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Peter Bailis, Shivaram Venkataraman, Mike Franklin, Joe Hellerstein, Ion Stoica PBS

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Peter Bailis, Shivaram Venkataraman, Mike Franklin, Joe Hellerstein, Ion Stoica VLDB 2012 UC Berkeley Probabilistically Bounded Staleness for Practical Partial Quorums PBS

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R+W strong consistency

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R+W strong consistency eventual consistency

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R+W strong consistency higher latency eventual consistency

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R+W strong consistency higher latency eventual consistency lower latency

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R+W strong consistency higher latency eventual consistency lower latency

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consistency is a choice binary

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consistency is a choice binary strong eventual

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consistency continuum is a strong eventual

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consistency continuum is a strong eventual

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consistency continuum is a strong eventual

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latency vs. consistency our focus:

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latency vs. consistency our focus:

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latency vs. consistency informed by practice our focus:

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latency vs. consistency informed by practice our focus: availability, partitions, failures not in this talk:

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quantify eventual consistency: wall-clock time (“how eventual?”) versions (“how consistent?”) analyze real-world systems: EC is often strongly consistent describe when and why our contributions

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intro system model practice metrics insights integration

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Dynamo: Amazon’s Highly Available Key-value Store SOSP 2007

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Apache, DataStax Project Voldemort Dynamo: Amazon’s Highly Available Key-value Store SOSP 2007

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Adobe Cisco Digg Gowalla IBM Morningstar Netflix Palantir Rackspace Reddit Rhapsody Shazam Spotify Soundcloud Twitter Mozilla Yammer Aol GitHub JoyentCloud Best Buy LinkedIn Boeing Comcast Cassandra Riak Voldemort Gilt Groupe

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N replicas/key read: wait for R replies write: wait for W acks

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N replicas/key read: wait for R replies write: wait for W acks

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N replicas/key read: wait for R replies write: wait for W acks N=3

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N replicas/key read: wait for R replies write: wait for W acks N=3

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N replicas/key read: wait for R replies write: wait for W acks N=3

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N replicas/key read: wait for R replies write: wait for W acks N=3 R=2

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N replicas/key read: wait for R replies write: wait for W acks N=3 R=2

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“strong” consistency else: R+W > N if: eventual consistency then:

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reads return the last acknowledged write or an in-flight write (per-key) consistency _ _ _ “strong” regular register R+W > N

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Latency LinkedIn disk-based model N=3

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99th 99.9th 1 1x 1x 2 1.59x 2.35x 3 4.8x 6.13x R Latency LinkedIn disk-based model N=3

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99th 99.9th 1 1x 1x 2 1.59x 2.35x 3 4.8x 6.13x R W 99th 99.9th 1 1x 1x 2 2.01x 1.9x 3 4.96x 14.96x Latency LinkedIn disk-based model N=3

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⇧consistency, ⇧latency wait for more replicas, read more recent data consistency, ⇧ ⇧ latency wait for fewer replicas, read less recent data

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⇧consistency, ⇧latency wait for more replicas, read more recent data consistency, ⇧ ⇧ latency wait for fewer replicas, read less recent data

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eventual consistency “if no new updates are made to the object, eventually all accesses will return the last updated value” W. Vogels, CACM 2008 R+W ≤ N

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How How long do I have to wait? eventual?

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consistent? How What happens if I don’t wait?

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R+W strong consistency higher latency eventual consistency lower latency

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R+W strong consistency higher latency eventual consistency lower latency

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R+W strong consistency higher latency eventual consistency lower latency

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intro system model practice metrics insights integration

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Cassandra: R=W=1, N=3 by default (1+1 ≯ 3)

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eventual consistency “maximum performance” “very low latency” okay for “most data” “general case” in the wild

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anecdotally, EC “good enough” for many kinds of data

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anecdotally, EC “good enough” for many kinds of data How eventual? How consistent?

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anecdotally, EC “good enough” for many kinds of data How eventual? How consistent? “eventual and consistent enough”

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Can we do better?

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can’t make promises can give expectations Can we do better?

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Probabilistically Bounded Staleness can’t make promises can give expectations Can we do better?

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intro system model practice metrics insights integration

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How How long do I have to wait? eventual?

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How eventual?

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t-visibility: probability p of consistent reads after t seconds (e.g., 10ms after write, 99.9% of reads consistent) How eventual?

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t-visibility depends on messaging and processing delays

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Coordinator Replica once per replica T i m e

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Coordinator Replica write once per replica T i m e

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Coordinator Replica write ack once per replica T i m e

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Coordinator Replica write ack wait for W responses once per replica T i m e

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Coordinator Replica write ack wait for W responses t seconds elapse once per replica T i m e

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Coordinator Replica write ack read wait for W responses t seconds elapse once per replica T i m e

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Coordinator Replica write ack read response wait for W responses t seconds elapse once per replica T i m e

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Coordinator Replica write ack read response wait for W responses t seconds elapse wait for R responses once per replica T i m e

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Coordinator Replica write ack read response wait for W responses t seconds elapse wait for R responses response is stale if read arrives before write once per replica T i m e

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Coordinator Replica write ack read response wait for W responses t seconds elapse wait for R responses response is stale if read arrives before write once per replica T i m e

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Coordinator Replica write ack read response wait for W responses t seconds elapse wait for R responses response is stale if read arrives before write once per replica T i m e

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Coordinator Replica write ack read response wait for W responses t seconds elapse wait for R responses response is stale if read arrives before write once per replica T i m e

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R1 N=2 T i m e Alice R2

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R1 write N=2 T i m e Alice R2

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write ack N=2 T i m e Alice R2 R1

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write ack W=1 N=2 T i m e Alice R2 R1

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write ack W=1 N=2 T i m e Alice R2 R1

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write ack W=1 N=2 T i m e Alice Bob R2 R1

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write ack read W=1 N=2 T i m e Alice Bob R2 R1

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R2 write ack read W=1 N=2 T i m e Alice Bob R2 R1

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R2 write ack read W=1 N=2 response T i m e Alice Bob R2 R1

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R2 write ack read W=1 R=1 N=2 response T i m e Alice Bob R2 R1

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R2 write ack read W=1 R=1 N=2 response T i m e Alice Bob R2 R1 inconsistent

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R2 write ack read W=1 R=1 N=2 response T i m e Alice Bob R2 R1 inconsistent

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R2 write ack read W=1 R=1 N=2 response T i m e Alice Bob R2 R1 R2 inconsistent

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write ack read response wait for W responses t seconds elapse wait for R responses response is stale if read arrives before write once per replica Coordinator Replica T i m e

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(W) write ack read response wait for W responses t seconds elapse wait for R responses response is stale if read arrives before write once per replica Coordinator Replica T i m e

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(W) write ack read response wait for W responses t seconds elapse wait for R responses response is stale if read arrives before write once per replica (A) Coordinator Replica T i m e

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(R) (W) write ack read response wait for W responses t seconds elapse wait for R responses response is stale if read arrives before write once per replica (A) Coordinator Replica T i m e

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(R) (W) write ack read response wait for W responses t seconds elapse wait for R responses response is stale if read arrives before write once per replica (A) (S) Coordinator Replica T i m e

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solving WARS: order statistics dependent variables Instead: Monte Carlo methods

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to use WARS: W 53.2 44.5 101.1 ... A 10.3 8.2 11.3 ... R 15.3 22.4 19.8 ... S 9.6 14.2 6.7 ... run simulation Monte Carlo, sampling gather latency data

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to use WARS: W 53.2 44.5 101.1 ... A 10.3 8.2 11.3 ... R 15.3 22.4 19.8 ... S 9.6 14.2 6.7 ... run simulation Monte Carlo, sampling gather latency data 44.5

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to use WARS: W 53.2 44.5 101.1 ... A 10.3 8.2 11.3 ... R 15.3 22.4 19.8 ... S 9.6 14.2 6.7 ... run simulation Monte Carlo, sampling gather latency data 44.5 11.3

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to use WARS: W 53.2 44.5 101.1 ... A 10.3 8.2 11.3 ... R 15.3 22.4 19.8 ... S 9.6 14.2 6.7 ... run simulation Monte Carlo, sampling gather latency data 44.5 11.3 15.3

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to use WARS: W 53.2 44.5 101.1 ... A 10.3 8.2 11.3 ... R 15.3 22.4 19.8 ... S 9.6 14.2 6.7 ... run simulation Monte Carlo, sampling gather latency data 44.5 11.3 15.3 14.2

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real Cassandra cluster varying latencies: t-visibility RMSE: 0.28% latency N-RMSE: 0.48% WARS accuracy

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How eventual? key: WARS model need: latencies t-visibility: consistent reads with probability p after t seconds

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intro system model practice metrics insights integration

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Yammer 100K+ companies uses Riak LinkedIn 175M+ users built and uses Voldemort production latencies fit gaussian mixtures

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10 ms N=3

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Latency is combined read and write latency at 99.9th percentile R=3, W=1 100% consistent: Latency: 15.01 ms LNKD-DISK N=3 R=2, W=1, t =13.6 ms 99.9% consistent: Latency: 12.53 ms

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Latency is combined read and write latency at 99.9th percentile R=3, W=1 100% consistent: Latency: 15.01 ms LNKD-DISK N=3 16.5% faster R=2, W=1, t =13.6 ms 99.9% consistent: Latency: 12.53 ms

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Latency is combined read and write latency at 99.9th percentile R=3, W=1 100% consistent: Latency: 15.01 ms LNKD-DISK N=3 16.5% faster R=2, W=1, t =13.6 ms 99.9% consistent: Latency: 12.53 ms worthwhile?

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Latency is combined read and write latency at 99.9th percentile R=3, W=1 100% consistent: Latency: 4.20 ms LNKD-SSD N=3 R=1, W=1, t = 1.85 ms 99.9% consistent: Latency: 1.32 ms

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Latency is combined read and write latency at 99.9th percentile R=3, W=1 100% consistent: Latency: 4.20 ms LNKD-SSD N=3 59.5% faster R=1, W=1, t = 1.85 ms 99.9% consistent: Latency: 1.32 ms

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10 2 10 1 100 101 102 103 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 W=3 10 2 10 1 100 101 102 103 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 CDF W=1 10 2 10 1 100 101 102 103 Write Latency (ms) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 W=2 LNKD-SSD LNKD-DISK LNKD-SSD LNKD-DISK N=3

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10 2 10 1 100 101 102 103 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 W=3 10 2 10 1 100 101 102 103 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 CDF W=1 10 2 10 1 100 101 102 103 Write Latency (ms) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 W=2 LNKD-SSD LNKD-DISK LNKD-SSD LNKD-DISK N=3

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10 2 10 1 100 101 102 103 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 W=3 10 2 10 1 100 101 102 103 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 CDF W=1 10 2 10 1 100 101 102 103 Write Latency (ms) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 W=2 LNKD-SSD LNKD-DISK LNKD-SSD LNKD-DISK N=3

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Coordinator Replica write ack (A) (W) response (S) (R) wait for W responses t seconds elapse wait for R responses response is stale if read arrives before write once per replica SSDs reduce variance compared to disks! read

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Yammer latency 81.1% ⇧ (187ms) 202 ms t-visibility 99.9th N=3

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k-staleness (versions) How consistent? monotonic reads quorum load in the paper

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in the paper -staleness: versions and time

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latency distributions WAN model varying quorum sizes staleness detection in the paper

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intro system model practice metrics insights integration

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1.Tracing 2. Simulation 3. Tune N,R,W Integration Project Voldemort

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Related Work Quorum Systems • probabilistic quorums [PODC ’97] • deterministic k-quorums [DISC ’05, ’06] Consistency Verification • Golab et al. [PODC ’11] • Bermbach and Tai [M4WSOC ’11] • Wada et al. [CIDR ’11] • Anderson et al. [HotDep ’10] • Transactional consistency: Zellag and Kemme [ICDE ’11], Fekete et al. [VLDB ’09] Latency-Consistency • Daniel Abadi [Computer ’12] • Kraska et al. [VLDB ’09] Bounded Staleness Guarantees • TACT [OSDI ’00] • FRACS [ICDCS ’03] • AQuA [IEEE TPDS ’03]

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R+W strong consistency higher latency eventual consistency lower latency

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consistency is a

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consistency continuum is a

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consistency continuum is a strong eventual

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consistency continuum is a strong eventual

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quantify eventual consistency model staleness in time, versions latency-consistency trade-offs analyze real systems and hardware PBS

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quantify eventual consistency model staleness in time, versions latency-consistency trade-offs analyze real systems and hardware PBS quantify which choice is best and explain why EC is often strongly consistent

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quantify eventual consistency model staleness in time, versions latency-consistency trade-offs analyze real systems and hardware PBS quantify which choice is best and explain why EC is often strongly consistent

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Extra Slides

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Non-expanding Quorum Systems e.g., probabilistic quorums (PODC ’97) deterministic k-quorums (DISC ’05, ’06) Bounded Staleness Guarantees e.g., TACT (OSDI ’00), FRACS (ICDCS ’03)

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Consistency Verification e.g., Golab et al. (PODC ’11), Bermbach and Tai (M4WSOC ’11), Wada et al. (CIDR ’11) Latency-Consistency Daniel Abadi (IEEE Computer ’12)

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PBS and apps

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staleness requires either: staleness-tolerant data structures timelines, logs cf. commutative data structures logical monotonicity asynchronous compensation code detect violations after data is returned; see paper cf. “Building on Quicksand” memories, guesses, apologies write code to fix any errors

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minimize: (compensation cost)×(# of expected anomalies) asynchronous compensation

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Read only newer data? client’s read rate global write rate (monotonic reads session guarantee) # versions tolerable staleness = (for a given key)

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latency spi kes Treat failures as

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How l o n g do partitions last?

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what time interval? 99.9% uptime/yr 㱺 8.76 hours downtime/yr 8.76 consecutive hours down 㱺 bad 8-hour rolling average

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what time interval? 99.9% uptime/yr 㱺 8.76 hours downtime/yr 8.76 consecutive hours down 㱺 bad 8-hour rolling average hide in tail of distribution OR continuously evaluate SLA, adjust

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10 2 10 1 100 101 102 103 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 W=3 10 2 10 1 100 101 102 103 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 CDF W=1 10 2 10 1 100 101 102 103 Write Latency (ms) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 W=2 -SSD LNKD-DISK YMMR WA NKD-DISK YMMR WAN KD-SSD LNKD-DISK YMMR W LNKD-SSD LNKD-DISK N=3

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10 2 10 1 100 101 102 103 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 R=3 -SSD LNKD-DISK YMMR WA NKD-DISK YMMR WAN KD-SSD LNKD-DISK YMMR W LNKD-SSD LNKD-DISK 10 2 10 1 100 101 102 103 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 CDF W=1 10 2 10 1 100 101 102 103 Write Latency (ms) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 W=2 (LNKD-SSD and LNKD-DISK identical for reads) N=3

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-staleness: versions and time

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-staleness: versions and time approximation: exponentiate t-staleness by k

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reads return the last written value or newer (defined w.r.t. real time, when the read started) consistency _ _ _ “strong”

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R1 N = 3 replicas R2 R3 Write to W, read from R replicas

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R1 N = 3 replicas R2 R3 R=W=3 replicas { } } { R1 R2 R3 R=W=2 replicas { } R1 { R2 } R2 { R3 } R1 { R3 } Write to W, read from R replicas quorum system: guaranteed intersection

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R1 N = 3 replicas R2 R3 R=W=3 replicas R=W=1 replicas { } } { R1 R2 R3 { } R1 } { R2 } { R3 } { R=W=2 replicas { } R1 { R2 } R2 { R3 } R1 { R3 } Write to W, read from R replicas quorum system: guaranteed intersection partial quorum system: may not intersect

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Synthetic, Exponential Distributions N=3, W=1, R=1

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Synthetic, Exponential Distributions W 1/4x ARS N=3, W=1, R=1

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Synthetic, Exponential Distributions W 1/4x ARS W 10x ARS N=3, W=1, R=1

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concurrent writes: deterministically choose Coordinator R=2 (“key”, 1) (“key”, 2)

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N = 3 replicas Coordinator client read R=3 R1 R2 R3 (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1)

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N = 3 replicas Coordinator client read(“key”) read R=3 R1 R2 R3 (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1)

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N = 3 replicas Coordinator read(“key”) client read R=3 R1 R2 R3 (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1)

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N = 3 replicas Coordinator (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) client read R=3 R1 R2 R3 (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1)

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N = 3 replicas Coordinator (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) client (“key”, 1) read R=3 R1 R2 R3 (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1)

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N = 3 replicas Coordinator read R=3 R1 R2 R3 (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) client

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N = 3 replicas Coordinator read(“key”) read R=3 R1 R2 R3 (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) client

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N = 3 replicas Coordinator read(“key”) read R=3 R1 R2 R3 (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) client

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N = 3 replicas Coordinator (“key”, 1) read R=3 R1 R2 R3 (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) client

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N = 3 replicas Coordinator (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) read R=3 R1 R2 R3 (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) client

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N = 3 replicas Coordinator (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) read R=3 R1 R2 R3 (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) client

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N = 3 replicas Coordinator (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) read R=3 R1 R2 R3 (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) client

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N = 3 replicas Coordinator read R=1 R1 R2 R3 (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) client

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N = 3 replicas Coordinator read(“key”) read R=1 R1 R2 R3 (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) client

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N = 3 replicas Coordinator read(“key”) send read to all read R=1 R1 R2 R3 (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) client

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N = 3 replicas Coordinator (“key”, 1) send read to all read R=1 R1 R2 R3 (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) client

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N = 3 replicas Coordinator (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) send read to all read R=1 R1 R2 R3 (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) client

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N = 3 replicas Coordinator (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) send read to all read R=1 R1 R2 R3 (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) client

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N = 3 replicas Coordinator (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) send read to all read R=1 R1 R2 R3 (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) (“key”, 1) client

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Coordinator W=1 R1(“key”, 1) R2(“key”, 1) R3(“key”, 1)

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Coordinator write(“key”, 2) W=1 R1(“key”, 1) R2(“key”, 1) R3(“key”, 1)

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Coordinator write(“key”, 2) W=1 R1(“key”, 1) R2(“key”, 1) R3(“key”, 1)

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Coordinator ack(“key”, 2) W=1 R1 R2(“key”, 1) R3(“key”, 1) (“key”, 2)

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Coordinator ack(“key”, 2) ack(“key”, 2) W=1 R1 R2(“key”, 1) R3(“key”, 1) (“key”, 2)

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Coordinator Coordinator read(“key”) ack(“key”, 2) W=1 R1 R2(“key”, 1) R3(“key”, 1) (“key”, 2) R=1

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Coordinator Coordinator ack(“key”, 2) W=1 R1 R2(“key”, 1) R3(“key”, 1) (“key”, 2) read(“key”) R=1

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Coordinator Coordinator ack(“key”, 2) W=1 R1 R2(“key”, 1) R3(“key”, 1) (“key”, 2) (“key”, 1) R=1

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Coordinator Coordinator ack(“key”, 2) W=1 R1 R2(“key”, 1) R3(“key”, 1) (“key”, 2) (“key”,1) R=1

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Coordinator Coordinator ack(“key”, 2) W=1 R1 R2(“key”, 1) R3(“key”, 1) (“key”, 2) (“key”,1) R=1

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Coordinator Coordinator ack(“key”, 2) W=1 R1 R2(“key”, 1) R3(“key”, 1) (“key”, 2) (“key”,1) R=1

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Coordinator Coordinator ack(“key”, 2) W=1 R1 R2(“key”, 1) R3(“key”, 1) (“key”, 2) (“key”,1) R=1

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(“key”, 2) Coordinator Coordinator ack(“key”, 2) W=1 R1 R2 R3(“key”, 1) (“key”, 2) (“key”,1) ack(“key”, 2) R=1

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(“key”, 2) Coordinator Coordinator ack(“key”, 2) W=1 R1 R2 R3 (“key”, 2) (“key”,1) ack(“key”, 2) ack(“key”, 2) (“key”, 2) R=1

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(“key”, 2) Coordinator Coordinator ack(“key”, 2) W=1 R1 R2 R3 (“key”, 2) (“key”,1) (“key”, 2) R=1

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(“key”, 2) Coordinator Coordinator ack(“key”, 2) W=1 R1 R2 R3 (“key”, 2) (“key”,1) (“key”, 2) (“key”, 2) R=1

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(“key”, 2) Coordinator Coordinator ack(“key”, 2) W=1 R1 R2 R3 (“key”, 2) (“key”,1) (“key”, 2) (“key”, 2) (“key”, 2) R=1

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(“key”, 2) Coordinator Coordinator ack(“key”, 2) W=1 R1 R2 R3 (“key”, 2) (“key”,1) (“key”, 2) R=1

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keep replicas in sync

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keep replicas in sync

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keep replicas in sync

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keep replicas in sync

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keep replicas in sync

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keep replicas in sync

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keep replicas in sync

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keep replicas in sync slow

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keep replicas in sync slow alternative: sync later

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keep replicas in sync slow alternative: sync later

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keep replicas in sync slow alternative: sync later

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keep replicas in sync slow alternative: sync later inconsistent

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keep replicas in sync slow alternative: sync later inconsistent

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keep replicas in sync slow alternative: sync later inconsistent

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keep replicas in sync slow alternative: sync later inconsistent

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Slide 210 text "In the general case, we typically use [Cassandra’s] consistency level of [R=W=1], which provides maximum performance. Nice!" --D. Williams, “HBase vs Cassandra: why we moved” February 2010

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consistent? What happens if I don’t wait? How

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Probability of reading later older than k versions is exponentially reduced by k Pr(reading latest write) = 99% Pr(reading one of last two writes) = 99.9% Pr(reading one of last three writes) = 99.99%

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cassandra patch VLDB 2012 early print

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reads return the last written value or newer (defined w.r.t. real time, when the read started) consistency _ _ _ “strong”

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Coordinator Coordinator ack(“key”, 2) W=1 R1 R2(“key”, 1) R3(“key”, 1) (“key”, 2) R=1

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Coordinator Coordinator ack(“key”, 2) W=1 R1 R2(“key”, 1) R3(“key”, 1) (“key”, 2) (“key”, 1) (“key”,1) R=1

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Coordinator Coordinator write(“key”, 2) ack(“key”, 2) W=1 R1 R2(“key”, 1) R3(“key”, 1) (“key”, 2) (“key”, 1) (“key”,1) R=1 R3 replied before last write arrived!

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99.9% consistent reads: R=1, W=1 t = 1.85 ms Latency: 1.32 ms Latency is combined read and write latency at 99.9th percentile 100% consistent reads: R=3, W=1 Latency: 4.20 ms LNKD-SSD N=3

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99.9% consistent reads: R=1, W=1 t = 1.85 ms Latency: 1.32 ms Latency is combined read and write latency at 99.9th percentile 100% consistent reads: R=3, W=1 Latency: 4.20 ms LNKD-SSD N=3 59.5% faster

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1. Tracing 2. Simulation 3. Tune N, R, W 4. Profit Workflow

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99.9% consistent reads: R=1, W=1 t = 202.0 ms Latency: 43.3 ms Latency is combined read and write latency at 99.9th percentile 100% consistent reads: R=3, W=1 Latency: 230.06 ms YMMR N=3

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99.9% consistent reads: R=1, W=1 t = 202.0 ms Latency: 43.3 ms Latency is combined read and write latency at 99.9th percentile 100% consistent reads: R=3, W=1 Latency: 230.06 ms YMMR N=3 81.1% faster

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focus on with failures: steady state unavailable or sloppy

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R1 N = 3 replicas R2 R3 Write to W, read from R replicas

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R1 N = 3 replicas R2 R3 R=W=3 replicas { } } { R1 R2 R3 R=W=2 replicas { } R1 { R2 } R2 { R3 } R1 { R3 } Write to W, read from R replicas quorum system: guaranteed intersection

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R1 N = 3 replicas R2 R3 R=W=3 replicas R=W=1 replicas { } } { R1 R2 R3 { } R1 } { R2 } { R3 } { R=W=2 replicas { } R1 { R2 } R2 { R3 } R1 { R3 } Write to W, read from R replicas quorum system: guaranteed intersection partial quorum system: may not intersect

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Coordinator Replica once per replica T i m e

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Coordinator Replica write once per replica T i m e

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Coordinator Replica write ack once per replica T i m e

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Coordinator Replica write ack wait for W responses once per replica T i m e

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Coordinator Replica write ack wait for W responses t seconds elapse once per replica T i m e

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Coordinator Replica write ack read wait for W responses t seconds elapse once per replica T i m e

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Coordinator Replica write ack read response wait for W responses t seconds elapse once per replica T i m e

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Coordinator Replica write ack read response wait for W responses t seconds elapse wait for R responses once per replica T i m e

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Coordinator Replica write ack read response wait for W responses t seconds elapse wait for R responses once per replica T i m e

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Coordinator Replica write ack read response wait for W responses t seconds elapse wait for R responses once per replica T i m e

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Coordinator Replica write ack read response wait for W responses t seconds elapse wait for R responses response is stale if read arrives before write once per replica T i m e

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Coordinator Replica write ack read response wait for W responses t seconds elapse wait for R responses response is stale if read arrives before write once per replica T i m e

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N=2 T i m e

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write write N=2 T i m e

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write ack write ack N=2 T i m e

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write ack write ack W=1 N=2 T i m e

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write ack write ack W=1 N=2 T i m e

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write ack read write ack W=1 N=2 read T i m e

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write ack read response write ack W=1 N=2 read response T i m e

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write ack read response write ack W=1 R=1 N=2 read response T i m e

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write ack read response write ack W=1 R=1 N=2 read response T i m e

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write ack read response write ack W=1 R=1 N=2 read response T i m e inconsistent

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N=3 R=W=2 quorum system

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N=3 R=W=2 quorum system

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N=3 R=W=2 quorum system

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Y N=3 R=W=2 quorum system

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Y N=3 R=W=2 quorum system

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Y N=3 R=W=2 quorum system

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Y Y N=3 R=W=2 quorum system

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Y Y N=3 R=W=2 quorum system

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Y Y N=3 R=W=2 quorum system

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Y Y Y N=3 R=W=2 quorum system

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Y Y Y N=3 R=W=2 quorum system

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Y Y Y Y Y Y N=3 R=W=2 quorum system

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Y Y Y Y Y Y N=3 R=W=2 quorum system

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Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N=3 R=W=2 quorum system

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Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N=3 R=W=2 quorum system

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Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y guaranteed intersection N=3 R=W=2 quorum system

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N=3 R=W=1 partial quorum system

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N=3 R=W=1 partial quorum system

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N=3 R=W=1 partial quorum system

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Y N=3 R=W=1 partial quorum system

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Y N=3 R=W=1 partial quorum system

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Y N=3 R=W=1 partial quorum system

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Y N N=3 R=W=1 partial quorum system

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Y N N N=3 R=W=1 partial quorum system

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Y N N N=3 R=W=1 partial quorum system

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Y N N N Y N N=3 R=W=1 partial quorum system

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Y N N N Y N N=3 R=W=1 partial quorum system

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Y N N N Y N N N Y N=3 R=W=1 partial quorum system

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Y N N N Y N N N Y N=3 R=W=1 partial quorum system

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Y N N N Y N N N Y N=3 R=W=1 partial quorum system

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Y N N N Y N N N Y N=3 R=W=1 partial quorum system

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Y N N N Y N N N Y probabilistic intersection N=3 R=W=1 partial quorum system

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N N Y N=3 R=W=1

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N N Y expanding quorums grow over time N=3 R=W=1

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N Y Y expanding quorums grow over time N=3 R=W=1

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Y Y Y expanding quorums grow over time N=3 R=W=1

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No content

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Werner Vogels

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1994-2004 Werner Vogels

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1994-2004 2004- Werner Vogels

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N=3, R=W=2 quorum system

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N=3, R=W=2 quorum system

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N=3, R=W=2 quorum system

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N=3, R=W=2 quorum system

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N=3, R=W=2 quorum system

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N=3, R=W=2 quorum system

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N=3, R=W=2 quorum system

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N=3, R=W=2 quorum system

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N=3, R=W=2 quorum system

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N=3, R=W=2 quorum system

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guaranteed intersection N=3, R=W=2 quorum system

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N=3, R=W=1 partial quorum system

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N=3, R=W=1 partial quorum system

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N=3, R=W=1 partial quorum system

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N=3, R=W=1 partial quorum system

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N=3, R=W=1 partial quorum system

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N=3, R=W=1 partial quorum system

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N=3, R=W=1 partial quorum system

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N=3, R=W=1 partial quorum system

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N=3, R=W=1 partial quorum system probabilistic intersection

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expanding quorums N=3, R=W=1 grow over time

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expanding quorums N=3, R=W=1 grow over time

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expanding quorums N=3, R=W=1 grow over time

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expanding quorums N=3, R=W=1 grow over time

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expanding quorums N=3, R=W=1 grow over time

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Solving WARS: hard Monte Carlo methods: easier

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remedy: observation: technique: no guarantees with eventual consistency consistency prediction measure latencies use WARS model PBS

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PBS allows us to quantify latency-consistency trade-offs what’s the latency cost of consistency? what’s the consistency cost of latency?

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PBS allows us to quantify latency-consistency trade-offs what’s the latency cost of consistency? what’s the consistency cost of latency? an “SLA” for consistency