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2 Seatbelts

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3 Seatbelts save lives

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Benefits 50% Reduction in serious injury 45% Reduction in risk of death 4

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Yet... 4% of Canadian drivers 13% of US drivers 54% of Turkish drivers 5 drive without a seatbelt

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Why? 6 01 02 03 04 Find them uncomfortable Over 65s find them restricting Do not think they ever need them Think they’re less likely to have an accident

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“But cars are safe. We test them!” 7

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- Costs too much ⏱ and - Cannot test every situation (Crash) Testing 8

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The higher the stakes, the safer the car 9

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10 Ufuk Kayserilioğlu Rails and Ruby Infrastructure Team

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Shopify Scale Commerce 1M Merchants 8000 orders/min (peak) 12B USD sales/year 11 135B USD total sales

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Shopify Scale Engineering 1500 RnD Employees ~21K Ruby files ~150K tests 12 ~40 deploys daily

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13 There is too much at stake here. We need seatbelts!

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Adopting Sorbet at Scale

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15 Sorbet 01

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Sorbet ﹘ fast ﹘ expressive ﹘ static ﹘ gradual type checker for Ruby 16

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17 def foo(opts) opts.fetch("bar") end foo(bar: 1) foo.rb

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18 # typed: true extend(T::Sig) sig do params(opts: T::Hash[Symbol, Integer]) .returns(Integer) end def foo(opts) opts.fetch("bar") end foo(bar: 1) foo.rb

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19 foo.rb:9: Expected Symbol but found String("bar") for argument arg0 10 | opts.fetch("bar") ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ hash.rbi#L517: Method Hash#fetch has specified arg0 as Symbol 517 | arg0: K, ^^^^ Got String("bar") originating from: foo.rb:9: 10 | opts.fetch("bar") ^^^^^ Errors: 1 srb tc foo.rb

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20 # typed: true require "view_gem" View.render foo.rb

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view.rbi 21 # typed: true require "view_gem" View.render foo.rb # typed: true class View def self.render(file) end end

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view.rbi 22 # typed: true require "view_gem" View.render # ^ error: Not enough arguments provided for method View.render. Expected: 1, got: 0 foo.rb # typed: true class View def self.render(file) end end

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23 Our Journey 02

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24 Sorbet is mandatory in CI May 2019 Sorbet over all files Mar 2019 Sorbet is open-sourced Jun 2019 Shopify gets access to Sorbet Jul 2018 Sorbet introduced in Core Oct 2018 Timeline

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We paid the early adopter price 25

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26 Built a runtime component No runtime component Problem ﹘ Initial version built in-house (waffle-cone) ﹘ Shared our work with the Sorbet team ﹘ Later on switched to sorbet-runtime

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27 Built a gem RBI generator All constants must resolve Problem ﹘ Initial version built on YARD ﹘ Decided that structure of constants more important ﹘ Built a runtime reflection based tool ﹘ Open sourced as tapioca

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28 Built Rubocop rules Some Ruby constructs are not supported Problem ﹘ Initial rules bundled with waffle-cone ﹘ Extracted out to rubocop-sorbet ﹘ Open sourced

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29 Built DSL plugins for Sorbet Metaprogramming Problem ﹘ Based on simple class method name matching ﹘ Can run Ruby scripts to generate interface ﹘ Contributed to Sorbet, documented ﹘ Slow and error-prone

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30 RBI generator for models Rails support Problem ﹘ Rake task to generate RBI files for AR models ﹘ Based on sorbet-rails ﹘ Planning switch to sorbet-rails

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31 Results 03

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Strictness levels of non-test files 32

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Percentage of checked calls 33

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Developer invocations of type check 34

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Evolution of method signatures 35

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Testimonials Likes 36 “We get quicker feedback than tests or CI”

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Testimonials Likes 37 “Allowed us to write less tests”

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Testimonials Likes 38 “Both static and runtime type checkers caught errors not caught by tests alone”

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Testimonials Likes 39 “Improves code quality, encourages better code design”

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Testimonials Likes 40 “Evergreen documentation, makes onboarding easier”

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Testimonials Dislikes 41 “Syntax is verbose, it is not DRY”

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Testimonials Dislikes 42 “Hard to add types to existing code”

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Testimonials Dislikes 43 “Rails and metaprogramming support is not complete yet”

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44 Pitfalls 04

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45 Metaprogramming support ﹘ If you use a lot of DSLs, you will need to generate RBI files for them. ﹘ Limited ability to extend Sorbet to understand more syntax. DSL plugins too slow. Pitfall 1

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46 Some missing stdlib signatures ﹘ Stdlib/core method signatures are maintained by the Sorbet team. ﹘ No full coverage, so you might get some errors for perfectly valid Ruby code. ﹘ Contribute missing signatures back to Sorbet. Pitfall 2

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47 No constants via inheritance class Foo Bar = 42 end class Baz < Foo end Baz::Bar # error: Unable to resolve constant Bar Foo::Bar # ok Pitfall 3

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48 No dynamic superclass/mixin def superclass end def mixin end class Baz < superclass # error: ^ Superclasses must only contain constant literals include mixin # error: ^ include must only contain constant literals end Pitfall 4

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49 Runtime type checking overhead ﹘ Checking types at runtime adds ~7% overhead. ﹘ Not a problem for dev and test. ﹘ Might not want it for production. Pitfall 5

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50 How to get started 05

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51 Sorbet Playground ﹘ Play around at to get familiar ﹘ Read the docs at Step 1

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52 Add Sorbet to your project ﹘ Add sorbet, sorbet-runtime to your Gemfile ﹘ Run bundle exec srb init Step 2

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53 Add Sorbet to your project ﹘ Add sorbet, sorbet-runtime and tapioca to your Gemfile ﹘ Run bundle exec tapioca init ﹘ Run bundle exec tapioca sync Step 2 (alt)

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54 Start by typing new code ﹘ Easier to type when adding new code. ﹘ Add types to existing code when it is easy and convenient. ﹘ Use rubocop-sorbet to add template signatures to existing code in bulk Step 3

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55 Lean on gradual typing ﹘ You can type as much or as little as you want. ﹘ Start small, increase coverage slowly. ﹘ Don’t break other people’s workflows. Step 4

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56 Don’t overtype ﹘ It is OK to use simpler signatures ﹘ There is no harm in using T.untyped when needed. ﹘ Your colleagues should not need a PhD in type theory to make code changes. Step 5

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57 Track your progress ﹘ Sorbet metrics via --metrics-file flag ﹘ Easy to parse JSON format ﹘ Set up a nightly task and dashboard to track progress Step 6

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Thank you Don’t forget to fasten your seatbelts! Reach out to me Twitter: @paracycle Github: @paracycle Join us at the Shopify booth!