Frontend Web
+ Backend
+ Hardware
+ Other stuff
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Oxford, UK
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Evening meet-ups
Hack days
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Last month with
Oxford Python, OxRUG,
Codebar, DotNetOxford,
DevOpsOxford, Drupal &
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The Oxford
Mega Super
Meetup Meetup
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kind of sucks
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kind of sucks
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Problem 1.
HTTP was designed with
wires in mind
wireless/flaky networks can be challenging
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Problem 2.
HTTP resources need to
be constantly online
can be a issue for low-power devices
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Problem 3.
HTTP responses need a
getting content to a client can be tricky
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The problems:
1. Wireless
2. Low energy devices
3. P2P data flow
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this sounds a bit like the
of Things
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1. Many small (movable) devices -
wires become an issue
2. Batteries - constrains compute
3. Things need to be able to talk to
each other
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Part 1.
A deep dive into IoT networking,
and it can fit with WordPress
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An example network of
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1. a thing you can
press down
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2. some things that
light up
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target outcome:
When I press this thing,
these things should turn
(wherever they are)
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Sending a post request to our LED strip?
POST /led-strip HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.51.0
content-type: application/json
Accept: */*
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Length: 15
More useful things with this
—Displaying sensor content
—weather sensors
—door opening counters
—whatever you can build
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More useful things with this
—A device registry
—Smart home
—Sensors in the field
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Doing this at home
MQTT brokers
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Doing this at home
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Pi Zero W
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Part 2.
How can we take
inspiration from the way
we build Things.
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A Thing
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A Thing
Is more than the stuff it's
made from
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A wooden table
A table
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We build applications
from source code
print 'hello world';
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Working out what you're
trying to build
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Try and work out what
your thing does
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A Thing
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A Thing
Is a point of interaction
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Someone needs to
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When you build
Make sure it's a thing
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A Thing
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A Thing
Doesn't have to be simple
(but it can be)
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The SR-71 is still just a thing
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A thing that
flies very fast
& very high up
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Keep is Simple Stupid
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Keep is Simple, Stupid
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Have a clear idea of what
your thing is
Build that thing as simply
as you can
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For way more about this,
see Skunk Works by
Nickolas Means
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Part 3.
How we can make our
phones into things
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MQTT over WebSockets
Our device becomes another thing on the network
const mqt = new MQT('')
mqt.subscribe('/sensor/value' (value) =>
document.querySelector('#sensor').textContent = value
mqt.publish('/phone/visit', document.location.pathname)
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Browsers can do more
than displaying
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.then(({value, charging}) => {})