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Elaborated a content-based video search strategy for retrieving instances of the same object in different
videos starting from minimal object information given by the user. The query object is defined by the
user through the selection of a region of interest on a video frame and the search strategy is based on
a technique that aggregates segmented regions/superpixels and color information with interest points
and gradient intensity descriptors. Posed the problem of object identification as an energy optimization
and proposed multiple solutions (variants of Greedy, Simulated Annealing, GraphCut).
Elaborated a hybrid image representation based on interest points and segmented regions and
formulated the object recognition problem as a graph matching task, leveraging on pair-wise affinities.
Designed a multi-modal search technique enhancing the retrieval of object instances in video content
starting from textual queries launched on the web (Flickr, Google Images). Meaningful images and
descriptors are automatically filtered from the noisy data and used to generate new descriptors to be
used as visual queries on the video repository.
Participated in the TRECVID evaluation campaigns within the Instance Search Task (retrieval of a
query object in a database of 470K video clips)
Bachelor thesis internship
Institut Mines-Télécom;Télécom SudParis, ARTEMIS Department, Evry, France, March - September 2009
Designed and developed a multimedia web-based search engine compatible with MPEG-7 metadata.
Vacation trainee
Schlumberger, Drilling and Measurements Division, Hassi Messaoud, Algeria, July - August 2008
Analyzed and optimized the maintenance and repair chain in a workshop for large equipment (drill bits,
turbines, drilling pipes, large sensors).
Good knowledge of C, C++, Java, Python and basic knowledge of javascript, jQuery, php.
Development experience with openCV, simpleCV, scikit-learn, matlab, Octave on Windows and Linux.
Strong knowledge of data structures and algorithms.
Knowledge of Windows and Linux.
Deep interest in computer vision and machine learning.
Bilingual proficiency in English and Romanian; full professional proficiency in French.
Excellent communication skills with an interest in teaching and sharing.
Volunteer teacher for Romanian children in Paris aged 3 - 12, October 2010 - present
Member of the Administrative Council of SEFI (European Society for Engineering Education), October
2010 – September 2013
Volunteering activity at BEST (Board of European Students of Technology), 2005 - 2010
o Organized, coordinated and participated in over 40 events within 20 countries
o Vice-president for Corporate Relations of Local BEST Group Bucharest, 2007 - 2008
o Project coordinator of JobShop 2007, job fair gathering 102 companies
Online: Computer vision, image processing, search engines, machine learning, Big Data, open source.
Offline: Volunteering, engineering education, reading, hiking, traveling.