What is Phishing
Phishing is the fraudulent attempt
to obtain sensitive information
including user data, login
credentials, credit card details
through electronic communication.
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• Attacker send an email that appears to be from a legitimate
company and ask to provide sensitive information.
• Contact through phone call by mimicking the know entity.
For example, I am your virtual relationship manager calling
from you bank your credit card is block. Kindly share your
CCV number and received OTP to activate it.
• Using a Phishing kit - It’s a web component. Attackers
replicated a known brand or organisation’s legitimate
website. Those url will be sent to target by email or other
Crowd-sourced lists of known phishing kits
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Phishing Technique
Spear Phishing - attacks directed at
specific individuals or companies.
Whaling - attacks directed specifically at
senior executives and other high-profile
Vishing - contact target by telephone
mimics known entities to steal sensitive
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Punishment is upto 2 years
jail term / fine amount / both
Such fraudulent are
punishable under Indian
Penal Code, 1860 (IPC)
It’s often invoked along with
the Information Technology
Act, 2000.
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Why it continues to happen
• It’s very hard to trace the
identity of Phishing
• There is a legal principle
“Bail is rule and jail is an
• Whoever committed this
offence they can easily come
out in bail and engage in
committing the crime again.
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How you can prevent
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Verify the URL
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Pay attention to the SSL and browser
As per Anti-Phishing Working Group 2020 report, 75 percent of all phishing sites now use SSL protection
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Pay attention to the spam filter warning
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Sender Policy Framework (SPF)*
Sender Policy Framework (SPF) record- is a type of Domain
Name Service (DNS) TXT record that identifies which mail
servers are permitted to send email on behalf of your domain.
* For Organization
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DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)*
DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)- Organisation take
responsibility for a message that is in transit. The organisation
is a handler of the message, either as its originator or as an
* For Organization
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• Change all your passwords.
• For banking related frauds Immediately approach
your bank give a formal complaint with whatever
proof you have.
• Report the phishing website url here https://
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If the transaction happens without user’s
In 2017, RBI sent a circular
to all the banks if such
fraudulent are reported
the bank has to take
resolution with in 3 days
and revert back the
money to customer.
Limiting Liability of Customers in Unauthorised Electronic Banking Transactions
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If the transaction happens by
deceiving the user
• If the action is taken by the bank and phisher’s account is
freeze by the bank you can approach the court with proper
documents and get direction to get your money back.
• If the phisher withdraw the money and gone untraceable,
bank have option to claim from their insurance and credit to
the customer account.