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E ffi cient DevOps Tooling 
 with Java and GraalVM OOP Fachforen 2021 Digital, February 9th 2021 @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware

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Mario-Leander Reimer Principal Software Architect @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware

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// OOP 2021 Digital // Efficient DevOps Tooling with Java and GraalVM // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware #OOPdigital How do you organise and enable DevOps teams for fast fl ow and high productivity? 3

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// OOP 2021 Digital // Efficient DevOps Tooling with Java and GraalVM // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware #OOPdigital Too much cognitive load will become a bottleneck for fast fl ow and high productivity. • Instrinsic Cognitive Load - relates to fundamental aspects and knowledge in the problem space (e.g. used languages, APIs, frameworks) • Extraneous Cognitive Load - relates to the environment 
 (e.g. deployment, con fi guration, console commands) • Germane Cognitive Load - relates to speci fi c aspects of the business domain (aka. „value added“ thinking) 4

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// OOP 2021 Digital // Efficient DevOps Tooling with Java and GraalVM // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware #OOPdigital Eliminate extraneous cognitive load 
 Minimize intrinsic cognitive load 5

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// OOP 2021 Digital // Efficient DevOps Tooling with Java and GraalVM // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware #OOPdigital 6

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// OOP 2021 Digital // Efficient DevOps Tooling with Java and GraalVM // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware #OOPdigital Use the right language for the job!? 7 Getty Images Liliboas Ansible Shell Scripts Ruby Python

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// OOP 2021 Digital // Efficient DevOps Tooling with Java and GraalVM // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware #OOPdigital 8

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// OOP 2021 Digital // Efficient DevOps Tooling with Java and GraalVM // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware #OOPdigital GraalVM to the Rescue! 9

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// OOP 2021 Digital // Efficient DevOps Tooling with Java and GraalVM // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware #OOPdigital GraalVM in a Nutshell • Polyglot Runtime: runs all JVM languages, R, JavaScript, NodeJS, Ruby, Python, C/C++ via LLVM with full interop • Ahead-of-time (AOT) Compilation: memory management, thread scheduling via SubstrateVM • GraalVM as a Platform: embed and extend GraalVM with Tru ff l e, implement your own language and tools 10

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// OOP 2021 Digital // Efficient DevOps Tooling with Java and GraalVM // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware #OOPdigital Polyglot Mayhem • The Graal Polyglot API allows you to embed and use different languages with full bidirectional interop. 
 • This is not the same as with the Java Scripting API (JSR 223)! 11 private static void helloPython(PolyglotMessage message) { try (Context context = Context.newBuilder().allowAllAccess(true).build()) { context.getPolyglotBindings().putMember("message", message); context.eval("python", "import polyglot\n" + "message = polyglot.import_value('message')\n" + "message['invocations'] += 1\n" + "print(message['text'])"); } }

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// OOP 2021 Digital // Efficient DevOps Tooling with Java and GraalVM // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware #OOPdigital 12 Code & Demos

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// OOP 2021 Digital // Efficient DevOps Tooling with Java and GraalVM // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware #OOPdigital The Swiss Army Knife of Operations. 13 CLIs - The Swiss Army Knife of Operations

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// OOP 2021 Digital // Efficient DevOps Tooling with Java and GraalVM // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware #OOPdigital The basics of 12-factor CLI apps • Great help is essential. What version am I on? • Prefer fl ags to positional arguments. • Mind the streams. stdout is for output, stderr is for messaging. • Handle things going wrong: error code, title, how to fi x, URL, … • Be fancy: use colours, have shell completion. • Prompt if you can. • Be speedy. CLIs need to start fast. • Be clear about subcommands. 14 For complete list and info, read

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// OOP 2021 Digital // Efficient DevOps Tooling with Java and GraalVM // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware #OOPdigital Build CLIs with Picocli and GraalVM • Native DevOps tools, CLIs or sidecar containers can now also be build using Java! Golang is still cool. • Picoli is a small framework to easily build JVM command line apps. • Support for ANSI colors, tab completion, sub commands and other 12-factor CLI app principles • In-built support for GraalVM AOT compilation to native images via the ReflectionConfigGenerator utility and annotation processor. 15

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// OOP 2021 Digital // Efficient DevOps Tooling with Java and GraalVM // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware #OOPdigital 16 Code & Demos

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// OOP 2021 Digital // Efficient DevOps Tooling with Java and GraalVM // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware #OOPdigital Container Orchestration Patterns 17 Sidecar Container 
 Extended Container Behaviour • Log Extraction / Reformatting 
 ( fl uentd, fi le beat) • Scheduling (cron, quartz) Ambassador Container 
 Proxy Communication • TLS Tunnel (ghostunnel, Istio) • Circuit Breaking (linked, Istio) • Request Monitoring (linked, Istio) Adapter Container 
 Standardized Ops Interfaces • Monitoring (Prometheus) • Con fi guration (Con fi gMaps, Secrets, …)

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// OOP 2021 Digital // Efficient DevOps Tooling with Java and GraalVM // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware #OOPdigital Use a multi-stage Docker fi le to build Linux binary 18 FROM AS builder # install native-image utility RUN gu install native-image && mkdir /hands-on-graalvm # copy files content and build native application WORKDIR /hands-on-graalvm COPY . . RUN ./gradlew build -x test && ./gradlew graalNativeImage FROM # copy binary and required libraries into runtime image COPY --from=builder /hands-on-graalvm/build/hands-on-graal / COPY --from=builder /opt/graalvm-ce-java11-20.3.0/lib/ / COPY --from=debian:10.2 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz* /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ COPY --from=debian:10.2 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz* /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ENTRYPOINT ["/hands-on-graal"] CMD ["Hello World from GraalVM native inside Docker."]

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// OOP 2021 Digital // Efficient DevOps Tooling with Java and GraalVM // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware #OOPdigital 19 Operator. - Do stuff to my Kubernetes.

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// OOP 2021 Digital // Efficient DevOps Tooling with Java and GraalVM // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware #OOPdigital What are operators? • Operators are codi fi ed Ops procedures! • Operators are the path towards Zero-Ops. They enable auto-updating, self-monitoring and self-healing infrastructure and applications. • The concept was coined in the Kubernetes world. It’s now been adopted and used widespread in the cloud native world. • Examples: OKD, Sealed Secrets, Kube Monkey, Weave Flux 20

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// OOP 2021 Digital // Efficient DevOps Tooling with Java and GraalVM // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware #OOPdigital Kubernetes Operators in a Nutshell 21

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// OOP 2021 Digital // Efficient DevOps Tooling with Java and GraalVM // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware #OOPdigital The Kill Pod Operator 22 • Super simple Chaos monkey style operator inspired by Kubemonkey • Regularly kills pods of deployments that are killpod/enabled apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: nginx-killpod-enabled labels: killpod/enabled: "true" killpod/application: nginx-killpod-enabled killpod/delay: "30" killpod/amount: "2" spec: ...

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// OOP 2021 Digital // Efficient DevOps Tooling with Java and GraalVM // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware #OOPdigital The Super Secret Operator 23 • Apply asymmetrical encrypted secrets, the operator will decrypt and manage ordinary K8s secrets under the hood • Inspired by Sealed Secrets from Bitnami apiVersion: operators.on.hands/v1alpha1 kind: SuperSecret metadata: name: supersecret-test spec: secretData: password: eV7YoQXyZlY+y51RWXEqyu0U44EPEPwEz+fZvGo+7McOTA4wQYCdxXMANtab3aW8 
 ... ywqpkHYtSLvrPgFnbcuSvD2UzuUNeE2qkh6SAM1z9Lpfwi+IUZjaY34Z+RjEL5OZFPYkQ==

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// OOP 2021 Digital // Efficient DevOps Tooling with Java and GraalVM // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware #OOPdigital The Microservice Operator 24 apiVersion: operators.on.hands/v1alpha1 kind: Microservice metadata: name: microservice-test labels: app: nginx spec: replicas: 2 image: nginx:1.17.6 ports: - containerPort: 80 serviceType: LoadBalancer • Abstracting the usual Deployment, Service and Con fi gMap de fi nitions using a simple and uni fi ed Microservice CRD

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// OOP 2021 Digital // Efficient DevOps Tooling with Java and GraalVM // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware #OOPdigital 25 Code & Demos

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Mario-Leander Reimer Principal Software Architect, QAware GmbH [email protected] &