Slide 33
Slide 33 text
Service Language Head/Worker Function Python Worker, Head Process for monitoring ray log files
dashboard/ Python Worker, Head A server that exposes endpoints for collecting metrics
such as CPU/Mem utilization
raylet C++
Worker, Head Consists of node manager (aka scheduler?) and object
manager, which are services listening on certain
(configurable) ports and responsible for scheduling
remote task execution and transfer of data across
gcs_server C++
Head Server that exposes the global control store, a storage
for metadata about actors, nodes, jobs, resources,
placement groups etc. See this1 and this2.
client.server Python Head Server that enables remote clients to connect to a ray
cluster to run programs
dashboard Python Head Exposes a UI that exposes cluster-wide state such as
per-node logs, actors/tasks running on each node,
CPU/Mem utilization etc.