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Who is LUCIANO lmammino loige 2

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NeBK20JV -20% eBook NpBK15JV -15% Print fancy a coupon? 3

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Agenda What is Serverless History & definition Advantages & costs How it Works Example on AWS Lambda Example with Serverless Framework Serverless at Planet 9 Architecture Security Quality Monitoring / Logging Step Functions 5

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PART 1 What is Serverless 6

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1996 - Let's order few more servers for this rack... 7

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2006 - Let's move the infrastructure in "the cloud"... 8

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2013 - I can "ship" the new API to any VPS as a "container" 9

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TODAY - I ain't got no infrastructure, just code "in the cloud" baby! 10

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“ The essence of the serverless trend is the absence of the server concept during software development. — Auth0 12

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Serverless & Framework 13

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Focus on business logic, not on infrastructure Virtually “infinite” auto-scaling Pay for invocation / processing time (cheap!) Advantages of serverless 14

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Is it cheaper to go serverless? ... It depends 15

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Car analogy Cars are parked 95% of the time ( ) How much do you use the car? Own a car (Bare metal servers) Rent a car (VPS) City car-sharing (Serverless) 16

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What can we build? Mobile Backends APIs & Microservices Data Processing pipelines ⚡ Webhooks Bots and integrations ⚙ IoT Backends Single page web applications 18

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The paradigm Event → 19

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IF ________________________________ THEN ________________________________ "IF this THEN that" model 20

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Cloud providers IBM OpenWhisk AWS Lambda Azure Functions Google Cloud Functions Auth0 Webtask 21

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Serverless and JavaScript Frontend Serverless Web hosting is static, but you can build SPAs (React, Angular, Vue, etc.) Backend Node.js is supported by every provider ⚡ Fast startup (as opposed to Java) Use all the modules on NPM Support other languages/dialects (TypeScript, ClojureScript, ESNext...) 22

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exports.myLambda = function ( event, context, callback ) { // get input from event and context // use callback to return output or errors } Anatomy of a Node.js lambda on AWS 23

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Let's build a "useful" Hello World API 24

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API Gateway config has been generated for us... 32

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Recap 1. Login to AWS Dashboard 2. Create new Lambda from blueprint 3. Configure API Gateway trigger 4. Configure Lambda and Security 5. Write Lambda code 6. Configure Roles & Publish ⚡Ready! No local testing ... Manual process 34

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Enter the... 35

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Get serverless framework npm install --global serverless@latest sls --help 36

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Create a project mkdir helloWorldApi cd helloWorldApi touch handler.js serverless.yml 37

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// handler.js 'use strict'; exports.helloWorldHandler = (event, context, callback) => { const name = (event.queryStringParameters && ? : 'Verona'; const response = { statusCode: 200, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({message: `Hello ${name}`}) }; callback(null, response); }; 38

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# serverless.yml service: sls-helloWorldApi provider: name: aws runtime: "nodejs6.10" functions: helloWorld: handler: "handler.helloWorldHandler" events: - http: path: / method: get 39

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Local test touch event.json { "queryStringParameters": { "name": "Tim Wagner" }, "httpMethod": "GET", "path": "/" } 40

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Local test 41

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Deploy the lambda 42

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Recap 1. Install serverless framework 2. Create handler & serverless config 3. Test locally (optional) 4. Deploy 5. Party hard! 43

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PART 2 Serverless at Planet 9 44

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a Big Data company E.g. Meter readings per customer/year 2 × 24 × 365 Half Hours × 25 ~ meter reading points × 24 ~ data versions = load™ of data 47

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Limited number of “Full stack” engineers ⚡ Write & deploy quality code fast Experiment different approaches over different features Adopt hot and relevant technologies Limited number of servers = LIMITED CALLS AT 2 AM! Why Serverless 48

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Current infrastructure Serverless land Web API & Jobs Messaging 49

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Serverless Frontend & Backend Cloufront & S3 API Gateway & Lambda Access-Control-Allow-Origin: CORS HTTP HEADER Custom error page index.html Serverless Web Hosting Serverless APIs 50

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Security: Authentication "Who is the current user?" JWT Tokens Custom Authorizer Lambda 51

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JWT Token Authorizer Login user: "Podge" pass: "Unicorns<3" Users DB Check Credentials JWT token Validate token & extract userId API request 52 API 1 API 2 API 3

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Security: Authorization "Can Podge trade for Account17 ?" User Action Resource 53

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User Action Resource Podge trade Account17 Podge changeSettings Account17 Luciano delete * ... ... ... Custom ACL module used by every lambda Built on & Persistence in Postgres node-acl knex.js 54

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import { can } from '@planet9/acl'; export const tradingHandler = async (event, context, callback) => { const user = event.requestContext.userId; const account = event.pathParameters.accountId; const isAuthorized = await can(user, 'trade', account); if (!isAuthorized) { return callback(new Error('Not Authorized')); } // ... business logic } 55

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Security: Sensitive Data export const handler = (event, context, callback) => { const CONN_STRING = process.env.CONN_STRING; // ... } 56

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# serverless.yml functions: myLambda: handler: handler.myHandler environment: CONN_STRING: ${env:CONN_STRING} Serverless environment variables 57

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Split business logic into small testable modules Use dependency injection for external resources (DB, Filesystem, etc.) Mock stuff with Jest Aim for 100% coverage Nyan Cat test runners! Quality: Unit Tests 58

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Use child_process.exec to launch "sls invoke local" Make assertions on the JSON output Test environment simulated with Docker (Postgres, Cassandra, etc.) Some services are hard to test locally (SNS, SQS, S3) Quality: Functional Tests 59

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Git-Flow Feature branches Push code GitHub -> CI Quality: Continuous integration CircleCI Lint code (ESlint) Unit tests Build project Functional tests if commit on "master": create deployable artifact 60

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Development / Test / Deployment 61

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Debugging 62

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... How do we debug then console.log... Using the module Enable detailed logs only when needed (e.g. export DEBUG=tradingCalculations) debug 63

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Step Functions Coordinate components of distributed applications Orchestrate different AWS Lambdas Visual flows Different execution patterns (sequential, branching, parallel) 64

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Some lessons learned... Think serverless as microservices " " ❄ ! Be aware of There is still some infrastructure: use proper tools (Cloudformation, Terraform, ...) microfunctions Cold starts soft limits 66

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Serverless architectures are COOL! Infinite scalability at low cost Managed service Still, has some limitations Managing a project might be hard but: Technology progress and open source (e.g. will make things easier Recap 67

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Thanks @loige (special thanks to , & ) @Podgeypoos79 @quasi_modal @augeva Feedback 68