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Hash Table

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What does a hash table do ? A hash table is a data structure that uses hashing to implement mappings of key / value pairs.

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What does a hash table do ? A simplistic diagram 1. Takes a key / value pair as input 2. Key goes through the hash function and returns an index 3. The pair is stored at that index hash function 1 { key: value }

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What makes the hash table great ? • A hash function is irreversible. One cannot take the index and find the key. It only works one way. • A hash table is deterministic system. One gets the same result from the same input every time. • A hash table is very efficient. The time complexity in big O notation is O(1).

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Notes • However it is possible for two different inputs to return the same result. This is called a collision. • Collisions are stored in a nested array. This method is called seperate chaining. • This is also why the time complexity worst case is O(n), n being the number of inputs.

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Before we get to the code • Hash tables are included in most programming languages. This article is for a better understanding on how they work than a tutorial on how to implement one yourself. • In the following code example, we will implement an simple hash function. There are multiple ways to write them.

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code review Hash Table

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First comes the hash function. It takes a key of type string and an integer size as parameter.

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The hashedkey is the sum of each character's code.

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The size is the length of the array storing the key/value pairs. Thus hashedkey % size returns the index.

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Then the hash table as an IIFE to immediately create the instance.

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Fill the buckets array with Map objects to handle collisions.

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The insert function invoking the hash function to get the index.

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Then use the set method from Map object to store the key/value pair.

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The remove function will save the value of the element to be removed with the get method of the Map object.

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The delete method of Map will remove the element.

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The search function returns the value with get method of Map with the appropriate index returned by the hash function.

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The myBuckets function simply logs the buckets array.

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All that is left to do is return the closures in an object.

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Since we referenced hashTable to an Immediatly Invoked Function Expression, we can just invoke our methods.

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