If ‘everyone else’ is working
on strategy, business or
operating models, the
opportunity is to focus on
creativity and clarity
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Creativity (noun)
The use of imagination or
original ideas to create
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…the ability to transcend
traditional ideas, rules,
patterns, relationships, and
to create meaningful new
ideas, forms, methods,
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lightbulb outline
(round and round)
Invention doesn’t stop. It has to keep going.
It’s an act of continuous and imperfect iteration.
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New solutions create new
problems, which need new
There’s always a place to
make things work better
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Clarity (noun)
The quality of being clear
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Clarity and creative
thinking go together
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…creativity isn’t about
making additions; it’s about
making subtractions. Ideas
need honing, simplifying and
Will Gompertz (Think Like an Artist)
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Framing the
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Framing the problem is a
process of reduction.
Starting conversations.
Creating understanding
and opportunities.
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Introducing a process
of reduction or
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…a lot of what we seem
to be doing is getting
design out of the way
Jonny Ive (Apple)
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Removing the headphones socket. An example
of reduction breaking things (destruction)
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Sometimes you have
to break things or pull
them apart to make them
work better (simpler,
clearer, faster)
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Pablo Picasso
The Bull
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What if doing less makes
things work better?
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Connecting things
together by ‘doing’
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…the moment we link policy
implementation and policy-
making with the products and
services that people experience,
the human experience moves
into the foreground
Christian Bason (The frontiers of design for policy)
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Shaping the culture
around us
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… creative organisations
prioritise rituals of doing; the
least creative organisations
prioritise rituals of saying,
the most common of which
is the meeting
Kevin Ashton (How to Fly a Horse)