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1 Implementations and Optimization Molecular Dynamics Method: Theory and Implementation Department of Applied Physics and Physico-Informatics, Keio University Hiroshi Watanabe

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2 for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; i++){ for (int j = i + 1; j < N; j++){ calculate_force(i, j); } } i-atom j-atom

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3 分子動力学法 qiita I wrote a review to implemente MD (written in Japanese)

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4 Implementing MD is EASY! But optimizations are… 1. Architecture of Computer 2. Memory Optimization 3. Architecture Dependent Optimization

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5 Architecture of Computer What you should know before optimization

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6 CPU Memory ALU/FPU Data Store to memory Bottleneck is Memory Fetch from memory Computer is a machine which 1. fetches data from memory 2. calculates something on ALU/FPU 3. stores the results to memory

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7 Latency Time from requesting data to receiving data Cache access: ~ 10 cycle Memory access: 100 ~ 1000 cycle Throughput Rate to fetch the data from memory to CPU Bytes/Flops (B/F) : Ratio of memory bandwidth and computing power Random access to memory severely degrade the performance

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8 Decoder Execution Unit Cache Memory Fetch the data and instruction, pass to the execution unit, and store the results. 3 ~ 6 cycles are required for one floating point operation Pipeline Performance (Flops) Frequency = Belt conveyor Still 6 cycles for one calculation, but 1006 cycles for 1000 calculations. → Roughly one cycle for one calculation

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9 Multi instructions in a single cycle But who should do it? Pipeline allows us to achieve one calculation in one cycle. CPU Frequency = Performance Increase in frequency of CPU has been saturated.

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10 Data Fetch Dependency Check Fetch multiple data and instructions, pass them to many FPUs simultaneously FPU FPU Dependency check becomes hopelessly difficult Backward Compatibility Superscalar

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11 Compiler arranges data and instructions No check Simple hardware Dependency check is unnecessary. VLIW (Very long instruction word) Loose backward compatibility Extremely clever compiler is required

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12 A programmer arranges the data No check Calculate 2 ~ 8 operations simultaneously Current architecture: Superscalor (2) + SIMD (4 ~ 8) Simple Hardware Backward Compatibility SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) Programming is very hard. Auto vectorization is still not effective.

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13 Memory Optimization

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14 Interaction in long distance is negligibly small. Cutoff length

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15 Pairlist List of atoms whose distance are within cutoff length Simple Implementation O(N^2) → Achieve O(N) by grid search Grid Search Divide the simulation box into small cells. Exclusive Grid Method Hard disks High density Non-Exclusive Grid method Soft Core Low density At most one atom for each cell Many atoms in each cell

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16 Data Structure Multi dimensional array int GridParticleNumber[4]; Number of atoms in each cell int GridParticleIndex[4][10]; Atom Indeces 0 1 2 3 1 4 9 7 8 5 12 6 11 10 0 2 3 13 GridParticleIndex is sparse → Cache miss 1 4 9 7 5 8 6 0 2 3 10 13 12 11 GridParticleIndex[i][j] Index of j-th atom in i-th cell

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17 Integer Sort Algorithm with O(N) 1. Count the number of keys: O(N) 2. Find the position where the data will be stored. 3. Store the data: O(N) 3,4,2,3,5,5,1,2,1,3 1: 2 2: 2 3: 3 4: 1 5: 2 1 2 3 4 5 Very useful algorithm for optimization

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18 One-dimensional Array Implementation 1. Prepare the array with size N 2. Count the number of atoms in each cell 3. Place the pointer of each cell 4. Put an atom and increment the pointer 5. Repeat above for all atoms 0 1 2 3 1 4 9 7 8 5 12 6 11 10 0 2 3 13 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 10 13 4 9 5 7 8 12 6 11 Completed Array Densely packed (High Cache Efficiency) (所属セル番号が主キー、粒子番号が副キーのソート)

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19 Construction of pairlist is heavy task. → Reuse the pairlist with margin Cutoff Search Length Margin Margin = Lifetime of pairlist Decrease the lifetime by Vmax * h (h is a timestep) Construct pairlist when lifetime < 0 Cutoff Margin Worst Case On-head collision of the fastest atoms Expiration Check Pairlist contains the pair which are actually out of interaction → Conditional branch in the inner most loop

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20 Force Calculation Calculating force with pairlist Store the pair in two arrays PairList Arrays of Pair 1 0 0 2 3 3 1 1 2 3 0 2 9 2 1 7 9 5 2 4 8 4 5 6 1 9 0 2 0 1 2 7 3 9 3 5 1 2 1 4 2 8 3 4 0 5 2 6 i-atom j-atom i-atom j-atom Fetch two atoms’ positions (48 bytes) Store two atoms’ momenta (48 bytes)

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21 Grouping by i-atoms Pairlist 1 9 0 2 0 1 2 7 3 9 3 5 1 2 1 4 2 8 3 4 0 5 2 6 0 1 2 5 Grouped by i-atoms 1 2 5 2 4 9 6 7 8 4 5 9 Sorted List 1 2 4 9 2 6 7 8 3 4 5 9 Array Representation 0 1 2 3 Information of i-atoms are stored on registers. Fetch j-atoms’ positions and store j-atoms’ momenta only i-atom j-atom i粒子 j粒子 Counting Sort by i-atoms

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22 Close in simulation box, far in memory → High Cache-miss rate 0 1 2 3 1 4 9 7 8 5 12 6 11 10 0 2 3 13 0 1 2 3 0 2 1 4 5 3 6 7 8 12 9 13 10 11 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 10 13 4 9 5 7 8 12 6 11 9 0 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Renumbering

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23 L2 Cache (256 KB) L3 Cache (8 MB) With Renumbering Without Renumbering Atoms Without Renumbering:Degradation depending on cache size With Renumbering: Performance is virtually depend on # of atoms L2 L3 Higher is Better

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24 Fetch Data Calc r^2 Calc Force Store Data Fetch Data Calc r^2 Calc Force Store Data Loop 1 Loop N ・・・ Memory Access Calculation Dependency Fetch Data Calc r^2 Calc Force Store Data Fetch Data Calc r^2 Calc Force Store Data Fetch Data Calc r^2 ・・・ independent Loop 1 Calc Force Store Data Loop N-1 Improving IPC (Instructions per Cycle)

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25 Architecture dependent Optimization

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26 const int N = 100000; void func(double a[N], double b[N]){ for(int i=0;i 0 then jump to L2 (3) a[i] = a[i] + b[i] L2: (4) i = i + 1 (5) jump to L1 when i < N Pseudo Assembly Code This kind of code can be very inefficient. Since an instruction to be executed next cannot be determined until the comparison completed.

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27 void func2(double a[N], double b[N]){ for(int i=0;i= 0.0) tmp = 0.0; a[i] += tmp; } } const int N = 100000; void func(double a[N], double b[N]){ for(int i=0;i 0 then tmp = 0 (3) Move tmp to a[i] (4) i = i + 1 (5) jump to L1 when i < N Conditional branch involving jump is eliminated.

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28 const int pn = particle_number; for (int i = 0; i < pn; i++) { const int kp = pointer[i]; const int np = number_of_partners[i]; const double qix = q[i][X]; const double qiy = q[i][Y]; const double qiz = q[i][Z]; double pix = 0.0; double piy = 0.0; double piz = 0.0; for (int k = 0; k < np; k++) { const int j = sorted_list[kp + k]; double dx = q[j][X] - qix; double dy = q[j][Y] - qiy; double dz = q[j][Z] - qiz; double r2 = (dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz); if (r2 > CL2) continue; double r6 = r2 * r2 * r2; double df = ((24.0 * r6 - 48.0) / (r6 * r6 * r2)) * dt; pix += df * dx; piy += df * dy; piz += df * dz; p[j][X] -= df * dx; p[j][Y] -= df * dy; p[j][Z] -= df * dz; } p[i][X] += pix; p[i][Y] += piy; p[i][Z] += piz; } for i-atoms for j-atoms calculate distance if r2 > cutoff then continue calculate force store momenta end for end for

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29 const int pn = particle_number; for (int i = 0; i < pn; i++) { const int kp = pointer[i]; const int np = number_of_partners[i]; const double qix = q[i][X]; const double qiy = q[i][Y]; const double qiz = q[i][Z]; double pix = 0.0; double piy = 0.0; double piz = 0.0; for (int k = 0; k < np; k++) { const int j = sorted_list[kp + k]; double dx = q[j][X] - qix; double dy = q[j][Y] - qiy; double dz = q[j][Z] - qiz; double r2 = (dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz); //if (r2 > CL2) continue; double r6 = r2 * r2 * r2; double df = ((24.0 * r6 - 48.0) / (r6 * r6 * r2)) * dt; if (r2 > CL2) df = 0.0; pix += df * dx; piy += df * dy; piz += df * dz; p[j][X] -= df * dx; p[j][Y] -= df * dy; p[j][Z] -= df * dz; } p[i][X] += pix; p[i][Y] += piy; p[i][Z] += piz; } for i-atoms for j-atoms calculate distance calculate force if r2 > cutoff then f=0 store momenta end for end for

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30 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 条件分岐削除なし 条件分岐削除あり Without elimination With elimination Execution time was reduced by 30% 119164 LJ atoms, Density 1.0, Cutoff 3.0 Xeon E5-2680 v3 @ 2.50GHz Lower is better Execution Time

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31 Theoretical Performance CPU Frequency Instructions per cycle operations per instructions = x x Single Instruction Multiple Data 1 5 3 2 3 2 12 9 3 10 36 18 X = Calculate packed data simultaneously by a single instruction Superscalar SIMD It has not increased since around 2000. reached to the limit possibility of development only here

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32 Load/Store D C B A Memory Register D C B A Packing is Slow D C B A Memory Register Move is Fast D C B A Other SIMD Instructions D C B A B C A D Shuffle Scatter D C B A C C C C Blending H G F E D C B A H C F A Mask D 0 0 A D C B A ○ × × ○ Vector Calculation a1 a2 a3 a4 b1 b2 b3 b4 c1 c2 c3 c4 + =

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33 SIMD strongly depends on the ISA (Instruction Set Architecture). → Write with assembly language (or intrinsic functions of C language) v4df vqj_a = _mm256_load_pd((double*)(q + j_a)); v4df vdq_a = (vqj_a - vqi); v4df vd1_a = vdq_a * vdq_a; v4df vd2_a = _mm256_permute4x64_pd(vd1_a, 201); v4df vd3_a = _mm256_permute4x64_pd(vd1_a, 210); v4df vr2_a = vd1_a + vd2_a + vd3_a; We call functions for Load/Store/Shuffle. We can write arithmetic operations and sbstitutions simply. Examples

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34 Simple Grouping Software Pipelin Haswell Skylake ×1.14 ×1.24 ×1.44 ×1.07 120,000 atoms, density: 1.0, cutoff 3.0 Time required to calculate 100 loops [ms] Consider the SIMD vectorization from here Simple Grouping Software Pipelin

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35 • Unroll the loop by four times. • Calculate four j-atoms simultaneously. Simple Implementation Fetch four coordinates and store them to a register ※ Similar for y, z Packed four distances

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36 What happened D C B A D C B A D C B A A Memory xmm0 D C B A B A xmm0 vmovsd vmovhpd D C B A C D C B A D C memory vmovsd vmovhpd B A ymm0 xmm1 xmm1 D C D C xmm1 (1) Fetch A (2) Fetch B (3) Fetch C (4) Fetch D (5) Data copy vinsertf128 ※ We have to do them for x, y, z coordinates Hopelessly slow Memory Register Memory

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37 AoS with padding double q[N][4], p[N][4]; Z Y X Z Y X Z Y X Z Y X Why? Three coordinates (x,y,z) can be loaded to 256-bit register simultaneously. However, 64-bits are wasted. Z Y X Z Y X Z Y X Z Y X movupd/movapd ymm Z Y X ※Array of Structure

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38 Z Y X i-atom Z Y X - j-atom dz dy dx Relative Coodinates dz1 dy1 dx1 dz2 dy2 dx2 dz3 dy3 dx3 dz4 dy4 dx4 calculate 4 pairs dx1 dx2 dx3 dx4 dy1 dy2 dy3 dy4 dz1 dz2 dz3 dz4 transpose r4 r3 r2 r1 Sum of squares packded distance v4df vdq_1 = vq_j1 - vq_i; v4df vdq_2 = vq_j2 - vq_i; v4df vdq_3 = vq_j3 - vq_i; v4df vdq_4 = vq_j4 - vq_i; v4df tmp0 = _mm256_unpacklo_pd(vdq_1, vdq_2); v4df tmp1 = _mm256_unpackhi_pd(vdq_1, vdq_2); v4df tmp2 = _mm256_unpacklo_pd(vdq_3, vdq_4); v4df tmp3 = _mm256_unpackhi_pd(vdq_3, vdq_4); v4df vdx = _mm256_permute2f128_pd(tmp0, tmp2, 0x20); v4df vdy = _mm256_permute2f128_pd(tmp1, tmp3, 0x20); v4df vdz = _mm256_permute2f128_pd(tmp0, tmp2, 0x31); v4df vr2 = vdx * vdx + vdy * vdy + vdz * vdz; Relative Coordinates Transpose Sum of squres

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39 Pairlist contains the pair which are actually out of interaction (Bookkeeping Method) → Mask Operation D2 C2 B2 A2 D1 C1 B1 A1 N P P N src1 src2 mask D2 C1 B1 A2 vblendvpd: Choose elements by sign of mask Create mask by interaction length and cutoff length, store zero to force. 0 0 0 0 src1 src2 0 0 Pair A and D are outof interaction

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40 AVX2 Haswell Skylake ×1.14 ×1.24 ×1.63 ×1.44 ×1.07 ×2.31 SIMD vectorization worked very effectively on Skylake. Simple Grouping Software Pipelin AVX2 Simple Grouping Software Pipelin 120,000 atoms, density: 1.0, cutoff 3.0 Time required to calculate 100 loops [ms]

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41 gather/scatter D C B A Memory Register D C B A Packing is hopelessly slow with AVX2 H G F E D C Memory Register H G F E We can gather 8 elements from memory simultaneously with AVX-512 D C B A B A We also have a scatter instruction.

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42 KNL Skylake In KNL, it is faster to leave it to the compiler than to use AVX2 Benchmark on KNL AVX2 Simple Grouping Software Pipelin AVX2 Simple Grouping Software Pipelin

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43 for (int k = 0; k < np; k++) { const int j = sorted_list2[kp + k]; double dx = q[j][X] - qix; double dy = q[j][Y] - qiy; double dz = q[j][Z] - qiz; double r2 = (dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz); double r6 = r2 * r2 * r2; double df = ((24.0 * r6 - 48.0) / (r6 * r6 * r2)) * dt; if (r2 > CL2) df = 0.0; pfx += df * dx; pfy += df * dy; pfz += df * dz; p[j][X] -= df * dx; p[j][Y] -= df * dy; p[j][Z] -= df * dz; } 1. Unroll loop by 8 times 2. Fetch 8 indicies with vmovdqu32 3. gather coordinates and calculate force 4. Collision identification with vpconflictd 5. Scatter if there are no collision Inner most loop i-atom j-atoms Compiler does not know there are no collision.

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44 Write gather/scatter by hand Compiler added the codes for collision detection. Since we know there are no collision, we can eliminate them. ×1.93 ×1.09 Performance improvement is still unsatisfactory... Simple Grouping Write gather/scatterby hand Compiler Write by hand

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45 Change the Data Structure AoS Z Y X Z Y X Z Y X Z Y X SoA Z Z Z Z Z Y Y Y Y Y X X X X X Remainder Loop Elimination (RLE) We can perform 8 loops simultaneously. Then the reminder loop is up to 7. → Eliminate the remainder loop by masking. Software Pipelining (SWP) Improve IPC by software pipelining optimization. Data becomes continuous. (Bit-shift for gather/scatter becomes unnecessary)

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46 ×1.93 ×1.09 ×1.21 ×1.09 ×1.32 SoA+RLE SoA+ RLE+SWP Results Performance is improved by 30% Simple Grouping Write gather/scatterby hand

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47 Z Z Z Z Z Y Y Y Y Y X X X X X SoA VZ VZ VZ VZ VZ VY VY VY VY VY VX VX VX VX VX Coordinates Momenta Cache Line Size (512 Byte) AoS 8-packed 0 VZ VY VX 0 Z Y X 0 VZ VY VX 0 Z Y X Information of one atom Cache Line Size (512 Byte) Cache Line Size (512 Byte) Change the data structure from SoA to AoS 8-packed Information of one atom matches to cache line size. 75% usage of cache line

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48 SoA+ RLE+ SWP AoS 8 + RLE+SWP ×1.93 ×1.09 ×1.21 ×1.09 ×1.05 ×1.39 51% faster than automatic vectorization of compiler Results ×1.51 SoA+RLE Simple Grouping Write gather/scatterby hand

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49 ×1.22 ×1.28 ×1.39 ×1.03 Simple Grouping AVX-512: Write gather/scatterby hand AVX-512: AoS 8 + RLE + SWP AVX2: AoS 8 + RLE + SWP Skylake (Xeon) On Skylake (Xeon), AVX2 is faster than AVX-512. Compiler did not use gather/scatter.

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50 Explicit SIMD vectorization may give us substantial increase in performance. Effective SIMD vectorization involves change of data structure SIMD vectorization strongly depends on architecture. → Different code for different architecture