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HHVM & PHP 7 The Next-Generation PHP Engines

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David Zuelke

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PHP 1 - 5

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PHP 3 Zend gets involved

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PHP 4 Zend Engine 1

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PHP 5 Zend Engine 2

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decent OO PHP has started to stop sucking

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~2005: Unicode!

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UTF-16 is hard

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PHP 5.3 & 5.4

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~2008: PHP 6 is taking forever

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GC! FPM! Namespaces! Lambdas! LSB!

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suddenly: PSR-0, sharing components, Composer

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no PHP 5.4 until three years later!

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(fixes: RFCs and a release process)

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PHP 6 dies, PHP 5.4 gets the remaining goodies

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Traits, removal of lots of deprecated old junk

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PHP has almost become pleasant

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Facebook's faster PHP, much lower RAM/CPU usage

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transpile PHP to C++, let g++ handle the rest

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compile times, no eval support, ...

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JIT: source to bytecode to ("just in time") native x86 code

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and a complete nightmare to build (at least right now)

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lots of work ahead (extensions, Mac/Windows, ...)

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Version name Intended release date LTS? End of support 3.3 11 Sep 2014 yes 13 Aug 2015 3.4* 6 Nov 2014 no 3.5* 1 Jan 2015 no 3.6* 26 Feb 2015 yes 28 Jan 2016 3.7* 23 Apr 2015 no 3.8* 18 Jun 2015 no 3.9* 13 Aug 2015 yes 14 Jul 2016 3.10* 8 Oct 2015 no 3.11* 3 Dec 2015 no 3.12* 28 Jan 2016 yes 29 Dec 2016 3.13* 24 Mar 2016 no 3.14* 19 May 2016 no 3.15* 14 Jul 2016 yes 15 Jun 2017

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class  MyClass  {
        const  int  MyConst  =  0;
        private  string  $x  =  '';
        public  function  increment(int  $x):  int  {
            $y  =  $x  +  1;
            return  $y;

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class  Mailbox  {
        private  ?T  $data;
        public  function  __construct()  {
                $this-­‐>data  =  null;
        public  function  put(T  $mail):  void  {
                $this-­‐>data  =  $mail;
        public  function  check():  ?T  {
                if  ($this-­‐>data  !==  null)  {
                        return  $this-­‐>data;
                return  null;

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$z  =  11;
 $foo  =  $x  ==>  $y  ==>  $x  *  $z  +  $y;
 $bar  =  $foo(5);
 var_dump($bar(4));  //  outputs  59

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a new engine!

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bench.php and Wordpress: ~twice as fast

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echo  "Does  1+2  equal  3?";
 if  ((1+2)  ==  3)  {
    echo  "Yes  it  does!";
 }  else  {
    echo  "No  it  doesn't...";
 } EchoStatement      ConstantExpression("Does  1+2  equal  3?")   IfBranchStatement      BinaryOpExpression(EQUAL)          BinaryOpExpression(ADD)              ConstantExpression(1)              ConstantExpression(2)          ConstantExpression(3)      EchoStatement          ConstantExpression("Yes  it  does!")      EchoStatement          ConstantExpression("No  it  doesn't...")

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(this is where HHVM optimizes, too)

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EchoStatement      ConstantExpression("Does  1+2  equal  3?")   IfBranchStatement      BinaryOpExpression(EQUAL)          ConstantExpression(3)          ConstantExpression(3)      EchoStatement          ConstantExpression("Yes  it  does!")      EchoStatement          ConstantExpression("No  it  doesn't...") EchoStatement      ConstantExpression("Does  1+2  equal  3?")   IfBranchStatement      ConstantExpression(true)      EchoStatement          ConstantExpression("Yes  it  does!")      EchoStatement          ConstantExpression("No  it  doesn't...") EchoStatement      ConstantExpression("Does  1+2  equal  3?")   EchoStatement      ConstantExpression("Yes  it  does!")

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$$foo['bar']  ==  ${$foo['bar']};   $$foo-­‐>bar  ==  ${$foo}-­‐>bar;   $$foo::$bar  ==  ${$foo}::$bar;   global  $$foo-­‐>bar  ==  global  ${$foo-­‐>bar};

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that needs fixing!

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 [$obj1,  $obj2][0]-­‐>prop;
 (function()  {  ...  })();
 [$obj,  'method']();

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                                             //  old  meaning                      //  new  meaning
 $$foo['bar']['baz'];      ${$foo['bar']['baz']};      ($$foo)['bar']['baz'];
 $foo-­‐>$bar['baz'];          $foo-­‐>{$bar['baz']};          ($foo-­‐>$bar)['baz'];
 $foo-­‐>$bar['baz']();      $foo-­‐>{$bar['baz']}();      ($foo-­‐>$bar)['baz']();
 Foo::$bar['baz']();        Foo::{$bar['baz']}();        (Foo::$bar)['baz']();

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//  old:
 $user  =  isset($_GET['user'])  ?  $_GET['user']  :  'nobody';
 //  new:
 $user  =  $_GET['user']  ??  'nobody';

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function  call_method($obj)  {
 try  {
 }  catch  (EngineException  $e)  {
        echo  "Oops,  that  almost  was  a  fatal:  {$e-­‐>getMessage()}\n";

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tentative timeline: first RC in June GA in October (yes, 2015)

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THE FUTURE'S SO BRIGHT I have to wear shades

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competition is good

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fragmentation would only hurt everyone involved

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The End

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HHVM & PHP 7 Thanks for listening! Contact: @dzuelke & [email protected]. rate my talk on!