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Hi, hi! this is the team CloudWalk

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NOT Crowdworks

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Hi, hi! this is the team CloudWalk

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Thiago Scalone @scalone

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Thiago Scalone @scalone

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Daniel Rodríguez @sadasant

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@sadasant is definitely not related to Sasada-san *<:•)

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MRuby as a Development Platform for Payments.

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payments involve POS terminals

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“An embedded system is a computerized system that is purpose-built for its application” Elecia White Making Embedded System

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NO OS Limited Syscalls No POSIX Crazy API No ANSI C

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SCENARIO 1000 POS terminals Bug in production…

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Update manually? Network issues? Energy issues? Customers waiting? Transactions interrupted?

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solves this

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Easy way to Develop and deploy Cross Platform Payments Applications

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IDE Install (only windows) WEBSITE .exe Download Cloud walking CloudWalk Servers OLD TIMES POS

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Web IDE (all major browsers) WEBSITE CloudWalk Servers NOW POS

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Structured XML Static memory

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Enough We need to move forward

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Enough We need to go Mobile

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Enough We need to be Developer Friendly

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Why not Ruby?

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Beautiful Hacker friendly Semantic Productive Small

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I feel Happy

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WE WANT RUBY EVERYWHERE starting with POS terminals mmmmmmmmmm

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DoItYourself FAIL

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No JRuby core-team 40 seconds to boot No community

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Smaller Ruby

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MRuby Resource saving High Portability RiteVM bytecode Static Gems ANSI C Size

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.set noreorder .global pipe .type pipe,@function pipe: lui $gp, %hi(_gp_disp) addiu $gp, %lo(_gp_disp) addu $gp, $gp, $25 li $2, 4042 syscall beq $7, $0, 1f nop lw $25, %call16(__syscall_ret)($gp) jr $25 subu $4, $0, $2 1: sw $2, 0($4) sw $3, 4($4) move $2, $0 jr $ra nop

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BSD libc μClibc Newlib klibc EGLIBC Musl …

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MRuby App da_funk interface MRuby Core mruby-pax-network mruby-pax-io PAXSDK MUSL PAX OS

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MRuby App da_funk interface MRuby Core mrubygem mrubygem Platform SDK Libc Platform OS

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CloudWalk Mruby Framework Hardware Agnostic Modular Simple

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CloudWalk Mruby Framework ON THE WEB

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No content

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xxuejie, if you’re watching this, we love you

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webruby = new win.WEBRUBY(); // Custom compile function webruby.compile_to_file(source_code, file_name); // Emscripten’s FS.readFile wrapper var bytecode = io.readFile(file_name); DEPLOY 1. 2. 3. 4.

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EMULATOR ● POSXML compiler in the browser ● POSXML runtime as it is in POS now ● MRUBY compiler ● MRUBY runtime as it is in POS

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Let’s compile and run class Program < Device def Display.puts "Hey Thiago!" Display.puts "How are you?", 1 message = IO.getc # press CANCEL to quit exit if message == IO::CANCEL Display.clear 1 Display.puts "You said: " + message, 1 IO.getc end end

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Theoretical Adapter.start class Adapter def self.start(file) load "./da_funk.mrb" load "./platform.mrb" load file app = Device::Support.path_to_class file[2..-1] loop do end end end

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In practice... class Adapter def self.start(file) $f = do # The contents as before... end $f.resume end end

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We call JavaScript functions and wait for callbacks $device = MrubyJs.window.device def self.read_key key = "" $ do |input| key = input $f.resume end Fiber.yield key end // Example var device = window.device = {}; = function(callback) { setTimeout(function() { callback(42); }, 60000); // One minute }

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xxuejie, if you’re watching this, we love you

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01001010101010101001001 10110110101010101010010 11010101001000010101111 1011010010101001 11010100101001010101010 01010101010010010101011 01101010111010101101000 00101000100101101001011 01111101010100101001110 0101010100 11111111110101001010101 00011111111111111111111 11010110000100100100000 00110010101010100101001 0010100101011 EMSCRIPTEN generated programs sometimes LEAK we're not mad at you Kripken, you're awesome

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Keep it clean

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_getaddrinfo function _mrb_addrinfo_getaddrinfo(a,b,c){var d=0,e=0,f=STACKTOP;STACKTOP=0|STACKTOP+440,0|assert(!(3&STACKTOP)),0|assert((0|STACK_MAX)> (0|STACKTOP));var g=c;for(c=STACKTOP,STACKTOP=0|STACKTOP+12,0|assert((0|STACK_MAX)>(0|STACKTOP)),HEAP32[c>>2]=HEAP32[g>>2],HEAP32 [c+4>>2]=HEAP32[g+4>>2],HEAP32[c+8>>2]=HEAP32[g+8>>2],d=1;;)switch(d){case 1:var h,k,x,y,z,A,i=f,j=f+32,l=f+36,m=f+148,n=f+160,o=f+172, p=f+184,q=f+196,r=f+208,s=f+220,t=f+232,u=f+244,v=f+256,w=f+268,B=f+272,C=f+284,D=f+296,E=f+308,F=f+320,G=f+332,H=f+344,I=f+356,J=f+368, K=f+380,L=f+392,M=f+404,N=f+416,O=f+428;h=b,z=0,A=0;var P=h;_mrb_ary_new(B,P);var Q=n,R=B;assert(!0),HEAP32[Q>>2]=HEAP32[R>>2],HEAP32 [Q+4>>2]=HEAP32[R+4>>2],HEAP32[Q+8>>2]=HEAP32[R+8>>2];var S=h,T=_mrb_gc_arena_save(S);x=T;var U=h,V=l;_mrb_str_new(C,U,V,110);var W=s, X=C;assert(!0),HEAP32[W>>2]=HEAP32[X>>2],HEAP32[W+4>>2]=HEAP32[X+4>>2],HEAP32[W+8>>2]=HEAP32[X+8>>2],_mrb_nil_value1732(D);var Y=r,Z=D; assert(!0),HEAP32[Y>>2]=HEAP32[Z>>2],HEAP32[Y+4>>2]=HEAP32[Z+4>>2],HEAP32[Y+8>>2]=HEAP32[Z+8>>2];var $=v,_=r;assert(!0),HEAP32[$>>2] =HEAP32[_>>2],HEAP32[$+4>>2]=HEAP32[_+4>>2],HEAP32[$+8>>2]=HEAP32[_+8>>2];var ab=o,bb=v;assert(!0),HEAP32[ab>>2]=HEAP32[bb>>2],HEAP32 [ab+4>>2]=HEAP32[bb+4>>2],HEAP32[ab+8>>2]=HEAP32[bb+8>>2],HEAP32[w>>2]=0;var cb=h;_mrb_get_args(cb,193640,(e=STACKTOP, STACKTOP=0|STACKTOP+24,0|assert((0|STACK_MAX)>(0|STACKTOP)),HEAP32[e>>2]=q,HEAP32[e+4>>2]=u,HEAP32[e+8>>2]=o,HEAP32[e+12>>2]=v,HEAP32 [e+16>>2]=r,HEAP32[e+20>>2]=w,e)),STACKTOP=e;var eb=0|q+8,fb=HEAP32[eb>>2],gb=16==(0|fb);if(gb){d=2;break}d=3;break;case 2:var hb=h, ib=_mrb_str_to_cstr(hb,q);z=ib,d=8;break;case 3:var jb=0|q+8,kb=HEAP32[jb>>2],lb=0==(0|kb);if(lb){d=4;break}d=6;break;case 4:var mb=0|q, nb=mb,ob=HEAP32[nb>>2],pb=0!=(0|ob);if(pb){d=6;break}d=5;break;case 5:z=0,d=7;break;case 6:var qb=h,rb=h,sb=_mrb_class_get(rb,193604); _mrb_raise(qb,sb,193540),d=7;break;case 7:d=8;break;case 8:var tb=0|u+8,ub=HEAP32[tb>>2],vb=16==(0|ub);if(vb){d=9;break}d=10;break;case 9:var wb=h,xb=_mrb_str_to_cstr(wb,u);A=xb,d=18;break;case 10:var yb=0|u+8,zb=HEAP32[yb>>2],Ab=3==(0|zb);if(Ab){d=11;break}d=12;break; case 11:var Bb=h,Cb=h;_mrb_funcall(E,Cb,u,193488,0,(e=STACKTOP,STACKTOP=0|STACKTOP+1,STACKTOP=-4&STACKTOP+3,0|assert((0|STACK_MAX)> (0|STACKTOP)),HEAP32[e>>2]=0,e)),STACKTOP=e;var Db=_mrb_str_to_cstr(Bb,E);A=Db,d=17;break;case 12:var Eb=0|u+8,Fb=HEAP32[Eb>>2],Gb=0== (0|Fb);if(Gb){d=13;break}d=15;break;case 13:var Hb=0|u,Ib=Hb,Jb=HEAP32[Ib>>2],Kb=0!=(0|Jb);if(Kb){d=15;break}d=14;break;case 14:A=0, d=16;break;case 15:var Lb=h,Mb=h,Nb=_mrb_class_get(Mb,193604);_mrb_raise(Lb,Nb,193388),d=16;break;case 16:d=17;break;case 17:d=18;break; case 18:var Ob=i;_memset(Ob,0,32);var Pb=HEAP32[w>>2],Qb=0|i;HEAP32[Qb>>2]=Pb;var Rb=0|o+8,Sb=HEAP32[Rb>>2],Tb=3==(0|Sb);if(Tb){d=19; break}d=20;break;case 19:var Ub=0|o,Vb=Ub,Wb=HEAP32[Vb>>2],Xb=0|i+4;HEAP32[Xb>>2]=Wb,d=20;break;case 20:var Yb=0|v+8,Zb=HEAP32 [Yb>>2],$b=3==(0|Zb);if($b){d=21;break}d=22;break;case 21:var _b=0|v,ac=_b,bc=HEAP32[ac>>2],cc=0|i+8;HEAP32[cc>>2]=bc,d=22;break;case 22:var dc=h,ec=h,fc=_mrb_intern_cstr(ec,198640);_mrb_cv_get(F,dc,c,fc);var gc=p,hc=F;assert(!0),HEAP32[gc>>2]=HEAP32[hc>>2],HEAP32 [gc+4>>2]=HEAP32[hc+4>>2],HEAP32[gc+8>>2]=HEAP32[hc+8>>2];var ic=0|p+8,jc=HEAP32[ic>>2],kc=7==(0|jc);if(kc){d=23;break}d=24;break;case 23:var lc=0|p,mc=lc,nc=HEAP32[mc>>2],oc=nc;_freeaddrinfo(oc);var pc=h,qc=h,rc=_mrb_intern_cstr(qc,198640);_mrb_nil_value1732(G), _mrb_cv_set(pc,c,rc,G),d=24;break;case 24:var sc=z,tc=A,uc=_getaddrinfo(sc,tc,i,j);y=uc;var vc=y,wc=0!=(0|vc);if(wc){d=25;break}d=26; break;case 25:var xc=h,yc=h,zc=_mrb_class_get(yc,193944),Ac=h,Bc=y,Cc=_gai_strerror(Bc);_mrb_str_new_cstr(H,Ac,Cc),_mrb_raisef(xc,zc, 193312,(e=STACKTOP,STACKTOP=0|STACKTOP+12,0|assert((0|STACK_MAX)>(0|STACKTOP)),HEAP32[e>>2]=HEAP32[H>>2],HEAP32[e+4>>2]=HEAP32[H+4>>2],

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JS strings as array buffers are uneasy to handle Use hex strings or Arrays Sometimes string arrays

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Override default Ruby Classes use Emscripten’s API directly

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# Something like this, don’t do this at home class TCPSocket @socket = "" def initialize(host, port) @socket = MrubyJs.window.socket(host, port) end def write(data) @socket.write(data) end def read(length) end def close; @socket.close() end end

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Oh, I see you need W O R K E R S it would be a shame if they BREAK

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let’s stop talking about nightmares time to ▶PLAY with the IDE

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Mruby PAX 200

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Verifone, Ingenico

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Continuous Delivery

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NFC We have it working with POSXML on Verifone and Ingenico

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ありがとうございました! by @scalone and @sadasant