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Constructions from squares and diamonds (joint work with Assaf Rinot) Chris Lambie-Hanson Department of Mathematics Bar-Ilan University 6th European Set Theory Conference Budapest, Hungary 4 July 2017

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I: A forcing axiom

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Small approximations Fix a regular, uncountable cardinal κ.

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Small approximations Fix a regular, uncountable cardinal κ. It is often desirable to construct objects of size κ+ using approximations of size < κ.

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Small approximations Fix a regular, uncountable cardinal κ. It is often desirable to construct objects of size κ+ using approximations of size < κ. Example: Kurepa trees

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Small approximations Fix a regular, uncountable cardinal κ. It is often desirable to construct objects of size κ+ using approximations of size < κ. Example: Kurepa trees Such constructions obviously cannot be carried out in a linear fashion and often require some additional set-theoretic hypotheses to ensure success.

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Small approximations Fix a regular, uncountable cardinal κ. It is often desirable to construct objects of size κ+ using approximations of size < κ. Example: Kurepa trees Such constructions obviously cannot be carried out in a linear fashion and often require some additional set-theoretic hypotheses to ensure success. One such hypothesis is the existence of a (κ, 1)-morass, the definition of which is motivated by precisely such constructions.

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Consequences of morass The existence of a (κ, 1)-morass implies the existence of:

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Consequences of morass The existence of a (κ, 1)-morass implies the existence of: • a κ-Kurepa tree;

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Consequences of morass The existence of a (κ, 1)-morass implies the existence of: • a κ-Kurepa tree; • a κ-thin tall superatomic Boolean algebra;

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Consequences of morass The existence of a (κ, 1)-morass implies the existence of: • a κ-Kurepa tree; • a κ-thin tall superatomic Boolean algebra; • a (κ+, (κ+)∗)-Hausdorff gap in P(κ);

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Consequences of morass The existence of a (κ, 1)-morass implies the existence of: • a κ-Kurepa tree; • a κ-thin tall superatomic Boolean algebra; • a (κ+, (κ+)∗)-Hausdorff gap in P(κ); • a B κ -sequence.

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Consequences of morass The existence of a (κ, 1)-morass implies the existence of: • a κ-Kurepa tree; • a κ-thin tall superatomic Boolean algebra; • a (κ+, (κ+)∗)-Hausdorff gap in P(κ); • a B κ -sequence. Forcing axioms equivalent to the existence of morasses were developed by Velleman and by Shelah and Stanley and provide a streamlined approach to obtaining existence results such as those above.

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Diamonds In a series of papers entitled “Models with second order properties,” Shelah et al. develop techniques for carrying out similar constructions assuming only a relative of ♦κ.

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Diamonds In a series of papers entitled “Models with second order properties,” Shelah et al. develop techniques for carrying out similar constructions assuming only a relative of ♦κ. These ideas were later deployed by Foreman-Magidor-Shelah to prove the consistency, relative to the consistency of a huge cardinal, of the existence of an ultrafilter U on ω1 such that |ωω1 /U| = ω1 and by Foreman to prove the consistency, again relative to a huge cardinal, of the existence of an ℵ1-dense ideal on ℵ2.

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A middle road We develop here an intermediate approach, a forcing axiom for such constructions that follows from the conjunction of B κ and ♦κ.

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A middle road We develop here an intermediate approach, a forcing axiom for such constructions that follows from the conjunction of B κ and ♦κ. Definition B κ is the assertion that there is a sequence Cα | α ∈ Γ such that:

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A middle road We develop here an intermediate approach, a forcing axiom for such constructions that follows from the conjunction of B κ and ♦κ. Definition B κ is the assertion that there is a sequence Cα | α ∈ Γ such that: 1 κ+ ∩ cof(κ) ⊆ Γ ⊆ acc(κ+);

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A middle road We develop here an intermediate approach, a forcing axiom for such constructions that follows from the conjunction of B κ and ♦κ. Definition B κ is the assertion that there is a sequence Cα | α ∈ Γ such that: 1 κ+ ∩ cof(κ) ⊆ Γ ⊆ acc(κ+); 2 for all α ∈ Γ, Cα is club in α and otp(Cα) ≤ κ;

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A middle road We develop here an intermediate approach, a forcing axiom for such constructions that follows from the conjunction of B κ and ♦κ. Definition B κ is the assertion that there is a sequence Cα | α ∈ Γ such that: 1 κ+ ∩ cof(κ) ⊆ Γ ⊆ acc(κ+); 2 for all α ∈ Γ, Cα is club in α and otp(Cα) ≤ κ; 3 for all β ∈ Γ and all α ∈ acc(Cβ), we have α ∈ Γ and Cα = Cβ ∩ α.

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The forcing class Pκ We isolate a class Pκ of forcing notions. For every P ∈ Pκ, each p ∈ P is associated with a realm xp ∈ [κ+]<κ on which the condition p can specify information about the final desired structure.

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The forcing class Pκ We isolate a class Pκ of forcing notions. For every P ∈ Pκ, each p ∈ P is associated with a realm xp ∈ [κ+]<κ on which the condition p can specify information about the final desired structure. If q ≤ p, then xq ⊇ xp.

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The forcing class Pκ We isolate a class Pκ of forcing notions. For every P ∈ Pκ, each p ∈ P is associated with a realm xp ∈ [κ+]<κ on which the condition p can specify information about the final desired structure. If q ≤ p, then xq ⊇ xp. If π is a partial, continuous, order-preserving injection from a subset of κ+ to κ+, then π acts on {p ∈ P | xp ⊆ dom(π)} in such a way that xπ.p = π“xp.

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The forcing class Pκ We isolate a class Pκ of forcing notions. For every P ∈ Pκ, each p ∈ P is associated with a realm xp ∈ [κ+]<κ on which the condition p can specify information about the final desired structure. If q ≤ p, then xq ⊇ xp. If π is a partial, continuous, order-preserving injection from a subset of κ+ to κ+, then π acts on {p ∈ P | xp ⊆ dom(π)} in such a way that xπ.p = π“xp. Definition A subset D ⊆ P is sharply dense if: • for all p ∈ P, there is q ≤ p such that q ∈ D and xq = cl(xp);

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The forcing class Pκ We isolate a class Pκ of forcing notions. For every P ∈ Pκ, each p ∈ P is associated with a realm xp ∈ [κ+]<κ on which the condition p can specify information about the final desired structure. If q ≤ p, then xq ⊇ xp. If π is a partial, continuous, order-preserving injection from a subset of κ+ to κ+, then π acts on {p ∈ P | xp ⊆ dom(π)} in such a way that xπ.p = π“xp. Definition A subset D ⊆ P is sharply dense if: • for all p ∈ P, there is q ≤ p such that q ∈ D and xq = cl(xp); • for all p ∈ P and all π with xp ⊆ dom(π), we have p ∈ D iff π.p ∈ D.

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The forcing axiom Definition Suppose that P ∈ Pκ, D is a sharply dense subset of P, and G is a filter over P.

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The forcing axiom Definition Suppose that P ∈ Pκ, D is a sharply dense subset of P, and G is a filter over P. We say G meets D cofinally if, for all y ∈ [κ+]<κ, there is p ∈ G ∩ D such that y ⊆ xp.

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The forcing axiom Definition Suppose that P ∈ Pκ, D is a sharply dense subset of P, and G is a filter over P. We say G meets D cofinally if, for all y ∈ [κ+]<κ, there is p ∈ G ∩ D such that y ⊆ xp. Theorem Suppose that B κ and ♦κ hold. Suppose also that P ∈ Pκ and D = {Dη | η < κ} is a collection of sharply dense subsets of P.

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The forcing axiom Definition Suppose that P ∈ Pκ, D is a sharply dense subset of P, and G is a filter over P. We say G meets D cofinally if, for all y ∈ [κ+]<κ, there is p ∈ G ∩ D such that y ⊆ xp. Theorem Suppose that B κ and ♦κ hold. Suppose also that P ∈ Pκ and D = {Dη | η < κ} is a collection of sharply dense subsets of P. Then there is a filter G over P such that, for all η < κ, G meets Dη cofinally.

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II: Super-Souslin trees

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Super-Souslin trees Definition Let λ be an infinite cardinal, and let (T,

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Souslin trees and morasses Lemma (Shelah) If (T,

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Souslin trees and morasses Lemma (Shelah) If (T,

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Souslin trees and morasses Lemma (Shelah) If (T,

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Souslin trees and morasses Lemma (Shelah) If (T,

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Souslin trees and morasses Lemma (Shelah) If (T,

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An upper bound Theorem (Laver-Shelah) Suppose λ < µ are infinite cardinals, with µ weakly compact. Then there is a forcing extension by a λ+-directed closed forcing in which:

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An upper bound Theorem (Laver-Shelah) Suppose λ < µ are infinite cardinals, with µ weakly compact. Then there is a forcing extension by a λ+-directed closed forcing in which: • µ = λ++; • 2λ = λ+; • SHλ++ holds.

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A lower bound Using the forcing axiom from Section I, we obtain the following theorem.

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A lower bound Using the forcing axiom from Section I, we obtain the following theorem. Theorem Suppose λ is an infinite cardinal and B λ+ and ♦λ+ both hold. Then there is a λ++-super-Souslin tree.

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A lower bound Using the forcing axiom from Section I, we obtain the following theorem. Theorem Suppose λ is an infinite cardinal and B λ+ and ♦λ+ both hold. Then there is a λ++-super-Souslin tree. Remark In 2010, in private communication, Foreman told Rinot that one can construct an ℵ2-Souslin tree from the conjunction of ω1 and ♦ω1 . This work was never published, and no details of the construction were provided. We thank him for pointing us in this direction.

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A lower bound The failure of B κ implies that κ+ is Mahlo in L.

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A lower bound The failure of B κ implies that κ+ is Mahlo in L. Moreover, by a recent result of Shelah, for uncountable λ, ♦λ+ is equivalent to 2λ = λ+.

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A lower bound The failure of B κ implies that κ+ is Mahlo in L. Moreover, by a recent result of Shelah, for uncountable λ, ♦λ+ is equivalent to 2λ = λ+. We therefore obtain the following improvement of the Shelah-Stanley result for uncountable λ.

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A lower bound The failure of B κ implies that κ+ is Mahlo in L. Moreover, by a recent result of Shelah, for uncountable λ, ♦λ+ is equivalent to 2λ = λ+. We therefore obtain the following improvement of the Shelah-Stanley result for uncountable λ. Corollary If λ is an uncountable cardinal and 2λ = λ+ and SHλ++ both hold, then λ++ is Mahlo in L.

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Photo credits: Alexandre Jacques

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