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Service Oriented Flask Building awesome software that scales. @rdegges

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Yo, I’m Randall! “I’m just a happy programmer that likes to hack stuff.” Developer Evangelist, Stormpath

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(I also founded / built an API company that handles billions of API requests.)

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I <333 python.

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“Uh, why did I attend this talk again?”

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(And there are lots of ways to do it.) Scaling software is hard.

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How to write awesome software that scales using SOA.

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● What SOA is, exactly. ● Why SOA is awesome. ● The most import rule. ● How to build reliable services. ● How to make faster services. ● How to scale Flask services. ● The biggest SOA issue. ● How to have more fun. What I’ll Cover

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0x00 What is SOA?

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Big App Small Apps Website / API billing users api frontend

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Users Service GET /users Returns a list of all user accounts. GET /users/ Returns the user identified by uid. POST /users Create a new user. POST /users/authenticate Authenticate a user. PUT /users/ Update a user account identified by uid. PATCH /users/ Update a user account identified by uid. DELETE /users/ Delete a user identified by uid.

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Database(s) Cache(s) Web Server(s) Load Balancer (s) Worker(s) Queue(s)

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0x01 Why SOA?

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Less scope, less problems.

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Easily distribute work. billing users frontend api

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Easier to scale. Database(s) Database(s)

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Easier to test.

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0x02 The Most Important Rule

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“Keep it simple.”

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Write your docs -- first.

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You may not need an API client.

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0x03 How to Build Reliable Services

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integration tests > unit tests

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import urllib2 from flask import Flask from flask.ext.testing import LiveServerTestCase class MyTest(LiveServerTestCase): def create_app(self): app = Flask(__name__) app.config['TESTING'] = True app.config['LIVESERVER_PORT'] = 8943 return app def test_server_is_up_and_running(self): response = urllib2.urlopen(self.get_server_url()) self.assertEqual(response.code, 200)

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Foreman / Docker Make Testing with SOA Easier web: gunicorn myproject:app -k gevent -b$PORT servicea: cd ~/servicea && gunicorn myproject:app -k gevent -b$PORT serviceb: cd ~/serviceb && gunicorn myproject:app -k gevent -b$PORT $ foreman start 16:39:22 web.1 | started with pid 82834 16:39:22 worker.1 | started with pid 82835 16:39:22 blah.1 | started with pid 82836

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“Keep development, staging and production as similar as possible.” Development Production

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(postgression can help) $ curl -v postgres://user:password@host/db Tests postgres

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No content

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Plan for downtime. Service B Service A

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Monitor your stuff.

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New Relic!

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0x04 SOA Rules

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Always use HTTPS! Free certs from StartSSL!

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from flask import Flask from flask_sslify import SSLify app = Flask(__name__) sslify = SSLify(app) Flask-SSLify

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Flask-BasicAuth from flask import Flask from flask.ext.basicauth import BasicAuth app = Flask(__name__) app.config['BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME'] = 'john' app.config['BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD'] = 'matrix' app.config['BASIC_AUTH_FORCE'] = True basic_auth = BasicAuth(app)

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There is only one serialization format: JSON.

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Keep deployment simple. $ git push heroku master

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0x05 Speeding Things Up

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Your webserver isn’t slow.

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Use caching layers.

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Service A Code Cache CDN Clients

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from flask import Flask from flask.ext.cache import Cache app = Flask(__name__) cache = Cache(app, config={'CACHE_TYPE': 'simple'}) Flask-Cache

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0x06 Scaling Services

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What’s your bottleneck? ● CPU? ● IO? ● Memory?

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Scale vertically first, then horizontally.

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Web ? Web Vertical Scaling

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Web ? Web Web Web Horizontal Scaling

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Put your data in the right place.

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Dynamo Postgres Web Server 1ms 25ms

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Queue Everything Service A Code Cache Queue Service B Code Cache Queue

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from flask import Flask form flask.ext.rq import RQ, job app = Flask(__name__) RQ(app) @job def process(i): pass process.delay(3) Flask-RQ

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Outsource what you can. ● Stormpath ● Twilio ● Loggly ● Sendgrid ● NewRelic ● Ducksboard Less code, less *.

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billing users api frontend My Site logs stripe stormpath api frontend loggly

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0x07 The Biggest SOA Problem

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Users! billing users api frontend logs

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frontend users username password submit ? Hmm.

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Flask-Security ● Works with SQLAlchemy. ● Configurable. ● Password reset. ● Basic Authentication (with email / password). ● Token authentication. ● Self hosted. ● You have to build the API around it yourself.

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frontend users Flask-Security username password submit Flow Flask-Login

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from flask.ext.stormpath import StormpathManager app = Flask(__name__) stormpath_manager = StormpathManager(app) Flask-Stormpath

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0x09 Having MORE Fun

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Let’s Be Real Programming can be boringggg.

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Own your code.

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Release code.

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Tell people about it.

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Thank You 818-217-9229