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RethinkDB The database for the realtime web Sacramento Ruby Meetup Sacramento, California May 21, 2015

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Jorge Silva @thejsj Developer Evangelist @ RethinkDB

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Preface Why is realtime important?

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Realtime apps • More and more apps are built to be realtime • Users have come to want and expect this behavior in their apps

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Realtime apps

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Realtime apps

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Introduction What is RethinkDB?

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What is RethinkDB? • Open source database for building realtime web applications • NoSQL database that stores schemaless JSON documents • Distributed database that is easy to scale

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Built for Realtime Apps • Subscribe to change notifications from database queries • No more polling — the database pushes changes to your app • Reduce the amount of plumbing needed to stream live updates

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RethinkDB Structure Database → Table → Document MySQL: Database → Table → Row MongoDB: Database → Collection → Document

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Sample Document { "name": "Will Riker", "position": "Commander", "height": 193, "birthdate": Mon Aug 19 2335, "ships": [ { "name": "USS Pegasus" }, { "name": "USS Potemkin" }, { "name": "USS Enterprise" }, ], ... }

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Introduction to ReQL RethinkDB Query Language

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Introduction to ReQL • ReQL embeds natively into your programming language • Compose ReQL queries by chaining commands

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Anatomy of a ReQL Query r.table("users") .pluck("last_name") .distinct().count() Number of unique last names

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Anatomy of a ReQL Query r.table("users") .pluck("last_name") .distinct().count() Access a database table

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Anatomy of a ReQL Query r.table("users") .pluck("last_name") .distinct().count() Isolate a document property

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Anatomy of a ReQL Query r.table("users") .pluck("last_name") .distinct().count() Consolidate duplicate values

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Anatomy of a ReQL Query r.table("users") .pluck("last_name") .distinct().count() Display the number of items

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Sample ReQL Queries r.table("user") .filter(r.row(“age") > (30)) r.table(“post") .eq_join(“u_id”, r.table(“user”)) .zip() r.table("fellowship") .filter({:species => "hobbit"}) .update({:species => "halfling"})

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ReQL Commands • Transformations: map, orderBy, skip, limit, slice • Aggregations: group, reduce, count, sum, avg, min, max, distinct, contains • Documents: row, pluck, without, merge, append, difference, keys, hasFields, spliceAt • Writing: insert, update, replace, delete

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Understanding ReQL • Client driver translates ReQL queries into wire protocol • In Ruby, the driver users operator overloading for most operations (+, /, >=, not)

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Additional ReQL Features • Geospatial indexing for location- based queries • Date and time functions for time data • Support for storing binary objects

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Running Queries

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Realtime updates Working with Changefeeds

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Subscribe to change notifications on database queries Changefeeds

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r.table("users").changes() Track changes on the users table Changefeeds

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Changefeeds • The changes command returns a cursor that receives updates • Each update includes the new and old value of the modified record

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Changefeeds r.table("users").changes() r.table("users") .insert({name: "Bob"}) Changefeed output: { new_val: { id: '362ae837-2e29-4695-adef-4fa415138f90', name: 'Bob', ... }, old_val: null }

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Changefeeds r.table("users").changes() r.table("users") .filter({name: "Bob"}).delete() Changefeed output: { new_val: null, old_val: { id: '362ae837-2e29-4695-adef-4fa415138f90', name: 'Bob', ... } }

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Changefeeds r.table("users").changes() r.table("users") .get("362ae837-2e29-4695-adef-4fa415138f90") .update({name: "Bobby"}) Changefeed output: { new_val: { id: '362ae837-2e29-4695-adef-4fa415138f90', name: 'Bobby' }, old_val: { id: '362ae837-2e29-4695-adef-4fa415138f90', name: 'Bob' } }

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Changefeeds r.table("players") .orderBy({index: r.desc("score")}) .limit(3).changes() Track top three players by score Chain the changes command to an actual ReQL query:

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Changefeeds r.table("table").get(ID).changes() r.table("table").get_all(ID).changes() r.table("table").between(X, Y).changes() r.table("table").filter(CONDITION).changes() r.table("table").union(ID).changes() r.table("table").map(FUNCTION).changes() r.table("table").min(INDEX).changes() r.table("table").max(INDEX).changes() r.table("table").order_by(INDEX) .limit(N).changes() Commands that currently work with changefeeds:

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Using changefeeds

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Building web apps Realtime apps in Ruby

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Basic REST application class MessageApp < Sinatra::Base set :public_folder, 'client' get "/" do; ...; end get '/messages' do; ...; end post '/messages' do; ...; end end Rack::Server.start app: MessageApp, Port: 8000

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Basic REST application class MessageApp < Sinatra::Base set :public_folder, 'client' get "/" do; ...; end get '/messages' do; ...; end post '/messages' do; ...; end end Rack::Server.start app: MessageApp, Port: 8000 Create a Sinatra app

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Basic REST application class MessageApp < Sinatra::Base set :public_folder, 'client' get "/" do; ...; end get '/messages' do; ...; end post '/messages' do; ...; end end Rack::Server.start app: MessageApp, Port: 8000 Route to static assets

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Basic REST application class MessageApp < Sinatra::Base set :public_folder, 'client' get "/" do; ...; end get '/messages' do; ...; end post '/messages' do; ...; end end Rack::Server.start app: MessageApp, Port: 8000 Create a route to get messages

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Basic REST application class MessageApp < Sinatra::Base set :public_folder, 'client' get "/" do; ...; end get '/messages' do; ...; end post '/messages' do; ...; end end Rack::Server.start app: MessageApp, Port: 8000 Create a route to post messages

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Basic REST application class MessageApp < Sinatra::Base set :public_folder, 'client' get "/" do; ...; end get '/messages' do; ...; end post '/messages' do; ...; end end Rack::Server.start app: MessageApp, Port: 8000 Start app in port 8000

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Let's convert this app into a realtime app

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What we need • Listen to changes in our data • Push data changes to our client

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What we will use • RethinkDB as our database, to push data • EventMachine to perform asynchronous queries • Faye for realtime communication with clients

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EventMachine • Event-driven programming • Non-blocking network I/O • Well-suited for the realtime Web

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Faye Framework • Open source pub/sub framework for realtime messaging • Communication between frontend and backend • Supports Ruby and Node.js on the backend

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RethinkDB + Faye do Conn = r.connect host: "localhost" class MessageApp < Sinatra::Base ... end App = MessageApp, mount: "/faye" r.table("messages").changes.em_run(Conn) do |err, change| App.get_client.publish('/messages/new', change["new_val"]) end Rack::Server.start app: App, Port: 8000 end Server-side Ruby code

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RethinkDB + Faye do Conn = r.connect host: "localhost" class MessageApp < Sinatra::Base ... end App = MessageApp, mount: "/faye" r.table("messages").changes.em_run(Conn) do |err, change| App.get_client.publish('/messages/new', change["new_val"]) end Rack::Server.start app: App, Port: 8000 end Create EventMachine event loop

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RethinkDB + Faye do Conn = r.connect host: "localhost" class MessageApp < Sinatra::Base ... end App = MessageApp, mount: "/faye" r.table("messages").changes.em_run(Conn) do |err, change| App.get_client.publish('/messages/new', change["new_val"]) end Rack::Server.start app: App, Port: 8000 end Connect to the database

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RethinkDB + Faye do Conn = r.connect host: "localhost" class MessageApp < Sinatra::Base ... end App = MessageApp, mount: "/faye" r.table("messages").changes.em_run(Conn) do |err, change| App.get_client.publish('/messages/new', change["new_val"]) end Rack::Server.start app: App, Port: 8000 end Add your Sinatra app

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RethinkDB + Faye do Conn = r.connect host: "localhost" class MessageApp < Sinatra::Base ... end App = MessageApp, mount: "/faye" r.table("messages").changes.em_run(Conn) do |err, change| App.get_client.publish('/messages/new', change["new_val"]) end Rack::Server.start app: App, Port: 8000 end Initialize Faye and bind URL route

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RethinkDB + Faye do Conn = r.connect host: "localhost" class MessageApp < Sinatra::Base ... end App = MessageApp, mount: "/faye" r.table("messages").changes.em_run(Conn) do |err, change| App.get_client.publish('/messages/new', change["new_val"]) end Rack::Server.start app: App, Port: 8000 end Start the changefeed

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RethinkDB + Faye do Conn = r.connect host: "localhost" class MessageApp < Sinatra::Base ... end App = MessageApp, mount: "/faye" r.table("messages").changes.em_run(Conn) do |err, change| App.get_client.publish('/messages/new', change["new_val"]) end Rack::Server.start app: App, Port: 8000 end Publish the update to a channel

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RethinkDB + Faye do Conn = r.connect host: "localhost" class MessageApp < Sinatra::Base ... end App = MessageApp, mount: "/faye" r.table("messages").changes.em_run(Conn) do |err, change| App.get_client.publish('/messages/new', change["new_val"]) end Rack::Server.start app: App, Port: 8000 end Start Faye app on port 8000

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RethinkDB + Faye faye.subscribe("/messages/new", function(message) { messageCollection.push(message); }); Client-side JavaScript code

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Realtime Chat

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Summary • RethinkDB inverts the database model by pushing data to your app • By doing this, your database remains as your central source of truth • Having a database that listens to changes in your data dramatically simplifies building realtime apps

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Additional Resources • RethinkDB website: • RethinkDB cookbook: • RethinkDB installation:

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