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Keda Mastering Scale-to-Zero Daniel Hasselwander Zürich, 16.05.2023 Azure Zürich User Group

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It is Monday 10AM, now Some person leaves the house and goes to work

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Why is this situation important for today

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What is a good software ?

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Doing the right things, with as little cost in operations as possible

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Same Picture – another Situation

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Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4

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It is Sunday, now

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Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4

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What we want

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Node 1 Node 2

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Our Path What is Keda What we want How it works Demo

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Who am I ?

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Scale-To-Zero What we want ? Scale Workload on external metric 1 0 or 0 1

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What is Keda ? − Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaler − Works alongside standard components − Installable with helm − Doku on

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Agent – Scale to Zero activate and deactivate Deployments «keda-operator» container How it works ? KEDA Parts Metrics Server exposes event data for HPA to scale out «keda-operator-metrics- apiserver» container

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ScaledObjects Events Deployment etc. How it works ? Custom Ressources (CRD) ScaledJobs Events Kubernetes Job TriggerAuthentication Namespace useable credentials ClusterTriggerAuthentication Cluster useable credentials

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Demo 1

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Demo 2

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But what if my application work with http requests

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KEDA – HTTP Scaler − An HTTP "event" is not well defined − no out-of-the-box single system that can provide an API to measure the current number of incoming HTTP events or requests. − must to be integrated into the HTTP routing system

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KEDA – HTTP Scaler Add-On − KEDA core project has purposely not built generic HTTP-based scaling − Beta Status − Try it and give the community feedback − GitHub - kedacore/http-add-on: Add-on for KEDA to scale HTTP workloads

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Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4

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It is the next Sunday, now

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Node 1 Node 2

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KEDA – When to use it − Can be your default scale mechanism − Scale-To-Zero != Realtime − Azure Function in your Cluster

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KEDA – Good to know − Short polling only for activate deployment − Don´t combine ScaleObject with HPA − Can use multiple scaler − Scale on your own systems − Azure CLI implement a KEDA extension for Functions

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The Code is published on Github Hassel93/cn_meetup_keda: Repository with all used files for demo of (

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Thank you for your attention ! Questions ?