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1 Google Tag Manager Revolve Conference, Oct 29 2015 Tina Arnoldi Marketing Consultant and Trainer Twitter: tinaarnoldi YouTube: tinaarnoldi SlideShare: tinaarnoldi

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2 What we’re doing today • Overview of GTM. • Who cares? • Using it with Google Analytics & Events.

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3 What is a Tag? • A chunk of code that records something on your site and sends the data to a third party. • The action you want to measure. • Requires a trigger in order to fire.

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5 What is Google Tag Manager (GTM)? • Free tool • Introduced in October 2012 • Requires a single snippet of code for recording actions • Web interface • No need for IT to add or rewrite site code

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6 Now on V. 2 as of this year • Terminology changes • Event listeners already on • Need to activate built-in variables

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7 Why bother? • Debugging • Speed • Flexible • Built-in tags

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8 How do I use it? • The site owner should set up an account – Then invite other users, such as an agency • Create a container for your website • Add the GTM tracking code to your site • Add tags to GTM & publish from within GTM

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9 Um, what’s a container? • A piece of code • Unique ID (like with GA) • One per web domain • Placed after the opening tag

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10 Container versions • Published vs Draft • Can roll-back • Doesn’t break tracking when updating • Preview & debug before publishing

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11 A few more terms…

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12 Triggers • Determine when a tag should fire, or.. – When an action should occur • On all pages • When ___ (button) is clicked • When ___ (URL) ends with

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13 Variables • Used to capture dynamic or constant values –Dynamic – Transaction value –Constant – UA tag

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14 What is the Data Layer? “Contains all of the information that you want to pass to Google Tag Manager”

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15 So should I use it? • Maybe not…. • Do you need to add/change tags often? • Do you have a lot of third-party applications? • Are you tracking a lot of Events in GA?

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16 Does this replace Google Analytics? • No, it’s a way to deploy GA on your site. • You still need GA but it’s now a tag in GTM instead of code added directly to your site. • GTM does not report on GA data.

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17 It tells your site… • What to record… • On which pages… • And under which conditions

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18 What’s an “Event”? • Not automatically tracked in GA • Ex: Third-party links, click on mailto: or tel:, video interaction • Reference Web Afternoon SlideShare

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19 Event Tracking Manually • _gaq.push([‘_trackEvent’, ‘button’, ‘clicked’]); • _gaq.push([‘_trackEvent’, ‘form’, • Request’’, 5]); • _gaq.push([‘_trackEvent’, ‘form’, ’submitted’, ’contact us’,, ’true’]);

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20 If you do use it… Have a plan • What tags are there now? • What do they do? • On which pages? • Is there a reason to add new tags?

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21 Think through existing/new Events • What happened? • What triggered it? • Where did it happen? • Category? • Action? • Label?

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22 Setup & Installation

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25 Debug & Versioning

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26 Let’s track some stuff….

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27 Start with an AllClicksTrigger

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29 Let’s look at this for the Revolve Conference site

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30 Check if the install worked

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33 The Data Layer info is related to the click I just did on the previous screen

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34 Enable built-in variables to tell GTM you want to use info from the Data Layer

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35 What’s unique here?

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37 Create a Trigger to tell a Tag when to fire

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38 Next, connect this Trigger to a Tag to make sure it works

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40 Auto pull in Element & Text

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41 Category: ButtonClick isn’t a great name unless any button click is what’s important. Action: Pulls in click element which is Label: Pulls in click text which is TICKETS- $499

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42 When will this tag fire? (On the ButtonClick Trigger)

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43 Um, what was the Trigger again?

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44 So how does this look in Google Analytics?

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46 Event Category

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47 Event Action

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48 Event Label

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51 Build a Trigger, then the Tag..

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52 Category: ButtonClick Action: ClickText(What did the button say?) Label: ClickURL (Where did that click take the visitor?)

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55 What if an existing implementation is a mess?

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56 You want to avoid this - multiple tags recording a single action

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57 #1 and #5 are the same action

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58 If you are doing clean-up • What I clicked • Where I was • What fired

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59 “I didn’t understand anything she said”

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60 My whole talk in 5 minutes • GTM replaces tracking code on your site. • All tags (like analytics) are entered in the GTM web interface instead of hard-coded on the site. • IT/Web – One time coding/install, no updates. • Marketers – Add tracking without code knowledge. • Have a plan first.

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61 Q & A Tina Arnoldi Twitter: tinaarnoldi YouTube: tinaarnoldi SlideShare: tinaarnoldi