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Why declarative UI frameworks? Thomas Künneth, Snapp Mobile Sven Mieke

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Ibrahim Boran What‘s wrong with existing UI frameworks?

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Provide an app frame Build a component tree Update UI based on data

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Define state Modify state and update UI Create and configure components

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Define state Modify state Update UI based on state Connect code to the UI tree

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Declare a tree of components Define parts of visual appearance Connect UI elements to code

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• Separation of UI definition and interaction handling ... • ... unclutters the code, making it easier to read and maintain • ... allows designers to create (parts of) the UI • Became popular in many UI frameworks

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• User interface still represented as a (component) tree ... • ... loaded at program startup • ... kept during execution • UI changes still implemented through … • … modifying properties • … changing the structure of the tree

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• Changing the UI necessary • when data shown to the user changes • upon navigation • Data and component tree live on their own • Important to keep both in sync Larisa Birta

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Claudio Schwarz Almos Bechtold manually with magic

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• To modify components, references must be maintained • Change may occur in different layers of the app (or on a different thread) • All this can lead to • difficult to find and fix bugs • spaghetti code • ... • Design patterns help mitigate such effects (MVC, MVVM, MVP, ...) Paolo Chiabrando

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• UI frameworks learned to sync app and UI data through a binding mechanism • Read-only components just need one way bindings • Components with user interaction require two way binding zip_code Zip code

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Any change to the UI must be explicitly coded, either by changing component properties, or by modifying the tree itself Levi Meir Clancy

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Ryunosuke Kikuno Works well in small projects, but doesn‘t really scale

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George Rosema Declarative UI frameworks

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Tell React to render a component The component is based on state Declaration of the UI is based on state State changes are wrapped inside setState()

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A property wrapper Declaration of the UI is based on state State changes have no special syntax

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State is created and remembered Declaration of the UI is based on state State changes have no special syntax

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Based upon stateless or stateful widgets Stateless widgets declare UI inside build() Stateful widgets createState()

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• Declaration of the UI is based on state • Can be extracted into other methods for better reuse and readability State changes are wrapped inside setState() Stateless widgets have build(), too

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Declaration of the UI is based on state Simple styling based on parameters Complex styling based on composition over inheritance

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• User interface is declared based on state • No need to modify (transform) the existing component tree • UI updates itself upon state changes

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Alen Jacob • Frameworks maintain internal representation of the user interface • Must make sure that state changes trigger updates • (Should be) irrelevant for the application developer • ... it is most of the time ...

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Composition over inheritance

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• Traditional UI frameworks are based on components • A component has a fixed set of properties to configure appearance and behaviour • Inheritance is used to modify or expand both • Several parents possible only with multiple inheritance

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• Declarative UI fromeworks may rely on components, too • They may even rely on properties to define appearance and behavior • But they favour combining small, reusable building blocks over inheritance

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Markus Spiske • UI is declared based on state • No need to keep references to UI elements to change properties or the tree • Composition over inheritance

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Markus Spiske • A lot of magic under the hood • No easy way to inspect UI hierarchy during runtime • Larger UIs lead to large amounts of code

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Markus Spiske • Declarative UIs still require careful coding • We still required established patterns to organize the code base • It is fun using them

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Thank you! [email protected] @tkuenneth @tkuenneth @tkuenneth