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2024 must-know automations Frank van Dijk MAATWERK ONLINE @frankvndijk @frankvndijk

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Well, that did not go as planned...

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How to automate parts of keyword research In this session I'll cover Automate spotting on page opportunities Getting more out of SF and ChatGPT connection

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Why is a LLM so bad at clustering?

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Keyword Keyword Similar URLS Similarity between two keywords

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Let's trust the algorithm

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Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword

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Longlist Content plan

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Sweet spot?

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Keyword Keyword Keyword Topic Keyword Keyword Keyword Topic Keyword Keyword Keyword Topic Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword

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It saves lots of time Clustering 1.000 keywords Manually Python 3 hours 😅 15 minutes 🤯

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Try it yourself!

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Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword

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Autosuggest Others search for People also ask

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People also ask

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Question Question Question Question Question Question

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Temperature → 0.0 Top P → 0.1 Presence penalty → 1.0

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Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword Question Question Question Blog title Question Question Question Blog title Question Question Question Blog title

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Quality traffic Topical authority

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Does your content answers the paa?

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URL URL URL URL URL URL URL URL URL URL Recommendation URL Recommendation URL Recommendation URL Recommendation URL Recommendation URL

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Large websites 🤯

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🔎 🔎 🔍

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Target URL Target URL Target URL Target URL Target URL Target URL Target URL Target URL Target URL Target URL Source URL Source URL Source URL Target URL Source URL Source URL Source URL Target URL Source URL Source URL Source URL Target URL

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ChatGPT API Part of page Prompt

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Create a title tag or meta description Create in bulk Create specific content like an FAQ section Create structured data

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Analyse whether EEAT guidelines are met Analyse in bulk Analyse for content opportunities Essentially any kind of on page optimisation

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ChatGPT output

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Dream big, start small Use ChatGPT as a standard Start scraping small things with: Web Scraper - extension Try to do things in bulk with SF + ChatGPT

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A mindset that helps you automate things Key take aways - from me to you A reason to do more with Python Handful of practical automations you can use

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Grab the slidedeck & automations @frankvndijk On X (Twitter) and LinkedIn