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2 RE-GUIDANCE • Syllabus: • Slack • Today's Slack Channel: #realtime-20180512 • Homework Submission: #homework-201804021 • Encourage to see around other teams' channels • Answering to previous reflections ... •

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3 Answering to previous reflections HW 8M M H H M H 8 Q- M x M W - W H M M WW8 e Q . W M M

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“The value of prototypes reside less in the models themselves than in the interactions they invite” –Michael Schrage, Serious Play

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11 Why we prototype 1. To collaborate tangibly on an idea 2. To get early stakeholder feedback 3. To get an evaluation of different solutions 4. To gain insights 5. To allow concepts to be experienced 6. To tell a story

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12 Design cycle along with the different prototype milestones Bernhard Schindlholzer, Falk Uebernickel, Walter Brenner. “A Method for the Management of Service Innovation Projects in Mature Organizations,” IJSSMET, pp. 25-41, 2011.

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13 1: Critical Function Prototype l To identify the critical functional requirements of a potential solution l To understand customers and their needs l You may make it with paper 2: Darkhorse Prototype l To restart your approach and pursue a different direction l For experiments with high-risk solutions 1 2 Prototype milestones B. Schindlholzer, et al., IJSSMET, pp. 25-41, 2011.

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14 3: Integrated (FunKtional) Prototype l To integrate and combine the different prototype l To reflect the customers feedback to ensure the vision meets their requirements 4: Functional Prototype l To converge to the final solution that will be delivered at the end of the project l Functions should be carefully selected from the previous stage 3 4 Prototype milestones B. Schindlholzer, et al., IJSSMET, pp. 25-41, 2011.

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15 5: X-is-Finished Prototype l To realize one function or feature of the final solution 6: Final Prototype l Final prototype consists of several previous ones that are integrated into a coherent concept 5 6 Prototype milestones B. Schindlholzer, et al., IJSSMET, pp. 25-41, 2011.

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The Gyrus ENT surgical tool was developed by IDEO

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24 Prototyping: STEP I Based on the resources that are available (paper, pens, materials etc.), prototype something you have now. 3 min for rough sketch 7 min for prototyping!

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25 & Prototyping: STEP II Improve a bag or add a new function on a bag. Based on the resources that are available (paper, pens, materials etc.), prototype the improved bag. 5 min for rough sketch & writing down specifications 10 min for prototyping!

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26 Prototyping: STEP II Share your prototype with group member. 1 min x 5

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27 & Prototyping: STEP III Design a novel stationary we have never seen. Based on the resources that are available (paper, pens, materials etc.), prototype the stationary designed by you. 7 min for rough sketch & writing down specifications 12 min for prototyping!

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28 Prototyping: STEP III Share your prototype with group member. 2 min x 5

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30 Debrief l What are some questions you have around prototyping?

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32 Constrains in prototyping l Include at least one TANGIBLE thing. Software-only or Service-only is not allowed. l One idea can cost 1,000 yen at most for low-fi prototyping. (Use can use anything in this room for free) l You have to make all by yourselves. (DO NOT outsource) l Only use technologies available now. (DO NOT use Si-Fi technologies)

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33 l Create rough prototypes for the concepts that your team has selected. l Be creative! l Share the prototypes with everyone (from 14:50) *3 min for presentation (Introduce your prototype, POV, HMW, product sketch, and storyboard) * POV, HMW, product sketch, storyboard Prototype your solutions

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34 Homework l As an individual, refine your concept according to the today’s feedback. Then, make a prototype by yourself! l Complete the EDP concept sheets* (POV, HMW, Product sketch, Storyboard) and upload them together with the photo of your prototype to slack #homework-20180512 *you can find them @ l Don’t forget to bring materials for refining the prototype of your team in the next lecture!

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35 Reflection l Take a LARGE sticky note. (or Combine two notes) l Write down your name (id) and dept/comp. l Write about today (Japanese is OK) : • Keep (Good thing) • Problem (Bad thing) • Try (Improvement, Proposal) lTake a photo of all of the team member's reflections. lPost the photo to Slack #realtime-20180512. -1/ (/3 213 )//3 2 /1