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A Modern Drive-in Experience for Movie Theaters INVESTOR DECK

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| © 2020 Confidential 2 Team BRIAN CARDARELLA Founder and CEO of DockYard (professional software services firm) from 2010 - 2019. Built company from couch to $18.9M in sales (2019 EOY) with over 100 employees. No outside investment and no debts. 20 Years Professional Software Development Experience DOCKYARD Due to Brian’s ownership of DockYard, Inc. DriveIn will be given special heavily reduced rates. In exchange DockYard, Inc. will be given an equity stake in DriveIn. DockYard Will Design and Develop the Production Application DAVE CEDRONE Held positions as Director of Business Development, Consumer Data Lead. Experience with live event data, fan experience monetization, and global sports & entertainment properties. 20 Years of Software Sales Experience

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| © 2020 Confidential 3 US Movie theater sales have been consistently strong Global theater sales have been consistently growing There is a very high demand for the movie theater content in the US and abroad The Market 2016 2017 2018 2019 $1.23 $1.33 $1.22 $1.30 2016 2017 2018 2019 $42.20 $41.80 $40.90 $39.30 Domestic (US) Movie Theater Sales (Billions) Global Movie Theater Sales (Billions)

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| © 2020 Confidential 4 COVID-19’s Impact on Movie Theaters Movie theaters are closed and declaring bankruptcy. Many film studios are taking drastic measures to recoup their losses. Some are pushing films out months to years from now to release. Others are turning to going directly to in-home streaming. The majority of the film industry’s revenue is at stake. The unfortunate reality of the current pandemic is that it presents a unique opportunity to rethink behaviors over short-term and long-term business solutions. We are setting out to address a short-term need by proving out our model and customer experience to develop a long-term solution.

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| © 2020 Confidential 5 Make-shift Drive-in Theaters Theaters primarily generate profit through concession sales. The make-shift drive-in theaters aren’t able to safely implement a concession sales process during the COVID-19 pandemic. This, in part, will impact customer trust for visiting a drive-in theater. Some theaters are attempting to convert into drive-in theaters. They are typically projecting onto a wall using high-grain film paint and FM radio transmitters. However, they are not allowed to show “first-run” films that typically draw viewers to theaters. For many years drive-ins have been restricted from showing first-run films due to the concerns film studios have around the uncertainty of ticket sales and how to prevent piracy.

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| © 2020 Confidential A Mobile Application for a Modern Drive-in Experience

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| © 2020 Confidential 7 Mission Get movie theaters back into business Provide a modern drive-in experience for customers Enforce and incentivize social distancing by automating movie theater interactions

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| © 2020 Confidential 8 Facilitates the Following Functions for Theaters SHOWTIME DISCOVERY AND POS Modern showtime discovery and Point of Sale App manages parking lot assignment and gate entry ACCESS TO LOT AND DESIGNATED PARKING Stream a DRM protected audio stream through your mobile device that will be real-time synchronized to movie playback PROTECTED AUDIO STREAMING Concession sales via an in-car CarPlay (iOS) or Android Auto CONCESSION SALES

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| © 2020 Confidential 9 Showtime Discovery & Point of Sale SEARCH Find local movie theaters and showtimes via geolocation or specific search. All ticket sales and DriveIn service fee are handled within the app. SERVICE FEES Purchase tickets via the mobile app for desired showtime. TICKET SALES

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| © 2020 Confidential 10 ACCESS TO PARKING LOT Based upon a cars make/model and license plate, cars can access the correct parking lot for the drive-in without any direct interaction with theater staff. This will be managed via a check-in system from the theater’s side of the application. Parking spot assignment will either be automatically assigned based upon distribution of cars within the lot or chosen by the customer. PARKING SPOT ASSIGNMENT Parking Lot Access & Spot Assignment

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| © 2020 Confidential 11 Audio Playback of the Movie AUDIO STREAMS All audio streams will be DRM encrypted to prevent movie piracy. CarPlay experience or directly on mobile device ensures use of car’s high-fidelity audio system. SOUND QUALITY Audio streams are synced to movie playback via DriveIn’s sync technology, Clapperboard. TECHNOLOGY

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| © 2020 Confidential 12 Concession Sales During Movie All sales are handled via DriveIn. Customer’s CC is on-file. PURCHASES SEARCH Choose which concessions you wish to purchase from the app. Movie theater employee brings items directly to the car, similar to how many restaurants are facilitating curb-side pickup. CAR-SIDE DELIVERY This process ensures a first-class experience for the customer while observing social distancing. FIRST-CLASS EXPERIENCE Purchase tracking system backend provided to movie theaters will notify which car (via the known parking spot) purchased which items. TRACKING

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| © 2020 Confidential 13 Roadmap TIME TO MARKET • Prototype 1 is scheduled to be completed and tested by May 7 • Prototype 2 is scheduled to be completed and tested by May 22 MONETIZATION DriveIn will make money in two ways: • Service fee % from ticket sales • Service fee % from concession sales ROLL OUT • We plan to first partner with two or three small regional chain movie theaters in the North East • Once we’ve had successful runs, we will begin to sell directly to larger national chains and more regional chains across the US

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| © 2020 Confidential 14 Investment We are seeking a total of $1M in funding ($200k smallest individual contribution) to rapidly build the production a p p l i c a t i o n i n exchange for 20% equity. Our “perfect” investor is a partner who can advocate for us to the film studios to allow “first-run” films to be s h o w n v i a o u r proposed secure play- back experience. Our ideal investor is someone who has a passion for the film i n d u s t r y a n d i s excited about our proposed solution.