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© Copyright 2019 Pivotal Software, Inc. All rights Reserved. Testing the Spring Framework Stéphane Nicoll - @snicoll

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Who am I? ● Software Engineer at Pivotal (Spring Boot, Spring Framework and ● Involved in open source for 15 years (Apache Maven, Spring Framework) ● snicoll on the Web (Twitter, Github) - ● Based in Liège, Belgium (come over, we have waffles)

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Who am I? ● Software Engineer at Pivotal (Spring Boot, Spring Framework and ● Involved in open source for 15 years (Apache Maven, Spring Framework) ● snicoll on the Web (Twitter, Github) - ● Based in Liège, Belgium (come over, we have waffles)

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Prerequisite “

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Prerequisite “They have a good notion of Java and OOP, know how to use IntelliJ, are used to building tools such as Maven and Gradle, and know JUnit 5 very well. Maurício Aniche

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Prerequisite “They have a good notion of Java and OOP, know how to use IntelliJ, are used to building tools such as Maven and Gradle, and know JUnit 5 very well. Maurício Aniche

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This is what I was doing during my 1st year

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This is what I was doing during my 1st year

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Once upon a time…

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We stored libs in source control

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We stored libs in source control

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The power of convention over configuration

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And we had to configure the infrastructure ourselves ${hibernate.dialect} ${} ${hibernate.show_sql} ${hibernate.format_sql}

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And we had to configure the infrastructure ourselves ${hibernate.dialect} ${} ${hibernate.show_sql} ${hibernate.format_sql}

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And chose which libraries to use (and their versions!) org.springframework spring-context ${spring.version} org.springframework spring-orm ${spring.version} spring-data-jpa 1.3.0.RELEASE

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And chose which libraries to use (and their versions!) org.hibernate.javax.persistence hibernate-jpa-2.0-api 1.0.1.Final org.hibernate hibernate-entitymanager 4.1.9.Final runtime mysql mysql-connector-java 5.1.6 runtime

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And chose which libraries to use (and their versions!) org.hibernate.javax.persistence hibernate-jpa-2.0-api 1.0.1.Final org.hibernate hibernate-entitymanager 4.1.9.Final runtime mysql mysql-connector-java 5.1.6 runtime

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The power of convention over configuration

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Live Coding Enough with the slides already!

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Summary ● Conventions can significantly improve your productivity ● Best practices for teams and the ecosystem at large ● Provide sane defaults when you don’t or shouldn’t care ● Make upgrade and maintenance easier ● …. but shouldn’t get in your way ● Built on top of an API you could use to implement something slightly or totally different ● Can be customised without having you to redefine everything ● Depending on the scope, not everything can be the target of a convention

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See you in 15 Break

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Why bother testing at all?

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Testing to reduce risk Risk None YOLO Tests 0 Lots

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Demo CI/CD in action on

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Unit Tests

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Unit tests should not require any “framework” @Service public class SubmissionService { @Autowired private SubmissionRepository submissions; @Transactional public Submission create(SubmissionRequest request) { Submission submission = new Submission(); ... return; } }

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Unit tests should not require any “framework” @Service public class SubmissionService { private final SubmissionRepository submissions; public SubmissionService(SubmissionRepository submissions) { this.submissions = submissions; } @Transactional public Submission create(SubmissionRequest request) { Submission submission = new Submission(); ... return; } }

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Unit testing a client for an HTTP API class SpringBootMetadataReaderTests { private final RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(); private final MockRestServiceServer server = MockRestServiceServer.bindTo( this.restTemplate).build(); @Test void readAvailableVersions() throws IOException { this.server.expect(requestTo("")) .andRespond(withSuccess(new ClassPathResource( "metadata/sagan/spring-boot.json"), MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)); ... this.server.verify(); } }

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Integration Tests

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No content

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@JsonTest @WebMvcTest @WebFluxTest @DataJpaTest @JdbcTest @JooqTest @DataMongoTest @DataNeo4jTest @DataRedisTest @DataLdapTest @RestClientTest

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Slice test example @RestClientTest(SpringBootMetadataReader.class) class SpringBootMetadataReaderTests { @Autowired private SpringBootMetadataReader springBootMetadataReader; @Autowired private MockRestServiceServer server; @Test void readAvailableVersions() throws IOException { this.server.expect(requestTo("")) .andRespond(withSuccess(new ClassPathResource( "metadata/sagan/spring-boot.json"), MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)); ... this.server.verify(); } }

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Slice test example with @MockBean @WebMvcTest(controllers = CfpController.class) class CfpControllerTest { @Autowired private MockMvc mvc; @MockBean private SubmissionService submissionService; @Test void submitTalk() throws Exception { given(this.submissionService.create(any())).willReturn(new Submission()); this.mvc.perform(post("/submit") .param("title", "Alice in Wonderland") .param("summary", "my abstract")) .andExpect(status().isFound()) .andExpect(header().string(HttpHeaders.LOCATION, "/submit?navSection=submit")); verify(this.submissionService).create(any()); } }

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testcontainers example @DisabledWithoutDockerTestcontainers public class ReactiveRestClientAutoConfigurationTests { @Container static ElasticsearchContainer elasticsearch = new ElasticsearchContainer(); private ApplicationContextRunner contextRunner = new ApplicationContextRunner() .withConfiguration(AutoConfigurations.of( ReactiveRestClientAutoConfiguration.class)); @Test void restClientCanQueryElasticsearchNode() { String endpoint = elasticsearch.getContainerIpAddress() + ":" + elasticsearch.getFirstMappedPort(); this.contextRunner.withPropertyValues( "" + endpoint) .run((context) -> { ReactiveElasticsearchClient client = context.getBean( ReactiveElasticsearchClient.class); ... }); } }

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Testing Spring Boot

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ApplicationContextRunner ● Test utility to prepare a mini ApplicationContext suitable for a very precise scenario: ● Specific auto-configuration(s) ● User configuration, if any ● Environment tuning (properties customization) ● System properties handling ● Starts/Stop the context automatically with a ContextConsumer callback ● AssertJ style assert ● hasSingleBean, doesNotHaveBean, hasFailed ● getBean, getBeans, etc

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ApplicationContextRunner example @Test void shouldFailWhenNativeTypesAreNotAvailable() { this.contextRunner .run((context) -> { assertThat(context).hasFailed(); assertThat(context.getStartupFailure()) .hasRootCauseInstanceOf( NativeTypesNotAvailableException.class); }); }

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ApplicationContextRunner example @Test void shouldFailWhenNativeTypesAreNotAvailable() { this.contextRunner .withConfiguration(AutoConfigurations.of( Neo4jDataAutoConfiguration.class, TransactionAutoConfiguration.class)) .run((context) -> { assertThat(context).hasFailed(); assertThat(context.getStartupFailure()) .hasRootCauseInstanceOf( NativeTypesNotAvailableException.class); }); }

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ApplicationContextRunner example @Test void shouldFailWhenNativeTypesAreNotAvailable() { this.contextRunner .withConfiguration(AutoConfigurations.of( Neo4jDataAutoConfiguration.class, TransactionAutoConfiguration.class)) .withPropertyValues( "", "") .run((context) -> { assertThat(context).hasFailed(); assertThat(context.getStartupFailure()) .hasRootCauseInstanceOf( NativeTypesNotAvailableException.class); }); }

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ApplicationContextRunner example @Test void shouldFailWhenNativeTypesAreNotAvailable() { this.contextRunner .withConfiguration(AutoConfigurations.of( Neo4jDataAutoConfiguration.class, TransactionAutoConfiguration.class)) .withPropertyValues( "", "") .withClassLoader(new FilteredClassLoader( "org.neo4j.ogm.drivers.bolt.types")) .run((context) -> { assertThat(context).hasFailed(); assertThat(context.getStartupFailure()) .hasRootCauseInstanceOf( NativeTypesNotAvailableException.class); }); }

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Classpath tuning @RunWith(ModifiedClassPathRunner.class) @ClassPathOverrides("javax.servlet:servlet-api:2.5") public class NoSuchMethodFailureAnalyzerTests { @Test public void noSuchMethodErrorIsAnalyzed() { Throwable failure = createFailure(); assertThat(failure).isNotNull(); FailureAnalysis analysis = new NoSuchMethodFailureAnalyzer() .analyze(failure); assertThat(analysis).isNotNull(); ... } private Throwable createFailure() { ... } }

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Links ● ● ● ● ● Testing Spring Boot Applications (Andy Wilkinson @ Spring I/O 2019): https://

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© Copyright 2019 Pivotal Software, Inc. All rights Reserved. Thank you! @snicoll