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HashiCorp Tools for the Windows Ecosystem @hibri Consultant at @ContinoHQ

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The Developer Machine @hibri WinOps October 2016

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How is this solved ? • Golden images. • Not refreshed regularly • Designed by committee • Doesn’t fit individual needs • Requires someone spending a day or two to build. • Every developer has special needs. • Self built • Not repeatable • Time wasted, less productive @hibri WinOps October 2016

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Packer @hibri WinOps October 2016

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What does Packer look like? @hibri WinOps October 2016

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• Download Packer from • Clone windows • packer build windows_10.json @hibri WinOps October 2016

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Provisioning with Packer @hibri WinOps October 2016

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Packer does cloud too.. @hibri WinOps October 2016

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@hibri WinOps October 2016

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Why Vagrant • Create lightweight (Windows weight ? ) environments • Repeatable • Share it • Trash it • Gateway to thinking about infrastructure as code @hibri WinOps October 2016

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vagrant up @hibri WinOps October 2016

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Provisioning with Vagrant @hibri WinOps October 2016

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Provisioning with Puppet and Chocolatey @hibri WinOps October 2016

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Do’s and Don’ts • Do script Vagrant with config management scripts • Do have a Vagrant file per project • Do use the same config management scripts as used for production services. • Avoid provisioning heavyweight apps ( Visual Studio, SQL server) . Use Packer to build these instead. • Encourage reuse within your organisation. • Also see Boxen ( and Boxstarter ( @hibri WinOps October 2016

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Terraform @hibri WinOps October 2016

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Why do I useTerraform ? • Tool for building, changing and versioning infrastructure. • Manages dependencies between infrastructure components. • Share your infrastructure code. • Use the same declarative language between different providers. @hibri WinOps October 2016

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With Powershell @hibri WinOps October 2016

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With Terraform @hibri WinOps October 2016

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@hibri WinOps October 2016

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Resources @hibri WinOps October 2016

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Resources and Modules @hibri WinOps October 2016

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Resources and Modules @hibri WinOps October 2016

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Do’s and Dont’s • Do use CI pipeline to apply changes from the beginning of a project. • Don’t use Terraform to provision applications. Use appropriate tooling for it. Puppet, Chef etc. • Do use Terraform to provision the infrastructure so that other provisioners can run. @hibri WinOps October 2016

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Summary • Packer to build Vagrant boxes for virtualisation and cloud images. • Vagrant to spin up and share development environment setups. • Terraform to simplify creating infrastructure and to version. • All of these tools are automation friendly. • Add automation tactically @hibri WinOps October 2016

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Links • Packer for Windows joefitzgerald/packer-windows • Packer for Windows 2016 and Windows Containers • Terraform Azure Provider docs/providers/azurerm/index.html @hibri WinOps October 2016

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Fin Questions ? [email protected] twitter @hibri @hibri WinOps October 2016