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The Future of Communication

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But you can't expect things to stay the same. 02 Over the years, communication has changed significantly. There are many things that impacted the progression of communication such as social dynamics, and technology. Hence, it is best that we don't expect things to stay the same.

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Communication is central in how we live. 03

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How will we communicate in the future? 04

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Here are some predictions 05

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Here are some predictions Current trends on virtual presence will provide the groundwork for truly immersive communication designed to transcend time and space. What's in store for us? Next generation holographic communication will soon change the way we work and conduct meetings in the workplace, significantly unifying geographically dispersed employees. Future of Technology With 3D holographic avatars and images, offices can significantly reduce the cost of transporting employees in one place, minimizing airspace travel hazards on the environment. Virtual Presence 06

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Proliferation of Chat Bots In the future there will be a way to automate responses based on pre-written keywords and through machine learning. Presentations are communication tools that can be used as demonstrations, lectures, speeches, reports, and more. It is mostly presented before an audience. 07 Communication

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Here are some predictions Rise of Augmented Reality It's time we see and engage with the world differently. Right now, we experience augmented reality through games, but there's a lot to it more than entertainment. What's in store for us? Real use cases of augmented reality include medical training, classroom education, business logistics, and the tourism industry. Future of Technology Augmented reality is an emerging player in the tech economy. We can only expect further innovation and improvements in this area of communication.

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Whole Brain Emulation Presentations are communication tools that can be used as demonstrations, lectures, speeches, reports, and more. It is mostly presented before an audience. It serves a variety of purposes, making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching. 09

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Brain-Computer Interface In the future, there will be a way to transfer memories, thoughts, knowledge and transform it into a digital form. The technology will help preserve human knowledge and memories, thus providing a 'back- up' system for the future. 10

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Digital Telepathy In the future, there will be a way to automate transmission of information and knowledge through machine learning. With the technology rapidly evolving, the possibility is wide open to do telepathy digitally.

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Auto Translation No longer will you have to learn a foreign language to communicate with others. Presentations are communication tools that can be used as demonstrations, lectures, speeches, reports, and more. It is mostly presented before an audience. 12

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Proliferation of Chat Bots The automatic concept of communication do not have the intention to replace humans, rather to avoid the repetitive flow of communication. This way, humans are given the chance to focus on more valuable tasks. 01 02 Chat Bots are becoming more human-like and more convenient thanks to the rapid innovation of technology. The use of chat bots will move beyond simple information, it will move forward to more complex topics.

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Electronic Paper Electronic paper is making human works a lot more flexible. With electronic paper, things are easy to search, copy, and modify. Electronic paper mimics the appearance of real paper. Electronic paper is said to be more environmentally friendly as it is reusable and eliminates paper waste. 14

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"Communication is the process of distributing information. With technology constantly evolving, it's safe to say that communication will be conducted more quickly." - Aaron Loeb