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Docker monitor Dexter Benoni 17/05/2023

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Summary Introduction I) Project overview 1) Purpose & personal goal 2) Stack & architecture II) Current State & improvements idea 1) Demonstration 2) Next steps 2

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3 Introduction ➢ Software developer consultant @Akkodis ➢ Current stacks: React, VueJS, Spring-boot, Flutter, Google Cloud ➢ Interested by software development in general (web, mobile, embedded) ➢ Reach me out: linkedin , mail , github

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4 Project Overview

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Motivations 5 ➢ Implement clean architecture with flutter ➢ Use Python on a real case & learn the basic

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Goals 6 ➢ Implement a dashboard to manage docker container.

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8 I - Project overview 2) Stack & Architecture

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9 I - Project overview 2) Stack & Architecture

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10 Current State & improvements idea

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11 II - Current State & improvements idea 1) Demonstration ➢ Start & Stop Container ➢ Create an image with a Dockerfile ➢ Metrics of the containers

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12 II - Current State & improvements idea 2) Next steps ➢ Separate the server from the Flask API (K8S node) ➢ Send notifications throught pub/sub system (e.g: Twilio, Firebase trigger) ➢ Using a database to store all actions perform by users ➢ Implement a shell prompt in the web UI

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13 Ressources ➢ ntainers.html#container-objects ➢ ➢ r/tree/develop ➢ AydQ

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