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Framework Compass Chart

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Francesco Strazzullo (AKA Strazz) @TheStrazz86 (Follow me on Twitter!) Ego Slide

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JavaScript Fatigue

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“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” Winston Churchill

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Choose the right framework

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“Individuals and interactions over processes and tools” Agile Manifesto

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Choose a “good enough” framework in a right way

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Decision Making

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What kind of problem is to choose a framework?

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There is only one answer

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"Who is the president of the USA?"

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There is only one answer but you need analysis or a formula to work it out

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"What is the area of a circle with a radius of 5 cm?"

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Different answers are possible but the options can all be identified

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"Which of the candidates will win the election?"

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Different answers are possible, but because of their range and complexity all of the options can’t be identified

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"How will the Internet affect our retail sales over the next five years?"

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A mix of Data and Judgement

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What Data do we need?

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Functional Requirements

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“As a user I want to login so that I can access the members section”

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“As a user I want to login so that I can access the members section in less than two seconds”

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“What a software should do?” VS “How a software should be?”

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Non-functional Requirements

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“A non-functional requirement (NFR) is a requirement that specifies criteria that can be used to judge the operation of a system, rather than specific behaviors.” Wikipedia

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accessibility accountability accuracy adaptability reliability administrability affordability agility auditability responsiveness autonomy availability compatibility composability seamlessness configurability correctness credibility customizability simplicity debugability self-sustainability robustness dependability sustainability deployability determinability discoverability distributability usability durability effectiveness efficiency extensibility repeatability fault tolerance fidelity flexibility inspectability reusability reproducibility integrity interoperability learnability securability maintainability manageability mobility modifiability stability modularity operability evolvability performances tailorability portability precision predictability resilience transparency producibility safety recoverability relevance testability

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Framework Compass Chart

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A tool to help visualize the most important NFRs of your project

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People involved: tech people and stakeholders

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Choose the 5 most important NFRs for your project

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SWOT analysis

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Xhienne [CC BY-SA 2.5 (]

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Trade-offs slider

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When your team find the NFRs, put them on a radar chart

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Fill the chart

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Your tech team can now use this chart as a Compass while choosing a Framework

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Use it as a map of the Context where your software “lives”.

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This tool will not give you the solution, but it will help you have a better discussion

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Choose a “good enough” framework in a right way

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Don’t give the max to every NFR: the perfect solution does not exists

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Try to reach consensus (Planning Poker)

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Use it as an information radiator

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Identity “Who are we?” Market “Who are the users?” Value “What the software should do?” Context “How the software should be?” Decisions

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One more thing...

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Slide 71 text Tweet At #Frameworkless

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Thanks! Francesco Strazzullo