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Making Service Launches Boring with Tracing Karthik Kumar @k4rkum LightStep Inc.

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“My team has Distributed Tracing, I just don’t know when it’s useful” -Francisco (Last month’s SRE meetup)

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Distributed Tracing What is tracing? What are some best practices? When is it useful?

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What are traces? Logs Traces = CONTEXT Span Trace

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How do I get traces?

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What can I do with traces?

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When is tracing useful?

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Scenario: launching a new service

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Scenario: launching a new service

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Scenario: launching a new service

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Scenario: my service is crashing

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Scenario: my service is crashing

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Scenario: my service is crashing

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Scenario: my service isn’t doing its job

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Scenario: my service isn’t doing its job

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Scenario: my service is getting DDoS-ed

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Scenario: my service is getting DDoS-ed

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Scenario: my service is getting DDoS-ed

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Scenario: I want to track service SLOs my service’s SLO my provider’s SLO

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Scenario: I want to improve instrumentation

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Tracing Best Practices

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Tip #1: Trace close to business value Identify important transactions Identify critical path of request Add traces!

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Critical path exposes bottlenecks

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Tip #2: Trace communication libraries

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Tip #3: Trace your dependencies Identify downstream services/data store drivers/platform SDKs/3rd party APIs Add or adopt traces!

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PaaS Down Detector

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Learn from our mistakes

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Tip #4: Add useful tags Version tags to track deployments Feature flags tags to track config changes Host identifier tags to correlate with machine metrics Customer identifier tags to correlate with business value

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Summary When is distributed tracing valuable? Rolling out new services Finding and fixing issues Identifying optimizations

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Summary What are some distributed tracing best practices? Trace close to your caller Trace communication layer Trace dependencies Add useful tags

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Questions? @k4rkum

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Analyzing Metrics Set thresholds and alerts Look for correlated variance across metrics Aggregate across dimensions*

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Analyzing Logs Complex, full-text search Granular analysis of rare events

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Metrics & Logs are not enough Metrics Scoped to a single system Vulnerable to high-cardinality tags Logs Scoped to a single system Cost scales with usage

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Life is a box of trade-offs Logs Metrics Traces Cost scales gracefully – ✓ ✓ Accounts for all data (i.e., unsampled) ✓ ✓ – Immune to cardinality ✓ – ✓