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CaptionsLIVE Raw Transcript
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Page 142
So, over the last 250 years, since the Industrial Revolution,
businesses transformed our societies, our economy, and our planet. And
businesses have actually done a lot of really positive things during that
time. So, our life expectancy has more than doubled, quality of life has
dramatically increased for many, but not all. Because the way businesses
have also operated is actually created or worsened a lot of the problems
that we experience today. So, that profit motive has centralised power
and wealth, it has a tragic track record of exploiting people, polluting the
planet to maximise that profit. So, that's the problem that we're focused
on. And then, as a way to bridge that, looking at how can we help leaders
and organisations create great outcomes for people, communities, and
our planet - while also being financially successful? So, that becomes a bit
of the design challenge, and that's when we start looking at the middle of
the Theory of Change. So, the inputs, the activities, what we do with
them, the things we create as outputs - that then becomes where we're
taking action. And that's where we take action then to try and get us
closer to those impacts and that vision that we want to see.
And it's really in this area where regenerative design and innovation
come in. So, you might be wondering, "What's that?" So, I've tried to
come up with a definition, and it's sort of synthesised from a few different
sources. But it's an approach that actively works to restore and transform
social, environmental and economic systems, and that's so that we've got
more resilience and wellbeing for people, places, and life on our planet to
thrive. So, that's really the focus of it, that's what we're trying to get
towards. And you might also be wondering, "I thought we were doing
sustainability? Where did this regen thing come from? Why are you
shifting the goalposts on us?" And the reality is we're coming from the far
left of this little diagram. So, the conventional way of doing business, as