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Pragmatic Machine Learning for iOS apps

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About • Khoa • iOS developer, at Shortcut • https:/ /

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Agenda • Deep Learning • Layer in Neural Network • Activation Functions • Training in Neural Network • Loss, Learning Rate • Train, Test & Validation Sets • Predicting • Overfitting

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Agenda (cont) • Convolutional Neural networks & visualizing • Zero padding, max pooling • Explain back propagation • Vanishing & Exploding Gradient • Weight Initialization & Bias • Learnable parameters • Regularizationm, batch size, fine tuning and batch normalization

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My Sentosa

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Pragmatic How I replicated an $86 million project in 57 lines of code

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CoreML • Computer Vision: image classification • Natural Language: language idenification, tokenization • Speech: speech recognition

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Image classification Preprocess photos using the Vision framework and classify them with a Core ML model. iOS app Avengers https:/ /

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Avengers • SwiftUI • CoreML • Vision

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Tools • IBM Watson • Azure Custom Vision • Google AutoML • Firebase Vision Edge • CreateML • Turi Create

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Data set • Google images download https:/ / images-download • Data augmentation

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IBM Watson Visual Recognition • https:/ / • https:/ / • https:/ / • https:/ /

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IBM Watson Visual Recognition - Service

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IBM Watson Visual Recognition - Assets

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IBM Watson Visual Recognition - Train

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IBM Watson Visual Recognition - Watson SDK let classifierID = "your-classifier-id" let failure = { (error: Error) in print(error) } visualRecognition.updateLocalModel(classifierID: classifierID, failure: failure) { print("model updated") }

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CoreML + Vision let model = try VNCoreMLModel(for: IBMWatson().model) let request = VNCoreMLRequest(model: model, completionHandler: { request, error in let results = request.results as? [VNClassificationObservation], let handler = VNImageRequestHandler(cgImage: image.cgImage!, options: [:]) try handler.perform([request])

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Azure Custom Vision • https:/ /

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Azure Custom Vision - Project

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Azure Custom Vision - Assets

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Azure Custom Vision - Train

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Google Cloud AutoML Vision • https:/ / • https:/ /

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Google Cloud AutoML Vision

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Google Cloud AutoML Vision - Dataset

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Google Cloud AutoML Vision - Google Cloud Storage https:/ /

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Firebase AutoML Vision Edge

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Firebase AutoML Vision Edge - Dataset

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Firebase AutoML Vision Edge - Dataset

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Firebase AutoML Vision Edge - Train pod 'Firebase/MLModelInterpreter'

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Fritz AI

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CreateML • Activity, Sound, Image, Text, Tabular Classification • Word tagger • Recommendor • Object detection

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CreateML - Create Document

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CreateML - Data

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CreateML - Train

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CreateMLUI Playground • macOS Playground

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Turi Create • https:/ / • Open source Python framework • Latest version 5.8

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Turi Create

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Turi Create - SFrame import turicreate as tc import os # 1. Load images data = tc.image_analysis.load_images('dataset', with_path=True) # 2. Create label column based on folder name data['hero_name'] = data['path'].apply(lambda path: os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(path))) # 3. Save as .sframe'turi.sframe') # 4. Explore data.explore()

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Turi Create - Visualization

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Turi Create - Training import turicreate as tc # 1. Load the data data = tc.SFrame('turi.sframe') # 2. Split to train and test data train_data, test_data = data.random_split(0.8) # 3. Create model model = tc.image_classifier.create(train_data, target='hero_name') # 4. Predictions predictions = model.predict(test_data) # 5. Evaluate the model and show metrics metrics = model.evaluate(test_data) print(metrics['accuracy']) # 6. Save the model'turi.model') # 7. Export to CoreML format model.export_coreml('model/TuriCreate.mlmodel')

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Turi Create - Transfer Learning resnet-50 model = tc.image_classifier.create(train_data, target='hero_name', model='squeezenet_v1.1')

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Writing • Machine Learning in iOS: IBM Watson and CoreML • Machine Learning in iOS: Azure Custom Vision and CoreML • Machine Learning in iOS: Turi Create and CoreML • Vision in iOS: Text detection and Tesseract recognition

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