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North American Developer Hiring Landscape Download the full report at:

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Photo Placeholder Data Scientist, Stack Overflow Hello! I’m Julia Silge @juliasilge

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Global Developer Hiring Landscape 2018 Based on the annual Stack Overflow Developer Survey ■ 100,000+ responses globally ■ 183 countries and dependent territories ■ Unrivalled insights on topics ranging from developers’ ideal working environment to their thoughts on artificial intelligence Developer Hiring Landscape 2018 ABOUT STACK OVERFLOW

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Global Developer Hiring Landscape 2018 20% of respondents said they are located in the United States. The next-most represented countries include India, Germany, the UK and Canada Geography of Developers 4

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1 Developer Skills And Roles

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2 The Job Search Process

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Global Developer Hiring Landscape 2018 Hiring Developers in North America Is a Challenge 11 ■ Just 14% of respondents are actively looking for a job ■ 91% of respondents are already employed

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Global Developer Hiring Landscape 2018 We asked developers what the most annoying, exhausting, interesting, and exciting part of searching for a new job is. 13

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3 Salary Trends And Expectations

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Global Developer Hiring Landscape 2018 ■ The median developer salary in North America is $92,000 USD ■ Developers in the United States have the highest median salaries in California ($124,000) followed by those in Washington ($118,000), Massachusetts/New Jersey ($110,000), and New York ($109,000) Median Salaries 17

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Global Developer Hiring Landscape 2018 Questions? You can download the full report by visiting: Find the salary calculator at: Thanks! 23