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Deploying at Scale with HashiCorp Terraform AWS User Group Las Vegas

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Senior Developer Advocate, Infrastructure & Orchestration he / him @ksatirli Kerim Satirli

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HashiCorp Terraform Deploying at Scale Agenda Next Steps 2 3 Traditional and Modern IT Infrastructure 1 4

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01 Traditional and Modern IT Infrastructure

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Slow Deployments of hardware and software based around manual processes Error-prone Mistakes during deployment executions lead to larger problems Hard to control Complicated processes needed to control complicated processes Traditional IT Infrastructure

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Fast Deployments of hardware and software based around automated processes Secure Deployments are scripted, minimizing errors and enabling validation Scaleable One or all available regions or continents, multiple accounts, multiple clouds. Modern IT Infrastructure

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IT Infrastructure server with web shop

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IT Infrastructure without Code server with web shop

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IT Infrastructure with Code server with web shop

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02 HashiCorp Terraform

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Documented code is readable for both human operators and machines alike Versioned code is plain-text and can easily be version- controlled with any VCS Verified code can easily be verified against org-specific deployment rules IT Infrastructure as Code

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main executable; interface between user, HCL, CLI operations, and providers Terraform Translates HCL definitions into API calls and manages service- specific resources Provider Combines IT Infrastructure definitions into (reusable) building blocks Module Terraform Concepts

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Terraform Landscape

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ca. 400 Providers built by HashiCorp and HashiCorp Technology partners Azure, Splunk, VMware vSphere, etc. ca. 4050 Provider built by the community Pingdom, Sentry, Unifi, etc. Terraform Landscape - Provider

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ca. 140 Modules built by Technology Partners ca. 17500 Terraform Landscape - Modules Modules built by the community

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Handles Create, Read, Update, Delete operations of a resource Resource Handles Read operations of a resource Data Source Manages resource and data source configuration State Terraform Concepts

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Terraform Code resource "server" "factory" { count = 10 image = "rhel-8.1" type = "large" has_public_ip = true region = "eu-west-2" }

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Terraform Code resource "server" "factory" { count = 10 name = "factory-${count.index}" image = var.image type = var.type has_public_ip = true region = "eu-west-2" }

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Security Lifecycle Management Infrastructure Lifecycle Management HashiCorp Products

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03 Deploying at Scale

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©2024 HASHICORP How many Regions does AWS support?

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Multi-Region Deployment data "aws_regions" "main" {}

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Multi-Region Deployment aws_regions = toset([ "af-south-1", "ap-east-1", "ap-northeast-1", "ap-northeast-2", "ap-northeast-3", "ap-south-1", "ap-southeast-1", "ap-southeast-2", "ap-southeast-3", "ca-central-1", "eu-central-1", "eu-north-1", "eu-south-1", "eu-south-2", "eu-west-1", "eu-west-2", "eu-west-3", "me-south-1", "sa-east-1", "us-east-1", Multi-Region Deployment

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Multi-Regional Workspaces module "regional_aws_workspaces" { for_each = toset(data.aws_regions.main.names) source = "ksatirli/regional-workspace/tfe" version = "1.2.0" region = { category = "terraform" identifier = each.key prefix = "aws" variable = "aws_region" } vcs_repo = { identifier = "workloads/regional-aws-deployment" branch = "main" } }

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Multi-Regional Failures

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Single-region Service Quotas

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Multi-Region Deployment # look up Service Code for EC2 instances data "aws_servicequotas_service" "ec2" { provider = "" service_name = "Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)" } # update Service Quota for M5 EC2 instances resource "aws_servicequotas_service_quota" "ec2" { provider = "" # allow up to 100 M5 instances quota_code = "L-8B7BF662" service_code = data.aws_servicequotas_service.ec2.service_code value = 100 }

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✉ from AWS Support

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Multi-Region Deployment

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✉ from AWS Support

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Multi-Region Deployment

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04 Next Steps

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Terraform Tutorials

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Demo Code

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Thank you