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What can you learn from thousands of source files in Github? Guillaume Laforge Developer Advocate Google Cloud Platform Apache Groovy PMC chair @glaforge Groovy using BigQuery G3 Summit 2016

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Github dataset Release of the Github archive on Google BigQuery

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The numbers? HUGE 3TB+ of data over 2.8 million repositories with 145 million unique commits 2 billion file paths and the contents of the latest revision of 163 million files

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What’s BigQuery? “BigQuery is Google's fully managed, petabyte scale, low cost enterprise data warehouse for analytics. BigQuery is serverless. There is no infrastructure to manage and you don't need a database administrator, so you can focus on analyzing data to find meaningful insights using familiar SQL. ” Source:

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BigQuery is… Dremel Google published a research paper on “Dremel: Interactive Analysis of Web-scale Datasets”. Dremel in production since 2008, and BigQuery since 2012, processing exabytes every month! Source:

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Apache Groovy “A multi-faceted language for the Java platform Apache Groovy is a powerful, optionally typed and dynamic language, with static-typing and static compilation capabilities, for the Java platform aimed at improving developer productivity thanks to a concise, familiar and easy to learn syntax. It integrates smoothly with any Java program, and immediately delivers to your application powerful features, including scripting capabilities, Domain-Specific Language authoring, runtime and compile-time meta-programming and functional programming.” Source:

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Analyzing Groovy source code What can we learn from all the Groovy files in those million repositories on Github? ➔ How many Groovy files are there on Github? ➔ What are the most popular Groovy file names? ➔ How many lines of Groovy source code are there? ➔ What's the distribution of size of source files? ➔ What are the most frequent imported packages? ➔ What are the most popular Groovy APIs used? ➔ What are the most used AST transformations? ➔ Do people use import aliases much? ➔ Did developers adopt traits?

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A bit of setup... SELECT * FROM [bigquery-public-data:github_repos.files] WHERE RIGHT(path, 7) = '.groovy' SELECT * FROM [bigquery-public-data:github_repos.contents] WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM [github.files])

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A bit of setup... SELECT * FROM [bigquery-public-data:github_repos.files] WHERE RIGHT(path, 7) = '.gradle' SELECT * FROM [bigquery-public-data:github_repos.contents] WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM [github.gradle_build_files])

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A bit of setup... SELECT * FROM [bigquery-public-data:github_repos.contents] WHERE id IN ( SELECT id FROM [bigquery-public-data:github_repos.files] WHERE path LIKE '' )

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Let’s Get Groovy!

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How many Groovy files are there on Github? SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [github-groovy-files:github.files] 743,070

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What are the most frequent Groovy file names? SELECT TOP(f, 20) AS filename, COUNT(*) AS size FROM ( SELECT LAST(SPLIT(path, '/')) AS f FROM [github-groovy-files:github.files] )

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What are the most frequent Groovy file names?

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How many lines of Groovy source code are there? SELECT COUNT(line) AS total_lines FROM ( SELECT SPLIT(content, '\n') AS line FROM [github-groovy-files:github.contents] ) 16,464,376

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What’s the distribution of size of source files? SELECT QUANTILES(total_lines, 11) AS lines FROM ( SELECT COUNT(line) AS total_lines FROM ( SELECT SPLIT(content, '\n') AS line, id FROM [github-groovy-files:github.contents] ) GROUP BY id ) 10% < 10 lines 20% < 16 lines 30% < 24 lines 40% < 33 lines 50% < 43 lines 60 % < 54 lines 70% < 72 lines 80% < 101 lines 90% < 162 lines 100% < 9506 lines

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What are the most frequently imported packages? SELECT package, COUNT(*) AS count FROM ( SELECT REGEXP_EXTRACT(line, r' ([a-z0-9\._]*)\.') AS package, id FROM ( SELECT SPLIT(content, '\n') AS line, id FROM [github-groovy-files:github.contents] WHERE content CONTAINS 'import' HAVING LEFT(line, 6)='import' ) GROUP BY package, id ) GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 14

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What are the most frequently imported packages?

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What are the most popular Groovy APIs used? SELECT package, COUNT(*) AS count FROM ( SELECT REGEXP_EXTRACT(line, r' ([a-z0-9\._]*)\.') AS package, id FROM ( SELECT SPLIT(content, '\n') AS line, id FROM [github-groovy-files:github.contents] WHERE content CONTAINS 'import' HAVING LEFT(line, 6)='import' ) GROUP BY package, id ) WHERE package LIKE 'groovy.%' GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 14

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What are the most popular Groovy APIs used?

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What are the most used AST transformations? SELECT TOP(class_name, 10) AS class_name, COUNT(*) AS count FROM ( SELECT REGEXP_EXTRACT(line, r' [a-z0-9\._]*\.([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)') AS class_name, id FROM ( SELECT SPLIT(content, '\n') AS line, id FROM [github-groovy-files:github.contents] WHERE content CONTAINS 'import' ) WHERE line LIKE '%groovy.transform.%' GROUP BY class_name, id ) WHERE class_name != 'null'

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What are the most used AST transformations?

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Do people use aliased imports much? SELECT aliased, count(aliased) AS total FROM ( SELECT REGEXP_MATCH(line, r'.* (as) .*') AS aliased FROM ( SELECT SPLIT(content, '\n') AS line FROM [github-groovy-files:github.contents] ) WHERE line CONTAINS 'import ' ) GROUP BY aliased

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Do people use aliased imports much?

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Did developers adopt traits? SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT SPLIT(content, '\n') AS line FROM [github-groovy-files:github.contents] ) WHERE line CONTAINS 'trait ' 1,698

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What about Gradle build files?

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Analyzing Gradle build files What can we learn from all the Gradle build files in those million repositories on Github? ➔ How many Gradle build files are there? ➔ How many Maven build files are there? ➔ Which versions of Gradle are being used? ➔ How many of those Gradle files are settings files? ➔ What are the most frequent build file names? ➔ What are the most frequent Gradle plugins? ➔ What are the most frequent “compile” and “test” dependencies?

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How many Gradle build files? SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM [github-groovy-files:github.gradle_build_files] 488,311

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How many Maven build files? SELECT count(*) FROM [bigquery-public-data:github_repos.files] WHERE path LIKE '%pom.xml' 1,009,745

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Which versions of Gradle are being used? SELECT version, COUNT(version) AS count FROM ( SELECT REGEXP_EXTRACT(line, r'gradle-(.*)') AS version FROM ( SELECT SPLIT(content, '\n') AS line FROM [github-groovy-files:github.gradle_wrapper_properties_files] ) WHERE line LIKE 'distributionUrl%' ) GROUP BY version ORDER BY count DESC

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Which versions of Gradle are being used?

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How many of those Gradle files are settings files? SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM [github-groovy-files:github.gradle_build_files] WHERE path LIKE '%settings.gradle' 102,433

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What are the most frequent Gradle build file names? SELECT f, COUNT(f) as count FROM ( SELECT LAST(SPLIT(path, '/')) AS f FROM [github-groovy-files:github.gradle_build_files] ) GROUP BY f ORDER BY count DESC

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What are the most frequent Gradle build file names?

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What are the most frequently used Gradle plugins? SELECT plugin, COUNT(plugin) AS count FROM ( SELECT REGEXP_EXTRACT(line, r'apply plugin: (?:\'|\")(.*)(?:\'|\")') AS plugin FROM ( SELECT SPLIT(content, '\n') AS line FROM [github-groovy-files:github.gradle_build_contents] ) ) GROUP BY plugin ORDER BY count DESC

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What are the most frequently used Gradle plugins?

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What are the most frequently used “id” plugins? SELECT newplugin, COUNT(newplugin) AS count FROM ( SELECT REGEXP_EXTRACT(line, r'id (?:\'|\")(.*)(?:\'|\") version') AS newplugin FROM ( SELECT SPLIT(content, '\n') AS line FROM [github-groovy-files:github.gradle_build_contents] ) ) GROUP BY newplugin ORDER BY count DESC

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What are the most frequently used “id” plugins?

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What are the most frequent “compile” dependencies? SELECT dep, COUNT(dep) AS count FROM ( SELECT REGEXP_EXTRACT(line, r'compile(?: |\()(?:\'|\")(.*):') AS dep FROM ( SELECT SPLIT(content, '\n') AS line FROM [github-groovy-files:github.gradle_build_contents] ) ) GROUP BY dep ORDER BY count DESC

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What are the most frequent “compile” dependencies?

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What are the most frequent “ test compile” dependencies? SELECT dep, COUNT(dep) AS count FROM ( SELECT REGEXP_EXTRACT(line, r'testCompile(?: |\()(?:\'|\")(.*):') AS dep FROM ( SELECT SPLIT(content, '\n') AS line FROM [github-groovy-files:github.gradle_build_contents] ) ) GROUP BY dep ORDER BY count DESC

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What are the most frequent “ test compile” dependencies?

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And your Grails apps?

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Analyzing Grails apps What can we learn from all the Grails apps in those million repositories on Github? ➔ What are the most used SQL database used? ➔ What are the most frequent controller names? ➔ What are the repositories with the biggest number of controllers? ➔ What is the distribution of number of controllers?

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What are the most used SQL database drivers used in Grails apps? SELECT driver, COUNT(*) AS count FROM ( SELECT REGEXP_EXTRACT(line, r'\s*driverClassName\s*=\s*(?:\"|\')(.*)(?:\"|\')\s*') AS driver, id FROM ( SELECT SPLIT(content, '\n') AS line, id FROM [github-groovy-files:github.contents] WHERE id IN ( SELECT id FROM [github-groovy-files:github.files] WHERE path LIKE '%DataSource.groovy' ) ) GROUP BY driver, id ) GROUP BY driver ORDER BY count DESC

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What are the most used SQL database drivers used in Grails apps?

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What are the most frequent controller names? SELECT ctrlName, COUNT(ctrlName) AS count FROM ( SELECT REGEXP_EXTRACT(path, r'.*/controllers/(\w*)Controller.groovy') AS ctrlName FROM [github-groovy-files:github.files] WHERE path LIKE '%Controller.groovy' ) GROUP BY ctrlName ORDER BY count DESC

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What are the most frequent controller names?

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What are the repositories with the biggest number of controllers? SELECT repo_name, COUNT(path) AS count FROM ( SELECT path, repo_name FROM [github-groovy-files:github.files] WHERE path LIKE '%/controllers/%Controller.groovy' ) GROUP BY repo_name ORDER BY count DESC

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What are the repositories with the biggest number of controllers?

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What is the distribution of number of controllers? SELECT QUANTILES(count, 11) AS n FROM ( SELECT repo_name, COUNT(path) AS count FROM ( SELECT path, repo_name FROM [github-groovy-files:github.files] WHERE path LIKE '%/controllers/%Controller.groovy' ) GROUP BY repo_name ORDER BY count DESC ) 30% < 1 ctrl 40% < 2 ctrl 50% < 3 ctrl 60% < 4 ctrl 70% < 6 ctrl 80% < 11 ctrl 90% < 19 ctrl 100% < 136 ctrl

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Your turn to play!

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References Some reading for diving more into the Github dataset and Google BigQuery ➔ Announcements ➔ Tabs vs Spaces! ➔ Analyzing Groovy code ➔ More analyzing Spoiler: Spaces win! (except in Go)

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Thanks for your attention @glaforge

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