keyboard nav Pinch zoom Dbltap zoom Marker drag Pan anim Zoom anim Zoom buttons Attribution Layer switcher Scale Wednesday, 16 January 13

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quality of features Images Markers Popups Vectors XYZ tiles GeoJSON WMS Layer groups Inertial pan Scroll zoom Dblclick zoom Box zoom Keyboard nav Pinch zoom Dbltap zoom Marker drag Pan anim Zoom anim Zoom buttons Attribution Layer switcher Scale + third-party plugins Wednesday, 16 January 13

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simplicity Wednesday, 16 January 13

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var map ='map') .setView([51.505, -0.09], 13); API: as simple as possible Wednesday, 16 January 13

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var map ='map') .setView([51.505, -0.09], 13); L.tileLayer( 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png') .addTo(map); API: as simple as possible Wednesday, 16 January 13

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var map ='map') .setView([51.505, -0.09], 13); L.tileLayer( 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png') .addTo(map); L.marker([51.5, -0.09]) .addTo(map) .bindPopup('Hello World!') .openPopup(); API: as simple as possible Wednesday, 16 January 13

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code: simple outside, simple inside Wednesday, 16 January 13

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the poetry of code express deep meaning through simple words Wednesday, 16 January 13

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some code needs a comment? rewrite the code to be transparent instead Wednesday, 16 January 13

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backwards compatibility Wednesday, 16 January 13

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backwards compatibility Wednesday, 16 January 13

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backwards compatibility full throttle! continuous API improvement (well-documented) Wednesday, 16 January 13

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modern legacy (IE 6-8) mobile (iOS, Android) browser support Wednesday, 16 January 13

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modern legacy (IE 6-8) mobile (iOS, Android) browser support Wednesday, 16 January 13

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modern mobile legacy (accessible) поддержка браузеров Wednesday, 16 January 13

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fast responsive lightweight Wednesday, 16 January 13

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(min, gzip) JS 27KB CSS 1.8KB PNG 3.2KB Wednesday, 16 January 13

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Wednesday, 16 January 13

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design matters as much as code Wednesday, 16 January 13

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Wednesday, 16 January 13

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Wednesday, 16 January 13

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kaizen continuous improvement Wednesday, 16 January 13

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Thanks! Questions? Vladimir Agafonkin Wednesday, 16 January 13

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Slide 65 text photos used (Creative Commons) Wednesday, 16 January 13