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Machine Learning for Developers Danilo Poccia @danilop danilop AWS Technical Evangelist

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Credit: Gerry Cranham/Fox Photos/Getty Images

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1939 London Underground Credit: Gerry Cranham/Fox Photos/Getty Images

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Batch Reports Real-Time Alerts Prediction Forecasts

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Data Predictions

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Data Model Predictions

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Machine Learning

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Machine Learning Supervised Learning Inferring a model from labeled training data

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Machine Learning Supervised Learning Unsupervised Learning Inferring a model from labeled training data Inferring a model to describe hidden structure from unlabeled data

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Reinforcement Learning Perform a certain goal in a dynamic environment

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Driving a vehicle Playing a game against an opponent

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Topic Modeling Discovering abstract “topics” that occur in a collection of documents Try that with your own emails ;-)

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Regression “How many bikes will be rented tomorrow?” Happy, Sad, Angry, Confused, Disgusted, Surprised, Calm, Unknown Binary Classification Multi-Class Classification “Is this email spam?” “What is the sentiment of this tweet, or of this social media comment?” 1, 0, 100K Yes, No True, False %

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Training the Model Minimizing the Error

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Labeled Data

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Labeled Data 70% 30% Training Validation

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Be Careful of Overfitting

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Be Careful of Overfitting

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Be Careful of Overfitting

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Better Fitting

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Better Fitting

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Different Models ⇒ Different Predictions

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Adding a “cost” for using
larger parameters in the model L1, L2, Neural Network Dropouts Regularization

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Large numbers can have a bigger impact in a mathematical model Feature Scaling So they are all in the same range, For example between 0 and 1 Normalization

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Model Parameters “Hyperparameters”

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Labeled Data 70% 15% Training Validation 15% Test Try Different Hyperparameters

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Labeled Data Cross Validation

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Neural Networks

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1943 Warren McCulloch, Walter Pitts Threshold Logic Units

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1962 Frank Rosenblatt Perceptron

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Microprocessor Transistor Counts 1971-2011 Intel E7 CPU 4-24 cores NVIDIA K80 GPU 2,496 cores's_law

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LeCun, Gradient-Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition,1998 Hinton, A Fast Learning Algorithm for Deep Belief Nets, 2006 Bengio, Learning Deep Architectures for AI, 2009 Advances in Research 1998-2009

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Image Processing

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Photo by David Iliff. License: CC-BY-SA 3.0,_Italy_-_April_2007.jpg Convolution Matrix

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Convolution Matrix Photo by David Iliff. License: CC-BY-SA 3.0,_Italy_-_April_2007.jpg

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Convolution Matrix 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Identity Photo by David Iliff. License: CC-BY-SA 3.0,_Italy_-_April_2007.jpg

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Convolution Matrix 1 0 -1 2 0 -2 1 0 -1 Left Edges Photo by David Iliff. License: CC-BY-SA 3.0,_Italy_-_April_2007.jpg

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Convolution Matrix -1 0 1 -2 0 2 -1 0 1 Right Edges Photo by David Iliff. License: CC-BY-SA 3.0,_Italy_-_April_2007.jpg

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Convolution Matrix 1 2 1 0 0 0 -1 -2 -1 Top Edges Photo by David Iliff. License: CC-BY-SA 3.0,_Italy_-_April_2007.jpg

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Convolution Matrix -1 -2 -1 0 0 0 1 2 1 Bottom Edges Photo by David Iliff. License: CC-BY-SA 3.0,_Italy_-_April_2007.jpg

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Convolution Matrix 0.6 -0.6 1.2 -1.4 1.2 -1.6 0.8 -1.4 1.6 Random Values Photo by David Iliff. License: CC-BY-SA 3.0,_Italy_-_April_2007.jpg

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Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)

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ImageNet Classification Error Over Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Classification Error CNNs

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2012 ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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SuperVision: 8 layers, 60M parameters 0

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2013 Visualizing and Understanding Convolutional Networks

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How Do Neural Networks Learn? ? More generic and can be reused as feature extractor for other visual tasks Specific to task Cat Dog 0

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output input state output input state(t) memory Feedforward Neural Networks (no cycle) Recurrent Neural Networks (directed cycle) What About Memory?

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Slide 60 text Lots of Parameters Network Architectures defined by Hyperparameters Dropout Layers for Regularization

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Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) Generator Neural Network Discriminator Neural Network Real or Generated? Real Picture Generated Picture

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2014 Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

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2016 Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

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How much can you improve? Bayes Limit Vs Human Performance Training better than Validation? Learning Bias Data Leakage Do you have all the Data? Building a Model

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Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning At Amazon Thousands Of Employees Across The Company Focused on AI Discovery & Search Fulfilment & Logistics Add ML-powered features to existing products Echo & Alexa

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Create Great Content: ASK is how you connect to your consumer THE ALEXA ECOSYSTEM Supported by two powerful frameworks A L E X A V O I C E S E R V I C E Unparalleled Distribution: AVS allows your content to be everywhere Lives In The Cloud Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) Natural Language Understanding (NLU) Always Learning A L E X A S K I L L S K I T

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UNDER THE HOOD OF ASK A closer look at how the Alexa Skills Kit process a request and returns an appropriate response You Pass Back a Textual or Audio Response You Pass Back a Graphical Response Alexa Converts Text-to-Speech (TTS) & Renders Graphical Component Respond to Intent through Text & Visual Alexa sends Customer Intent to Your Service User Makes a Request Alexa Identifies Skill & Recognizes Intent Through ASR & NLU Your Service processes Request Audio Stream is sent up to Alexa

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Artificial Intelligence on AWS P2 Deep Learning AMI and template Investment in Apache MXNet

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Elastic GPUs On EC2 P2 M4 D2 X1 G2 T2 R4 I3 C5 General Purpose GPU General Purpose Dense storage Large memory Graphics intensive Memory intensive High I/O Compute intensive Burstable Lightsail Simple VPS F1 FPGAs Instance Families

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Up to 40 thousand parallel processing cores 70 teraflops (single precision) over 23 teraflops (double precision) Instance Size GPUs GPU Peer to Peer vCPUs Memory (GiB) Network Bandwidth* p2.xlarge 1 - 4 61 1.25Gbps p2.8xlarge 8 Y 32 488 10Gbps p2.16xlarge 16 Y 64 732 20Gbps *In a placement group Amazon EC2 P2 Instances

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Elastic GPUs For EC2: GPU Acceleration For Graphics Workloads 1GiB GPU Memory 2 GiB 4 GiB 8 GiB Current Generation EC2 Instance

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F1 Instances: Bringing Hardware Acceleration To All FPGA Images Available In AWS Marketplace F1 Instance With your custom logic running on an FPGA Develop, simulate, debug & compile your code Package as FPGA Images

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Apache MXNet

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Deep Learning Frameworks MXNet, Caffe, Tensorflow, Theano, Torch, CNTK and Keras Pre-installed components to speed productivity, such as Nvidia drivers, CUDA, cuDNN, Intel MKL-DNN with MXNet, Anaconda, Python 2 and 3 AWS Integration Deep Learning AMI

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Apache Spark MLlib

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Amazon AI Bringing Powerful Artificial Intelligence To All Developers

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Amazon Rekognition Image Recognition And Analysis Powered By Deep Learning 1

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Amazon Rekognition: Images In, Categories and Facial Analysis Out Amazon Rekognition Car Outside Daytime Driving Objects & Scenes Female Smiling Sunglasses Faces

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Ground Truth Generation Training

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Deep Learning Process Conv 1 Conv 2 Conv n … … Feature Maps Labrador Dog Beach Outdoors Softmax Probability Fully Connected Layer

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Amazon Rekognition

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Amazon Polly Text To Speech Powered By Deep Learning 2

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Amazon Polly: Text In, Life-like Speech Out Amazon Polly “The temperature in WA is 75°F” “The temperature in Washington is 75 degrees Fahrenheit”

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TEXT Market grew by > 20%. WORDS PHONEMES { { { { { ˈtwɛn.ti pɚ.ˈsɛnt ˈmɑɹ.kət ˈgɹu baɪ ˈmoʊɹ ˈðæn PROSODY CONTOUR UNIT SELECTION AND ADAPTATION TEXT PROCESSING PROSODY MODIFICATION STREAMING Market grew by more than twenty percent Speech units inventory

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Amazon Polly

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Amazon ALEXA (It’s what’s inside Alexa) 3 Natural Language Understanding (NLU) & Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) Powered By Deep Learning

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Amazon Lex: Speech Recognition & Natural Language Understanding Amazon Lex Automatic Speech Recognition Natural Language Understanding “What’s the weather forecast?” Weather Forecast

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Amazon Lex: Speech Recognition & Natural Language Understanding Amazon Lex Automatic Speech Recognition Natural Language Understanding “What’s the weather forecast?” “It will be sunny and 25°C” Weather Forecast

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Lex Bot Structure Utterances Spoken or typed phrases that invoke your intent BookHotel Intents An Intent performs an action in response to natural language user input Slots Slots are input data required to fulfill the intent Fulfillment Fulfillment mechanism for your intent

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Hotel Booking City New York City Check In Nov 30th Check Out Dec 2nd Hotel Booking City New York City Check In Check Out “Book a Hotel” Book Hotel NYC “Book a Hotel in NYC” Automatic Speech Recognition Hotel Booking New York City Natural Language Understanding Intent/Slot Model Utterances “Your hotel is booked for Nov 30th” Polly Confirmation: “Your hotel is booked for Nov 30th” a in “Can I go ahead with the booking?”

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Amazon Lex

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Amazon Machine Learning Create ML models without having to learn complex algorithms and technology 4

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Train model Evaluate and optimize Retrieve predictions Building smart applications with Amazon ML 1 2 3

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Train model Evaluate and optimize Retrieve predictions Building smart applications with Amazon ML Create a datasource object pointing to your data Explore and understand your data Transform data and train your model 1 2 3

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Create a datasource object >>> import boto >>> ml = boto.connect_machinelearning() >>> ds = ml.create_data_source_from_s3( data_source_id = ’my_datasource', data_spec= { 'DataLocationS3':'s3://bucket/input/', 'DataSchemaLocationS3':'s3://bucket/input/.schema'}, compute_statistics = True)

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Explore and understand your data

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Train your model >>> import boto >>> ml = boto.connect_machinelearning() >>> model = ml.create_ml_model( ml_model_id=’my_model', ml_model_type='REGRESSION', training_data_source_id='my_datasource')

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Train model Evaluate and optimize Retrieve predictions Building smart applications with Amazon ML Understand model quality Adjust model interpretation 1 2 3

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Explore model quality

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Fine-tune model interpretation

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Fine-tune model interpretation

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Train model Evaluate and optimize Retrieve predictions Building smart applications with Amazon ML Batch predictions Real-time predictions 1 2 3

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Batch predictions Asynchronous, large-volume prediction generation Request through service console or API Best for applications that deal with batches of data records >>> import boto >>> ml = boto.connect_machinelearning() >>> model = ml.create_batch_prediction( batch_prediction_id = 'my_batch_prediction’ batch_prediction_data_source_id = ’my_datasource’ ml_model_id = ’my_model', output_uri = 's3://examplebucket/output/’)

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Real-time predictions Synchronous, low-latency, high-throughput prediction generation Request through service API or server or mobile SDKs Best for interaction applications that deal with individual data records >>> import boto >>> ml = boto.connect_machinelearning() >>> ml.predict( ml_model_id=’my_model', predict_endpoint=’example_endpoint’, record={’key1':’value1’, ’key2':’value2’}) { 'Prediction': { 'predictedValue': 13.284348, 'details': { 'Algorithm': 'SGD', 'PredictiveModelType': 'REGRESSION’ } } }

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Bike Sharing

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All Users Casual Users Registered Users

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Your Skill (Lambda function) Amazon Machine Learning get real-time predictions invoke Weather Forecast Historical Data get forecast build & train model

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No content

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Nikola Tesla, 1926 “When wireless is perfectly applied, the whole earth will be converted into a huge brain…”

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Let’s Build Smarter Apps Using Services Platforms Engines

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Machine Learning for Developers Danilo Poccia @danilop danilop AWS Technical Evangelist