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I'm Ben

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Frontend Web Developer

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Frontend Web Developer + Backend + Hardware + Other stuff

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Oxford, UK

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Evening meet-ups Hack days

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Last month with Oxford Python, OxRUG, Codebar, DotNetOxford, DevOpsOxford, Drupal & WPOx

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The Oxford Mega Super Meetup Meetup

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HTTP kind of sucks

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HTTP kind of sucks (sometimes)

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Problem 1. HTTP was designed with wires in mind wireless/flaky networks can be challenging

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Problem 2. HTTP resources need to be constantly online can be a issue for low-power devices

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Problem 3. HTTP responses need a request getting content to a client can be tricky

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The problems: 1. Wireless 2. Low energy devices 3. P2P data flow

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this sounds a bit like the Internet of Things

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1. Many small (movable) devices - wires become an issue 2. Batteries - constrains compute resource 3. Things need to be able to talk to each other

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Part 1. A deep dive into IoT networking, and it can fit with WordPress

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An example network of Things

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1. a thing you can press down

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2. some things that light up

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target outcome: When I press this thing, these things should turn red (wherever they are)

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Sending a post request to our LED strip? POST /led-strip HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: curl/7.51.0 content-type: application/json Accept: */* Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Length: 15 {"color":"red"}

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Handling HTTP —Opening ports —Responding to requests —Parsing request & headers —Understanding http codes & header fields —Chunked encoding —Persistent connections —IP address changes

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(JSON is pretty challenging too)

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Small devices —variable network —sketchy network —low processing power —power consumption requirements

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MQTT Message Queue*

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MQTT Telemetry Transport

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Broker Client

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publish subscribe topics messages

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MQTT Broker —Could be a satellite —Could be a hub in a home —Could be a box sitting in a field

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MQTT Connection —Satellite radio —mesh network —bluetooth LE

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MQTT Connection —Stateful —Message based —Binary

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Message structure +----------------------+ | fixed header | |----------------------| | variable header | |----------------------| | payload | +----------------------+

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Connecting to a broker ie. making initial contact CONNECT & CONNACK

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Client Broker ------- CONNECT -------> <------ CONNACK --------

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CONNECT fixed header 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 f i x e d h e a d e r MESSAGE TYPE 1 2 REMAINING LENGTH DUP RET QOS

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CONNECT variable header —protocol number —whether username & password are supplied

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CONNECT payload —the actual username & password (if required)

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'fourteen bytes' to connect —2 bytes - fixed header —12 bytes - variable header —0-n bytes - flag values

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Publishing Messages eg. on button press PUBLISH

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PUBLISH fixed header 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 f i x e d h e a d e r MESSAGE TYPE 1 2 REMAINING LENGTH DUP RET QOS

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PUBLISH variable header 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TOPIC LENGTH / T O P I C 3 4 5 . . . . T

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PUBLISH payload —the content of your message (optional) publish /button/push 'count: 5'

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⨽⨽⨽⨽/button/push vs POST /button HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: curl/7.51.0 content-type: application/json Accept: */* Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Length: 15 {"action":"push"}

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16 bytes

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16 bytes POST /btn HTT

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Receiving Messages eg. some lights SUBSCRIBE

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SUBSCRIBE fixed header 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 f i x e d h e a d e r MESSAGE TYPE 1 2 REMAINING LENGTH DUP RET QOS

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SUBSCRIBE variable header —Message identifier

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SUBSCRIBE payload —a list of topic names

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Receiving messages

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Receiving messages (we already know this!) Client Broker <------ PUBLISH --------

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Job Done We can publish & subscribe to a network of things

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$socket = fsockopen('', 1883); $connect = constructConnectMessage(); fwrite($socket, $connect, strlen($connect)); $publish = constructPublishMessage('/hello', 'world!'); fwrite($socket, $publish, strlen($connect));

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One other thing: QoS For when you're not sure if your satellite is even there

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 f i x e d h e a d e r MESSAGE TYPE 1 2 REMAINING LENGTH DUP RET QOS

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QoS 0 Fire and Forget Client Broker Client ---- PUBLISH ----> [delete] ---- PUBLISH ---->

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QoS 1 At least once delivery Client Broker Client ---- PUBLISH ----> [store] ---- PUBLISH ----> [delete] <------ PUBACK --- [delete]

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QoS 2 "Exactly once" Client Broker Client ----- PUBLISH ----> [store] ---- PUBLISH ----> <------ PUBACK ---- ------- PUBREL ---> [delete] <------ PUBCOMP --- [delete]

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Embraces flakey networks

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MQTT …that's about it (security/encryption, client IDs, last will, persistence, ping/pong)

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Demo Let's hook these lights together

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Bringing WordPress onto the network

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1/ Subscribe to MQTT topics 2/ Publish messages to MQTT

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1/ Subscribe to MQTT topics Create an mqtt-wp bridge (A script that forwards on messages) github/benfoxall/mqtt-wp

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const WPAPI = require('wpapi') const wp = new WPAPI(config.wp) const update = (slug, content) => wp.pages().slug(slug) .update({content}) // update('my-thing', 'Sensor value: 4')

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const mqtt = require('mqtt') const client = mqtt.connect(config.mqtt_host) client.subscribe('my/sensor') client.on('message', (topic, buffer) => { const content = escape(buffer.toString()) update('my-sensor', content) })

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Publishing messages

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Option 1: Via WP-MQTT ➡ Nice and easy Option 2: Via Webhooks ➡ Better fit for a wp-bridge model

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WP-MQTT settings

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MQTT Broker WordPress wp-mqtt plugin mqtt-wp bridge

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Demo Let's bring WordPress on to the network

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More useful things with this —Displaying sensor content —weather sensors —door opening counters —whatever you can build

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More useful things with this —A device registry —Smart home —Sensors in the field

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Doing this at home MQTT brokers

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Doing this at home Electronics

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Pi Zero W

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Part 2. How can we take inspiration from the way we build Things.

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A Thing

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A Thing Is more than the stuff it's made from

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A wooden table A table

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We build applications from source code print 'hello world';

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Working out what you're trying to build

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Try and work out what your thing does

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A Thing

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A Thing Is a point of interaction

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Someone needs to understand

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When you build something Make sure it's a thing

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A Thing

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A Thing Doesn't have to be simple (but it can be)

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The SR-71 is still just a thing

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A thing that flies very fast & very high up

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Keep is Simple Stupid

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Keep is Simple, Stupid

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Have a clear idea of what your thing is Build that thing as simply as you can

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For way more about this, see Skunk Works by Nickolas Means

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Part 3. How we can make our phones into things

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MQTT over WebSockets Our device becomes another thing on the network const mqt = new MQT('') mqt.subscribe('/sensor/value' (value) => document.querySelector('#sensor').textContent = value ) mqt.publish('/phone/visit', document.location.pathname)

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Browsers can do more than displaying documents

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Power navigator.getBattery() .then(({value, charging}) => {})

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Location navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition( ({coords}) => {} )

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Orientation & movement document.addEventListener('deviceorientation', ({alpha, beta, gamma}) => {} ) document.addEventListener('devicemotion', ({acceleration}) => {} )

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Ambient Light window.addEventListener('devicelight', ({value}) => {} )

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Proximity window.addEventListener('userproximity', ({near}) => {} )

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Audio/Video feed navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true, video: true }) .then(stream => {})

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Movement navigator.vibrate(100)

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Sounds var ctx = new AudioContext() var osc = ctx.createOscillator() osc.connect(ctx.destination) osc.frequency.value = 300 osc.start()

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Other features

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Service workers navigator.serviceWorker.register('/sw-test/sw.js')

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Web Bluetooth navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice({ filters: [{ services: ['heart_rate'], }] }).then(device => device.gatt.connect())

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Our web pages are becoming Things

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Part 4. How to build things that make a difference

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We're building things

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The usefulness of a thing can be assessed

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When you're building something

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make a difference for someone

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Thank you for listening @benjaminbenben

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