Slide 51
Slide 51 text
But because I trust absolutely no one, I took a look at Monsido’s privacy policy.
And I laughed. And I cried. And I said more words I won’t repeat. Because straight-up, y’all, it’s as bad as Multiview’s. I knew Multiview’s would be evil, and hey, I wasn’t
disappointed! I WAS disappointed that Monsido’s was just as bad. Yep, they’re tracking, and yep, they retain the data as long as they want unless a person they’re
watching actually makes them stop, and yep, they keep individual dossiers even when they don’t attach actual names to them, and yep, they share their data with their
“affiliates,” whoever those are, whenever they feel like it, and nope, there’s no opt-out, and nope, they don’t respect browser Do Not Track settings.
So, Fearless Leaders at DPI: Dump these chumps. I’m serious, dump Monsido YESTERDAY. Find a UX vendor with some respect for privacy, please, and do your UX
testing opt-in style.