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PHPͰΞΫλʔϞσϧΛ ׆༻ͨ͠ Sagaύλʔϯͷ࣮ફ๏ PHPerKaigi 2025 ytake

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Pro fi le • ஛ᖒ ༗و a.k.a ytake • ઍגࣜձࣾ CTO גࣜձࣾACESɺגࣜձࣾωοτϓϩςΫγϣϯζٕज़ސ໰ • Go / Scala / Kotlin

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Sagaύλʔϯͱ͸ • ෳ਺ͷαʔϏεʢ෺ཧతʹ෼͔Ε͍ͯΔ΋ͷʣʹ·͕ͨΔॲཧͰ Ұͭʹ·ͱ·ͬͨτϥϯβΫγϣϯͷΑ͏ʹѻ͏ͨΊͷύλʔϯ • ్தͷॲཧ͕ࣦഊͨ͠৔߹ɺ γεςϜશମΛໃ६ͷͳ͍ঢ়ଶʹ໭ͨ͢Ίͷ ʮิঈτϥϯβΫγϣϯʯΛ࣮ߦ

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ฦ඼ • ϨγʔτΛ΋ͱʹɺฦ඼ɾฦۚͯ͠΋Β͏ ߪೖͷࣄ࣮͕࢒͍ͬͯΔ • ঎඼͸͓ళʹ໭Γɺ͓ۚ͸ࣗ෼ͷखݩʹฦͬͯ͘Δ

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ࣦഊ͔Βͷճ෮ઓུ • ࣦഊͨ͠৔߹ʹલͷঢ়ଶʹ໭ͤΔ͜ͱ • ్தͷॲཧ͕ࣦഊͨ͠৔߹ɺϦτϥΠ͢Δ • ଞͷϥϯλΠϜͰॲཧ͕ߦΘΕͯ΋ໃ६͕ൃੜ͠ͳ͍Α͏ʹ͢Δ

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࣮૷͢Δ৔߹ • ΠϕϯτιʔγϯάͰલͷঢ়ଶʹ໭ͤΔΑ͏ʹ • Πϕϯτ͸ঢ়ଶͷεφοϓγϣοτʹ • ෭໰߹ͤΛߦͬͯঢ়ଶ෮ݩ͢Δܗʹ͸͠ͳ͍ʂ

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ؾΛ͚ͭΑ͏ • ର৅ͷ΋ͷҎ֎͸௨ৗʹՔಇ • ଞͷ΋ͷΛελοΫͤ͞ͳ͍Α͏ʹ • ࣌ܥྻ͕લޙ͠ͳ͍Α͏ʹ

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ۚમৼସγφϦΦ • Account1 ͔Β Account2 ΁ 10ԁΛૹۚ͢ΔγφϦΦ • ޱ࠲͕ϦϞʔταʔϏεͱͯ͠ಈ࡞͢Δ৔߹ʹى͜Γ͏Δ ϦΫΤετڋ൱ɺΫϥογϡɺϏδʔঢ়ଶɺλΠϜΞ΢τͳͲΛ ߟྀ

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੒ޭ • Account1 ͷ࢒ߴ͸ 0 ԁɺAccount2 ͷ࢒ߴ͸ 20 ԁ • ظ଴௨Γʹ͓ޓ͍ͷॲཧ͕ਖ਼ৗʹऴΘΔ

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ࣦഊ • Account1 ͱ Account2 ͷ࢒ߴ͸ͦΕͧΕ 10 ԁ (Ұ؏ੑͷ͋Δঢ়ଶ) • ظ଴௨Γʹ͓ޓ͍ͷঢ়ଶ͕΋ͱʹ໭Δ

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ࣦഊγφϦΦ΁ͷରԠ:ϦτϥΠ • Ұ࣌తͳΤϥʔʢϏδʔঢ়ଶɺλΠϜΞ΢τʣʹରͯ͠ɺ Ұఆճ਺ϦτϥΠΛࢼΈΔ

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ิঈॲཧ (ϩʔϧόοΫ) • Debit ͕੒ޭ͕ͨ͠ Credit ͕ࣦഊͨ͠৔߹ɺ Debit ΛऔΓফͨ͢Ίʹ Credit Λ Account1 ʹ໭͢

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ΤεΧϨʔγϣϯ • ϦτϥΠ΍ิঈॲཧ͕͏·͍͔͘ͳ͍৔߹ɺ खಈհೖ͕ඞཁͱͳΔՄೳੑ͕͋ΔͨΊɺ ΤεΧϨʔγϣϯઓུΛઃ͚Δ

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ႈ౳ੑ • Account αʔϏε͕ϦτϥΠ࣌ʹಉ͡ϝοηʔδΛ ෳ਺ճड͚औͬͯ΋ಉ݁͡Ռ͕ಘΒΕΔΑ͏ʹɺ ႈ౳Ͱ͋Δඞཁ͕͋Γ • ॲཧࡁΈͷϝοηʔδΛอ؅͠ɺ ॏෳͨ͠ϝοηʔδʹରͯ͠͸ಉ͡Ԡ౴Λฦ͢

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Similar to akka, pekko and Proto Actor

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ɹPHPΛ௨ͯ͡ ΞΫλʔϞσϧ͕ ମݧͰ͖ΔπʔϧΩοτ *঎༻΍࣮ફ͸ଞݴޠΛ͓નΊ͠·͢

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ߏ੒ • Runner - సૹϓϩηεΛ։࢝͠ɺ݁ՌΛऩू͢ΔओཁͳΞΫλʔ • Account - ࢒ߴΛ࣋ͪɺೖۚ/ग़ۚૢ࡞Λॲཧ͢ΔΞΫλʔ • TransferProcess - ΞΧ΢ϯτؒͷૹۚΛ੍ޚ͢ΔΞΫλʔ • AccountProxy - TransferProcessͱAccountΞΫλʔؒͷ௨৴Λ஥հ

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TransferProcess ΞΫλʔ • సૹΛ؅ཧ͢Δ੹೚Λ࣋ͭ • Process Manager • ׬ྃͨ͠εςοϓΛ௥੻͠ɺࣦഊ࣌ʹิঈાஔΛద༻ • BehaviorɺPersistenceɺSupervisionར༻ʂ

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Process Manager

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Behavior • ΞΫλʔ͕ड৴͢Δϝοηʔδʹର͢Δॲཧͷఆٛ • ΞΫλʔ͸ ঢ়ଶΛ࣋ͨͣʢεςʔτϨεʣͰ͸ͳ͍ • ΞΫλʔ͸ঢ়ଶΛ࣋ͪಈతʹ ৼΔ෣͍Λมߋ ͢Δ

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Become / Unbecome • Become ৽͍͠ৼΔ෣͍ʹʮมԽʯ͢Δʢྫ: ঢ়ଶભҠΛ൐͏ಈ࡞ʣ มԽҎ߱ͷϝοηʔδ͸ ৽͍͠ৼΔ෣͍Ͱॲཧ • Unbecome ҎલͷৼΔ෣͍ʹʮ໭Δʯɺ·ͨ͸σϑΥϧτͷಈ࡞ʹϦηοτ

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class TransferProcess implements ActorInterface, PersistentInterface { use Mixin; private bool $processCompleted = false; private bool $restarting = false; private bool $stopping = false; public function __construct( private readonly Ref $from, private readonly Ref $to, private readonly float $amount, private readonly float $availability, private readonly Behavior $behavior = new Behavior() ) { $this->behavior->become( new ReceiveFunction( fn($context) => $this->starting($context) ) ); }

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class TransferProcess implements ActorInterface, PersistentInterface { use Mixin; private bool $processCompleted = false; private bool $restarting = false; private bool $stopping = false; public function __construct( private readonly Ref $from, private readonly Ref $to, private readonly float $amount, private readonly float $availability, private readonly Behavior $behavior = new Behavior() ) { $this->behavior->become( new ReceiveFunction( fn($context) => $this->starting($context) ) ); } 1FSTJTUFODFΛ࢖͏͜ͱͰɺ ΞΫλʔࣗ਎͕Ͳ͏ͳ͔ͬͨΛอ؅ ͭ·Γ&WFOU4PVSDJOH

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class TransferProcess implements ActorInterface, PersistentInterface { use Mixin; private bool $processCompleted = false; private bool $restarting = false; private bool $stopping = false; public function __construct( private readonly Ref $from, private readonly Ref $to, private readonly float $amount, private readonly float $availability, private readonly Behavior $behavior = new Behavior() ) { $this->behavior->become( new ReceiveFunction( fn($context) => $this->starting($context) ) ); } 1IMVYPSͰ͸.JYJO5SBJUʹجຊ࣮૷͋Γ ར༻͢Δͱঢ়ଶ෮ݩͳͲΛࣗಈͰߦ͏

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class TransferProcess implements ActorInterface, PersistentInterface { use Mixin; private bool $processCompleted = false; private bool $restarting = false; private bool $stopping = false; public function __construct( private readonly Ref $from, private readonly Ref $to, private readonly float $amount, private readonly float $availability, private readonly Behavior $behavior = new Behavior() ) { $this->behavior->become( new ReceiveFunction( fn($context) => $this->starting($context) ) ); } ΞΫλʔͷৼΔ෣͍Λมߋ͢Δ #FIBJWPS

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class TransferProcess implements ActorInterface, PersistentInterface { use Mixin; private bool $processCompleted = false; private bool $restarting = false; private bool $stopping = false; public function __construct( private readonly Ref $from, private readonly Ref $to, private readonly float $amount, private readonly float $availability, private readonly Behavior $behavior = new Behavior() ) { $this->behavior->become( new ReceiveFunction( fn($context) => $this->starting($context) ) ); } ͜ͷΞΫλʔͷॳظঢ়ଶͱͯ͠ TUBSUJOHϝιου͕ಈ͘

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private function starting(ContextInterface $context): void { if ($context->message() instanceof Started) { $context->spawnNamed($this->tryDebit($this->from, -$this->amount), 'DebitAttempt'); $this->persistEvent(new ProtoBuf\TransferStarted()); } } private function tryDebit(Ref $targetActor, float $amount): Props { return Props::fromProducer( fn() => new AccountProxy( $targetActor, fn($sender) => new Debit($amount, $sender) ) ); }

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private function starting(ContextInterface $context): void { if ($context->message() instanceof Started) { $context->spawnNamed($this->tryDebit($this->from, -$this->amount), 'DebitAttempt'); $this->persistEvent(new ProtoBuf\TransferStarted()); } } private function tryDebit(Ref $targetActor, float $amount): Props { return Props::fromProducer( fn() => new AccountProxy( $targetActor, fn($sender) => new Debit($amount, $sender) ) ); } %FCJUΞΫλʔΛੜ੒

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private function starting(ContextInterface $context): void { if ($context->message() instanceof Started) { $context->spawnNamed($this->tryDebit($this->from, -$this->amount), 'DebitAttempt'); $this->persistEvent(new ProtoBuf\TransferStarted()); } } private function tryDebit(Ref $targetActor, float $amount): Props { return Props::fromProducer( fn() => new AccountProxy( $targetActor, fn($sender) => new Debit($amount, $sender) ) ); } సૹ։࢝ΠϕϯτΛอ؅

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private function starting(ContextInterface $context): void { if ($context->message() instanceof Started) { $context->spawnNamed($this->tryDebit($this->from, -$this->amount), 'DebitAttempt'); $this->persistEvent(new ProtoBuf\TransferStarted()); } } private function tryDebit(Ref $targetActor, float $amount): Props { return Props::fromProducer( fn() => new AccountProxy( $targetActor, fn($sender) => new Debit($amount, $sender) ) ); } "DDPVOU1SPYZΛੜ੒͠ɺ ग़ۚϝοηʔδΛૹ৴

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Persistence • ΞΫλʔͷӬଓԽΛߦ͏ • ΞΫλʔͷϥΠϑαΠΫϧͱରԠ͓ͯ͠Γɺ ىಈ࣌ʹӬଓԽ͞Εͨঢ়ଶʹΞΫλʔΛ෮ݩ͢Δ • δϟʔφϧͱεφοϓγϣοτΛ૊Έ߹Θͤͯ࠷୹Ͱ෮ݩ͞ΕΔ • ࠷৽ঢ়ଶΛ͚࣋ͭͩɺͰ͸ͳ͍ͷ͕ϙΠϯτ

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private function applyEvent(Message $event): void { switch (true) { case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\TransferStarted: $this->behavior->become( new ReceiveFunction( fn($context) => $this->awaitingDebitConfirmation($context) ) ); break; case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\AccountDebited: $this->behavior->become( new ReceiveFunction( fn($context) => $this->awaitingCreditConfirmation($context) ) ); break; case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\CreditRefused: $this->behavior->become( new ReceiveFunction( fn($context) => $this->rollingBackDebit($context) ) ); break; case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\AccountCredited: case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\DebitRolledBack: case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\TransferFailed: $this->processCompleted = true; break; } }

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private function applyEvent(Message $event): void { switch (true) { case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\TransferStarted: $this->behavior->become( new ReceiveFunction( fn($context) => $this->awaitingDebitConfirmation($context) ) ); break; case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\AccountDebited: $this->behavior->become( new ReceiveFunction( fn($context) => $this->awaitingCreditConfirmation($context) ) ); break; case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\CreditRefused: $this->behavior->become( new ReceiveFunction( fn($context) => $this->rollingBackDebit($context) ) ); break; case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\AccountCredited: case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\DebitRolledBack: case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\TransferFailed: $this->processCompleted = true; break; } } ͍͔ͭ͘ͷΠϕϯτΛӬଓԽͨ͠ޙʹ ࣗΞΫλʔͷৼΔ෣͍Λมߋ͢Δ

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private function applyEvent(Message $event): void { switch (true) { case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\TransferStarted: $this->behavior->become( new ReceiveFunction( fn($context) => $this->awaitingDebitConfirmation($context) ) ); break; case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\AccountDebited: $this->behavior->become( new ReceiveFunction( fn($context) => $this->awaitingCreditConfirmation($context) ) ); break; case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\CreditRefused: $this->behavior->become( new ReceiveFunction( fn($context) => $this->rollingBackDebit($context) ) ); break; case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\AccountCredited: case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\DebitRolledBack: case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\TransferFailed: $this->processCompleted = true; break; } } ૹ͕ۚ։࢝͢Δͱɺ Ҿ͖མͱ͠ʹؔ͢ΔৼΔ෣͍ʹมԽ

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private function applyEvent(Message $event): void { switch (true) { case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\TransferStarted: $this->behavior->become( new ReceiveFunction( fn($context) => $this->awaitingDebitConfirmation($context) ) ); break; case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\AccountDebited: $this->behavior->become( new ReceiveFunction( fn($context) => $this->awaitingCreditConfirmation($context) ) ); break; case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\CreditRefused: $this->behavior->become( new ReceiveFunction( fn($context) => $this->rollingBackDebit($context) ) ); break; case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\AccountCredited: case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\DebitRolledBack: case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\TransferFailed: $this->processCompleted = true; break; } } ೖۚʹؔ͢ΔৼΔ෣͍ʹมԽ

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private function applyEvent(Message $event): void { switch (true) { case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\TransferStarted: $this->behavior->become( new ReceiveFunction( fn($context) => $this->awaitingDebitConfirmation($context) ) ); break; case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\AccountDebited: $this->behavior->become( new ReceiveFunction( fn($context) => $this->awaitingCreditConfirmation($context) ) ); break; case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\CreditRefused: $this->behavior->become( new ReceiveFunction( fn($context) => $this->rollingBackDebit($context) ) ); break; case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\AccountCredited: case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\DebitRolledBack: case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\TransferFailed: $this->processCompleted = true; break; } } ೖ͕ࣦۚഊ͢Δͱ ϩʔϧόοΫͷৼΔ෣͍ʹ

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private function applyEvent(Message $event): void { switch (true) { case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\TransferStarted: $this->behavior->become( new ReceiveFunction( fn($context) => $this->awaitingDebitConfirmation($context) ) ); break; case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\AccountDebited: $this->behavior->become( new ReceiveFunction( fn($context) => $this->awaitingCreditConfirmation($context) ) ); break; case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\CreditRefused: $this->behavior->become( new ReceiveFunction( fn($context) => $this->rollingBackDebit($context) ) ); break; case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\AccountCredited: case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\DebitRolledBack: case $event instanceof ProtoBuf\TransferFailed: $this->processCompleted = true; break; } } ਖ਼ৗʹೖग़͕ۚ׬ྃɺ ϩʔϧόοΫ͕׬ྃɺ ࢦఆճ਺Ҏ্ૹۚʹࣦഊ͢Δͱऴྃ

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Supervision • ΞΫλʔ͸਌ࢠؔ܎Λ࣋ͪɺ਌͸ࢠΛ؂ࢹ͢Δ੹຿Λ࣋ͭ • ࢠΞΫλʔͷΤϥʔൃੜ࣌ɺ਌ΞΫλʔ͕ઓུʹج͖ͮ ࢠΞΫλʔͷ࠶ىಈ΍෮چΛ؅ཧ • ਌͕μ΢ϯ͢Δͱ഑ԼͷࢠΞΫλʔ΋μ΢ϯ

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Supervision Strategies • OneForOneStrategy • AllForOneStrategy • ExponentialBackoffStrategy • RestartStrategy

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readonly class TransferFactory { public function __construct( private ContextInterface $context, private float $availability, private int $retryAttempts, private ProviderInterface $provider, ) { } public function createTransfer( string $actorName, Ref $fromAccount, Ref $toAccount, float $amount, ): SpawnResult { $props = Props::fromProducer( fn() => new TransferProcess($fromAccount, $toAccount, $amount, $this->availability), Props::withReceiverMiddleware( new EventSourcedFactory($this->provider) ), Props::withSupervisor( new OneForOneStrategy( $this->retryAttempts, new DateInterval('PT10S'), new DefaultDecider(), ) ) ); return $this->context->spawnNamed($props, $actorName); } }

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readonly class TransferFactory { public function __construct( private ContextInterface $context, private float $availability, private int $retryAttempts, private ProviderInterface $provider, ) { } public function createTransfer( string $actorName, Ref $fromAccount, Ref $toAccount, float $amount, ): SpawnResult { $props = Props::fromProducer( fn() => new TransferProcess($fromAccount, $toAccount, $amount, $this->availability), Props::withReceiverMiddleware( new EventSourcedFactory($this->provider) ), Props::withSupervisor( new OneForOneStrategy( $this->retryAttempts, new DateInterval('PT10S'), new DefaultDecider(), ) ) ); return $this->context->spawnNamed($props, $actorName); } } ΞΫλʔੜ੒࣌ʹ ো֐ઓུΛࢦࣔ

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readonly class TransferFactory { public function __construct( private ContextInterface $context, private float $availability, private int $retryAttempts, private ProviderInterface $provider, ) { } public function createTransfer( string $actorName, Ref $fromAccount, Ref $toAccount, float $amount, ): SpawnResult { $props = Props::fromProducer( fn() => new TransferProcess($fromAccount, $toAccount, $amount, $this->availability), Props::withReceiverMiddleware( new EventSourcedFactory($this->provider) ), Props::withSupervisor( new OneForOneStrategy( $this->retryAttempts, new DateInterval('PT10S'), new DefaultDecider(), ) ) ); return $this->context->spawnNamed($props, $actorName); } } 0OF'PS0OF͸ ࢠΞΫλʔͷ͏ͪର৅ͷҰ͚ͭͩ

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readonly class TransferFactory { public function __construct( private ContextInterface $context, private float $availability, private int $retryAttempts, private ProviderInterface $provider, ) { } public function createTransfer( string $actorName, Ref $fromAccount, Ref $toAccount, float $amount, ): SpawnResult { $props = Props::fromProducer( fn() => new TransferProcess($fromAccount, $toAccount, $amount, $this->availability), Props::withReceiverMiddleware( new EventSourcedFactory($this->provider) ), Props::withSupervisor( new OneForOneStrategy( $this->retryAttempts, new DateInterval('PT10S'), new DefaultDecider(), ) ) ); return $this->context->spawnNamed($props, $actorName); } } ඵؒͷ͏ͪࢦఆճ਺ ճ ෼ ֘౰ͷΞΫλʔΛ࠶ىಈ͢Δ

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readonly class TransferFactory { public function __construct( private ContextInterface $context, private float $availability, private int $retryAttempts, private ProviderInterface $provider, ) { } public function createTransfer( string $actorName, Ref $fromAccount, Ref $toAccount, float $amount, ): SpawnResult { $props = Props::fromProducer( fn() => new TransferProcess($fromAccount, $toAccount, $amount, $this->availability), Props::withReceiverMiddleware( new EventSourcedFactory($this->provider) ), Props::withSupervisor( new OneForOneStrategy( $this->retryAttempts, new DateInterval('PT10S'), new DefaultDecider(), ) ) ); return $this->context->spawnNamed($props, $actorName); } } ϝοηʔδΛอ؅ͯ͠ ΞΫλʔΛ෮ݩ͢Δ

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readonly class TransferFactory { public function __construct( private ContextInterface $context, private float $availability, private int $retryAttempts, private ProviderInterface $provider, ) { } public function createTransfer( string $actorName, Ref $fromAccount, Ref $toAccount, float $amount, ): SpawnResult { $props = Props::fromProducer( fn() => new TransferProcess($fromAccount, $toAccount, $amount, $this->availability), Props::withReceiverMiddleware( new EventSourcedFactory($this->provider) ), Props::withSupervisor( new OneForOneStrategy( $this->retryAttempts, new DateInterval('PT10S'), new DefaultDecider(), ) ) ); return $this->context->spawnNamed($props, $actorName); } } ࢠΞΫλʔΛ࠶ىಈ͢Δͱɺ ϝοηʔδʹରԠͨ͠ॲཧΛ಺෦Ͱߦ͍ ࠷৽ঢ়ଶʹ෮ݩ ো֐ൃੜ࣌ͷঢ়ଶʹ໭Δʂ

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TransferProcess + State Machine + Persistence

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TransferProcess ͸ฒߦͰଘࡏ • ֤ग़ۚ͝ͱʹಠཱͯ͠ੜ੒ɾঢ়ଶ΋ڞ༗͞Εͳ͍ • ࢦఆ͞Εͨϝοηʔδ͕དྷͳ͍ݶΓৼΔ෣͍͸มΘΒͳ͍ɾ໭Βͳ͍ • ӬଓԽ͞Ε͍ͯΔͨΊɺ࠶ىಈ͢ΔͱͦΕͧΕͷ࠷৽ঢ়ଶ΁෮ݩ • Error Kernel Patternར༻Ͱো֐Λ੾Γ཭͠

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Error Kernel Pattern?

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AccountΞΫλʔ • ग़ۚͱೖ͕ۚͦΕͧΕݸͷΞΫλʔͰɺ FromAccount{*} / ToAccount{*} ͱಠཱͯ͠ੜ੒͞ΕΔ • ͦΕͧΕcoroutineͰ੍ޚ͞ΕΔΞΫλʔͰ ϝοηʔδͷ΍ΓऔΓΛߦ͏

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class Account implements ActorInterface { private float $balance = 10.0; private array $processedMessages = []; public function __construct( private readonly float $serviceUptime, private readonly float $refusalProbability, private readonly float $busyProbability ) { } public function receive(ContextInterface $context): void { $message = $context->message(); switch (true) { case $message instanceof Message\Credit: case $message instanceof Message\Debit: $this->handleBalanceChange($context, $message); break; case $message instanceof Message\GetBalance: $context->respond($this->balance); break; } }

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class Account implements ActorInterface { private float $balance = 10.0; private array $processedMessages = []; public function __construct( private readonly float $serviceUptime, private readonly float $refusalProbability, private readonly float $busyProbability ) { } public function receive(ContextInterface $context): void { $message = $context->message(); switch (true) { case $message instanceof Message\Credit: case $message instanceof Message\Debit: $this->handleBalanceChange($context, $message); break; case $message instanceof Message\GetBalance: $context->respond($this->balance); break; } } ΞΫλʔʹϝοηʔδ͕౸ୡ͢Δͱ ࣮ߦ͞ΕΔSFDFJWFϝιου

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class Account implements ActorInterface { private float $balance = 10.0; private array $processedMessages = []; public function __construct( private readonly float $serviceUptime, private readonly float $refusalProbability, private readonly float $busyProbability ) { } public function receive(ContextInterface $context): void { $message = $context->message(); switch (true) { case $message instanceof Message\Credit: case $message instanceof Message\Debit: $this->handleBalanceChange($context, $message); break; case $message instanceof Message\GetBalance: $context->respond($this->balance); break; } } ೖग़ۚϝοηʔδʹରԠ

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class Account implements ActorInterface { private float $balance = 10.0; private array $processedMessages = []; public function __construct( private readonly float $serviceUptime, private readonly float $refusalProbability, private readonly float $busyProbability ) { } public function receive(ContextInterface $context): void { $message = $context->message(); switch (true) { case $message instanceof Message\Credit: case $message instanceof Message\Debit: $this->handleBalanceChange($context, $message); break; case $message instanceof Message\GetBalance: $context->respond($this->balance); break; } } ࢒ߴௐ੔ʹؔ͢Δॲཧ

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class Account implements ActorInterface { private float $balance = 10.0; private array $processedMessages = []; public function __construct( private readonly float $serviceUptime, private readonly float $refusalProbability, private readonly float $busyProbability ) { } public function receive(ContextInterface $context): void { $message = $context->message(); switch (true) { case $message instanceof Message\Credit: case $message instanceof Message\Debit: $this->handleBalanceChange($context, $message); break; case $message instanceof Message\GetBalance: $context->respond($this->balance); break; } } ࢒ߴ֬ೝͷϝοηʔδ͕དྷΔͱ ૹ৴ݩʹฦ٫

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private function handleBalanceChange( ContextInterface $context, Message\ChangeBalance $message ): void { if ($this->alreadyProcessed($message->replyTo)) { $context->send($message->replyTo, $this->processedMessages[(string) $message->replyTo]); return; } if ($message instanceof Message\Debit && ($message->amount + $this->balance) < 0) { $context->send($message->replyTo, new Message\InsufficientFunds()); return; } if ($this->refusePermanently()) { $this->processedMessages[(string) $message->replyTo] = new Message\Refused(); $context->send($message->replyTo, new Message\Refused()); return; } if ($this->isBusy()) { $context->send($message->replyTo, new Message\ServiceUnavailable()); return; } if ($this->shouldFailBeforeProcessing()) { $context->send($message->replyTo, new Message\InternalServerError()); return; } usleep(random_int(0, 150) * 1000); $this->balance += $message->amount; $this->processedMessages[(string) $message->replyTo] = new Message\Ok(); if ($this->shouldFailAfterProcessing()) { $context->send($message->replyTo, new Message\InternalServerError()); return; } $context->send($message->replyTo, new Message\Ok()); }

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private function handleBalanceChange( ContextInterface $context, Message\ChangeBalance $message ): void { if ($this->alreadyProcessed($message->replyTo)) { $context->send($message->replyTo, $this->processedMessages[(string) $message->replyTo]); return; } if ($message instanceof Message\Debit && ($message->amount + $this->balance) < 0) { $context->send($message->replyTo, new Message\InsufficientFunds()); return; } if ($this->refusePermanently()) { $this->processedMessages[(string) $message->replyTo] = new Message\Refused(); $context->send($message->replyTo, new Message\Refused()); return; } if ($this->isBusy()) { $context->send($message->replyTo, new Message\ServiceUnavailable()); return; } if ($this->shouldFailBeforeProcessing()) { $context->send($message->replyTo, new Message\InternalServerError()); return; } usleep(random_int(0, 150) * 1000); $this->balance += $message->amount; $this->processedMessages[(string) $message->replyTo] = new Message\Ok(); if ($this->shouldFailAfterProcessing()) { $context->send($message->replyTo, new Message\InternalServerError()); return; } $context->send($message->replyTo, new Message\Ok()); } ࢒ߴௐ੔ʹؔ͢Δॲཧ

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private function handleBalanceChange( ContextInterface $context, Message\ChangeBalance $message ): void { if ($this->alreadyProcessed($message->replyTo)) { $context->send($message->replyTo, $this->processedMessages[(string) $message->replyTo]); return; } if ($message instanceof Message\Debit && ($message->amount + $this->balance) < 0) { $context->send($message->replyTo, new Message\InsufficientFunds()); return; } if ($this->refusePermanently()) { $this->processedMessages[(string) $message->replyTo] = new Message\Refused(); $context->send($message->replyTo, new Message\Refused()); return; } if ($this->isBusy()) { $context->send($message->replyTo, new Message\ServiceUnavailable()); return; } if ($this->shouldFailBeforeProcessing()) { $context->send($message->replyTo, new Message\InternalServerError()); return; } usleep(random_int(0, 150) * 1000); $this->balance += $message->amount; $this->processedMessages[(string) $message->replyTo] = new Message\Ok(); if ($this->shouldFailAfterProcessing()) { $context->send($message->replyTo, new Message\InternalServerError()); return; } $context->send($message->replyTo, new Message\Ok()); } Ҿ਺ͰͦΕͧΕͷঢ়ଶΛ γϛϡϨʔτ

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private function handleBalanceChange( ContextInterface $context, Message\ChangeBalance $message ): void { if ($this->alreadyProcessed($message->replyTo)) { $context->send($message->replyTo, $this->processedMessages[(string) $message->replyTo]); return; } if ($message instanceof Message\Debit && ($message->amount + $this->balance) < 0) { $context->send($message->replyTo, new Message\InsufficientFunds()); return; } if ($this->refusePermanently()) { $this->processedMessages[(string) $message->replyTo] = new Message\Refused(); $context->send($message->replyTo, new Message\Refused()); return; } if ($this->isBusy()) { $context->send($message->replyTo, new Message\ServiceUnavailable()); return; } if ($this->shouldFailBeforeProcessing()) { $context->send($message->replyTo, new Message\InternalServerError()); return; } usleep(random_int(0, 150) * 1000); $this->balance += $message->amount; $this->processedMessages[(string) $message->replyTo] = new Message\Ok(); if ($this->shouldFailAfterProcessing()) { $context->send($message->replyTo, new Message\InternalServerError()); return; } $context->send($message->replyTo, new Message\Ok()); } ϝοηʔδʹؚ·ΕΔૹ৴ઌʹ ฦ৴

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private function handleBalanceChange( ContextInterface $context, Message\ChangeBalance $message ): void { if ($this->alreadyProcessed($message->replyTo)) { $context->send($message->replyTo, $this->processedMessages[(string) $message->replyTo]); return; } if ($message instanceof Message\Debit && ($message->amount + $this->balance) < 0) { $context->send($message->replyTo, new Message\InsufficientFunds()); return; } if ($this->refusePermanently()) { $this->processedMessages[(string) $message->replyTo] = new Message\Refused(); $context->send($message->replyTo, new Message\Refused()); return; } if ($this->isBusy()) { $context->send($message->replyTo, new Message\ServiceUnavailable()); return; } if ($this->shouldFailBeforeProcessing()) { $context->send($message->replyTo, new Message\InternalServerError()); return; } usleep(random_int(0, 150) * 1000); $this->balance += $message->amount; $this->processedMessages[(string) $message->replyTo] = new Message\Ok(); if ($this->shouldFailAfterProcessing()) { $context->send($message->replyTo, new Message\InternalServerError()); return; } $context->send($message->replyTo, new Message\Ok()); } ΞΫλʔࣗ਎͕ঢ়ଶ؅ཧ

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AccountProxy ΞΫλʔ • TransferProcessΞΫλʔʹੜ੒͞ΕΔΞΫλʔ • AccountΞΫλʔͱͷ௨৴Λ୲౰͢ΔΞΫλʔ • AccountΞΫλʔʹԿ͔͕ى͖ͨ৔߹ʹ਌Ͱ͋Δ TransferProcessʹରԠΛҕৡ͢Δʢ࠶ىಈͳͲΛߦ͏ʣ

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Error Kernel Pattern • Reactive Design Patterns • ো֐ͱ৴པੑͷཁ͕͍݅ࠞͬͯ͟Δ৔߹ʹ ར༻Ͱ͖Δύλʔϯ(Akka,OTPͳͲͰ͸͓ͳ͡Έ) • ఀࢭͯ͠͸͍͚ͳ͍΋ͷ͕͍ࠞͬͯ͟Δ৔߹ʹִ཭͢Δ

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"DDPVOUΞΫλʔͷ ࣮ߦͰ͖ͳ͍ཧ༝Λड৴ ࣗ਎Λμ΢ϯͤ͞Δ

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ࢠΞΫλʔͷμ΢ϯΛݕ஌ ઓུʹج͍ͮͯ "DDPVOU1SPYZΞΫλʔ࠶ੜ੒ ࠶ॲཧ࣮ߦ

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௨৴ͱೖग़ۚΛ෼཭͍ͯ͠Δύλʔϯ ΞΫλʔϞσϧͳΒͰ͸ͷ΋ͷ

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readonly class AccountProxy implements ActorInterface { public function __construct( private Ref $target, private Closure $createMessage ) { } public function receive(ContextInterface $context): void { $message = $context->message(); switch (true) { case $message instanceof Started: $context->send($this->target, ($this->createMessage)($context->self())); $context->setReceiveTimeout(new DateInterval('PT2S')); break; case $message instanceof Refused: case $message instanceof Ok: $context->cancelReceiveTimeout(); $context->send($context->parent(), $message); break; case $message instanceof InsufficientFunds: case $message instanceof InternalServerError: case $message instanceof ReceiveTimeout: case $message instanceof ServiceUnavailable: throw new RuntimeException('Unexpected message'); } } }

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readonly class AccountProxy implements ActorInterface { public function __construct( private Ref $target, private Closure $createMessage ) { } public function receive(ContextInterface $context): void { $message = $context->message(); switch (true) { case $message instanceof Started: $context->send($this->target, ($this->createMessage)($context->self())); $context->setReceiveTimeout(new DateInterval('PT2S')); break; case $message instanceof Refused: case $message instanceof Ok: $context->cancelReceiveTimeout(); $context->send($context->parent(), $message); break; case $message instanceof InsufficientFunds: case $message instanceof InternalServerError: case $message instanceof ReceiveTimeout: case $message instanceof ServiceUnavailable: throw new RuntimeException('Unexpected message'); } } } "DUPS͕ىಈ͢ΔͱྲྀΕͯ͘Δ ಺෦ϝοηʔδ 4UBSUFE

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readonly class AccountProxy implements ActorInterface { public function __construct( private Ref $target, private Closure $createMessage ) { } public function receive(ContextInterface $context): void { $message = $context->message(); switch (true) { case $message instanceof Started: $context->send($this->target, ($this->createMessage)($context->self())); $context->setReceiveTimeout(new DateInterval('PT2S')); break; case $message instanceof Refused: case $message instanceof Ok: $context->cancelReceiveTimeout(); $context->send($context->parent(), $message); break; case $message instanceof InsufficientFunds: case $message instanceof InternalServerError: case $message instanceof ReceiveTimeout: case $message instanceof ServiceUnavailable: throw new RuntimeException('Unexpected message'); } } } -FU*U$SBTI ͜Ε·Ͱͷ1)1ͱҟͳΔߟ͑ํ

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RunnerΞΫλʔ • SagaΛ࣮ߦ͢Δ໾ׂ • Scatter Gather PatternͰ͢΂͕ͯऴΘΔ·Ͱ଴ͭ • ࢦఆ਺෼AccountΞΫλʔͱTransferProcessΞΫλʔੜ੒ • TransferProcessΞΫλʔͷϦϑΝϨϯεΛRunner͕อ࣋

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Scatter Gatherʁ

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Scatter Gather • ෳ਺ʹϒϩʔυΩϟετޙɺฦ৴ΛҰͭʹू໿͢Δ • ΞΫλʔϞσϧͳΒͰ͸ͷύλʔϯ • ϩʔΧϧ΍ϦϞʔτͱͷ૊Έ߹ΘͤͰར༻

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$inMemoryProvider = $this->inMemoryProvider(); (new ForWithProgress( $this->numberOfIterations, $this->intervalBetweenConsoleUpdates, true, false ))->everyNth( fn($i) => print("Started {$i}/{$this->numberOfIterations} processes\n"), function ($i, $nth) use ($context, $inMemoryProvider) { $fromAccount = $this->createAccount($context, "FromAccount{$i}"); $toAccount = $this->createAccount($context, "ToAccount{$i}"); $actorName = "Transfer Process {$i}"; $factory = new TransferFactory( $context, $this->uptime, $this->retryAttempts, $inMemoryProvider ); $transfer = $factory->createTransfer($actorName, $fromAccount, $toAccount, 10); $this->transfers[] = (string) $transfer->getRef(); if ($i === $this->numberOfIterations && !$nth) { print("Started {$i}/{$this->numberOfIterations} processes\n"); } } );

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$inMemoryProvider = $this->inMemoryProvider(); (new ForWithProgress( $this->numberOfIterations, $this->intervalBetweenConsoleUpdates, true, false ))->everyNth( fn($i) => print("Started {$i}/{$this->numberOfIterations} processes\n"), function ($i, $nth) use ($context, $inMemoryProvider) { $fromAccount = $this->createAccount($context, "FromAccount{$i}"); $toAccount = $this->createAccount($context, "ToAccount{$i}"); $actorName = "Transfer Process {$i}"; $factory = new TransferFactory( $context, $this->uptime, $this->retryAttempts, $inMemoryProvider ); $transfer = $factory->createTransfer($actorName, $fromAccount, $toAccount, 10); $this->transfers[] = (string) $transfer->getRef(); if ($i === $this->numberOfIterations && !$nth) { print("Started {$i}/{$this->numberOfIterations} processes\n"); } } ); 'SPN"DDPVOU9ͱ5P"DDPVOU9ͱ͍͏໊લͰ "DDPVOUΞΫλʔΛੜ੒

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$inMemoryProvider = $this->inMemoryProvider(); (new ForWithProgress( $this->numberOfIterations, $this->intervalBetweenConsoleUpdates, true, false ))->everyNth( fn($i) => print("Started {$i}/{$this->numberOfIterations} processes\n"), function ($i, $nth) use ($context, $inMemoryProvider) { $fromAccount = $this->createAccount($context, "FromAccount{$i}"); $toAccount = $this->createAccount($context, "ToAccount{$i}"); $actorName = "Transfer Process {$i}"; $factory = new TransferFactory( $context, $this->uptime, $this->retryAttempts, $inMemoryProvider ); $transfer = $factory->createTransfer($actorName, $fromAccount, $toAccount, 10); $this->transfers[] = (string) $transfer->getRef(); if ($i === $this->numberOfIterations && !$nth) { print("Started {$i}/{$this->numberOfIterations} processes\n"); } } ); 5SBOTGFS1SPDFTTΞΫλʔʹ ̎ͭͷ"DDPVOUΞΫλʔϦϑΝϨϯε "DDPVOUΞΫλʔؒͰ૬ޓॲཧ

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ΤϯτϦϙΠϯτ • ΞΫλʔγεςϜͷىಈ • RunnerΞΫλʔͷੜ੒ͱ؂ࢹɺ Runnerͷ࠶ࢼߦʹؔ͢Δ੹຿Λ࣋ͭ • ͦΕҎ֎͸Կ΋ͳ͠ʂ

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go(function () { $system = ActorSystem::create(); $system->getLogger()->info('Starting'); $numberOfTransfers = 10; $intervalBetweenConsoleUpdates = 1; $uptime = 99.99; $retryAttempts = 3; $refusalProbability = 0.01; $busyProbability = 0.01; $props = ActorSystem\Props::fromProducer( fn() => new Runner( $numberOfTransfers, $intervalBetweenConsoleUpdates, $uptime, $refusalProbability, $busyProbability, $retryAttempts ), ActorSystem\Props::withSupervisor( new ActorSystem\Strategy\OneForOneStrategy( $retryAttempts, new DateInterval('PT10S'), new ActorSystem\Supervision\DefaultDecider(), ) ), ); $system->root()->spawnNamed($props, 'runner'); });

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go(function () { $system = ActorSystem::create(); $system->getLogger()->info('Starting'); $numberOfTransfers = 10; $intervalBetweenConsoleUpdates = 1; $uptime = 99.99; $retryAttempts = 3; $refusalProbability = 0.01; $busyProbability = 0.01; $props = ActorSystem\Props::fromProducer( fn() => new Runner( $numberOfTransfers, $intervalBetweenConsoleUpdates, $uptime, $refusalProbability, $busyProbability, $retryAttempts ), ActorSystem\Props::withSupervisor( new ActorSystem\Strategy\OneForOneStrategy( $retryAttempts, new DateInterval('PT10S'), new ActorSystem\Supervision\DefaultDecider(), ) ), ); $system->root()->spawnNamed($props, 'runner'); }); 3VOOFSΞΫλʔੜ੒

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go(function () { $system = ActorSystem::create(); $system->getLogger()->info('Starting'); $numberOfTransfers = 10; $intervalBetweenConsoleUpdates = 1; $uptime = 99.99; $retryAttempts = 3; $refusalProbability = 0.01; $busyProbability = 0.01; $props = ActorSystem\Props::fromProducer( fn() => new Runner( $numberOfTransfers, $intervalBetweenConsoleUpdates, $uptime, $refusalProbability, $busyProbability, $retryAttempts ), ActorSystem\Props::withSupervisor( new ActorSystem\Strategy\OneForOneStrategy( $retryAttempts, new DateInterval('PT10S'), new ActorSystem\Supervision\DefaultDecider(), ) ), ); $system->root()->spawnNamed($props, 'runner'); }); 3VOOFSΞΫλʔʹର͢Δઓུ

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go(function () { $system = ActorSystem::create(); $system->getLogger()->info('Starting'); $numberOfTransfers = 10; $intervalBetweenConsoleUpdates = 1; $uptime = 99.99; $retryAttempts = 3; $refusalProbability = 0.01; $busyProbability = 0.01; $props = ActorSystem\Props::fromProducer( fn() => new Runner( $numberOfTransfers, $intervalBetweenConsoleUpdates, $uptime, $refusalProbability, $busyProbability, $retryAttempts ), ActorSystem\Props::withSupervisor( new ActorSystem\Strategy\OneForOneStrategy( $retryAttempts, new DateInterval('PT10S'), new ActorSystem\Supervision\DefaultDecider(), ) ), ); $system->root()->spawnNamed($props, 'runner'); }); نఆ৚݅Ҏ্ࣦഊ͢Δͱ ଞͷγεςϜʹΤεΧϨʔτ͢ΔͳͲ͕Մೳ

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·ͱΊ • ΞΫλʔϞσϧΛ׆༻ͨ͠ิঈτϥϯβΫγϣϯ • ϦτϥΠઓུ • ΤϥʔΧʔωϧύλʔϯͱ؂ಜ • BehaviorʹΑΔState Machine • Persistenceͷ׆༻

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Let It Crash