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Mobile Acceptance Testing Workshop mdevcon 2013 did you do the setup steps? Thursday, March 14, 13

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Pete Hodgson @ph1 Thursday, March 14, 13

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Thursday, March 14, 13

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Thursday, March 14, 13

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enough about me, what about you? Thursday, March 14, 13

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Thursday, March 14, 13

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The Plan Thursday, March 14, 13

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The Plan some theory, but centered on practical know-how lots of opportunities for hands on Thursday, March 14, 13

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The Plan focus will be iOS and Frank but almost all concepts are generally applicable Thursday, March 14, 13

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Thursday, March 14, 13

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Agenda the value of testing acceptance testing fundamentals selecting bits of UI interacting with bits of UI inspecting bits of UI “advanced stuff” Thursday, March 14, 13

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Thursday, March 14, 13

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The Goal leave here feeling empowered to write your first automated acceptance tests Thursday, March 14, 13

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Bonus Goal learn some acceptance testing ProTipstm Thursday, March 14, 13

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interrupt, raise your hand, ask questions Please Thursday, March 14, 13

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Thursday, March 14, 13

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Manual Testing Thursday, March 14, 13

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launch the app > cd your_app_directory > frank launch LAUNCHING IN THE SIMULATOR... Thursday, March 14, 13

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manual test script Scenario: adding a new counter - launch app - tap + to add a new counter - choose a CountUp counter - enter “My Group” as a group name - enter “My Counter” as a counter name - tap Save - check you are back on the main screen - check you see your group and counter name - check that tapping the counter makes it count Thursday, March 14, 13

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manual test script Scenario: adding a new counter - launch app - tap + to add a new counter - choose a CountUp counter - enter “My Group” as a group name - enter “My Counter” as a counter name - tap Save - check you are back on the main screen - check you see your group and counter name - check that tapping the counter makes it count again Thursday, March 14, 13

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Thursday, March 14, 13

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what have we discovered? - testing is a way to explore the app - testing can be tedious - humans tend to optimize - humans tend to make mistakes Thursday, March 14, 13

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what else? Thursday, March 14, 13

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did we find any bugs? Thursday, March 14, 13

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what else would you test? Thursday, March 14, 13

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Thursday, March 14, 13

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running our first automated test Thursday, March 14, 13

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running our first automated test > cd your_app_directory > frank build > cucumber Frank/features Thursday, March 14, 13

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what just happened? Thursday, March 14, 13

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iOS app acceptance tests Thursday, March 14, 13

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iOS app acceptance tests Frank server Frank driver HTTP test scripts Thursday, March 14, 13

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iOS app acceptance tests Frank server Frank driver HTTP test scripts Thursday, March 14, 13

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Thursday, March 14, 13

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why do we test? Thursday, March 14, 13

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why do we test? interacting with the app to see what it does Thursday, March 14, 13

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“does it work?” Thursday, March 14, 13

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“does it still work?” Thursday, March 14, 13

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“what’s it supposed to do anyway?” Thursday, March 14, 13

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manual testing is tedious ... Thursday, March 14, 13

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and we’re not very good at it ... manual testing is tedious ... Thursday, March 14, 13

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but computers are ... and we’re not very good at it ... manual testing is tedious ... Thursday, March 14, 13

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“Computers are designed to do simple repetitive tasks. The second you have humans doing repetitive tasks, all the computers get together late at night and laugh at you…” - Neal Ford Thursday, March 14, 13

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Thursday, March 14, 13

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why automate your tests Thursday, March 14, 13

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why automate your tests - more time for exploratory QA Thursday, March 14, 13

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why automate your tests - more time for exploratory QA - consistency in our testing Thursday, March 14, 13

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why automate your tests - more time for exploratory QA - consistency in our testing - drives focus on requirements Thursday, March 14, 13

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why automate your tests - more time for exploratory QA - consistency in our testing - drives focus on requirements - protect against regressions Thursday, March 14, 13

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why automate your tests - more time for exploratory QA - consistency in our testing - drives focus on requirements - protect against regressions - enable courageous change Thursday, March 14, 13

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why automate your tests - more time for exploratory QA - consistency in our testing - drives focus on requirements - protect against regressions - enable courageous change - what else? Thursday, March 14, 13

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Thursday, March 14, 13

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types of automated testing Thursday, March 14, 13

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Mobile App Thursday, March 14, 13

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Mobile App End User Thursday, March 14, 13

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Mobile App End User Backend Services Thursday, March 14, 13

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Unit Test Mobile App End User Backend Services Thursday, March 14, 13

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Integration Test Mobile App End User Backend Services Thursday, March 14, 13

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Acceptance Test Mobile App End User Backend Services Thursday, March 14, 13

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Acceptance Test Mobile App End User Backend Services The App Thursday, March 14, 13

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Acceptance Unit Integration Thursday, March 14, 13

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a few reliable tests are better than lots of flakey tests ProTiptm Thursday, March 14, 13

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run your tests as frequently as you can ProTiptm Thursday, March 14, 13

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Thursday, March 14, 13

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the UI testing triad Thursday, March 14, 13

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select a bit o UI Thursday, March 14, 13

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select a bit o UI simulate interaction with it inspect state o it Thursday, March 14, 13

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UI select interact inspect Thursday, March 14, 13

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UI select interact inspect Thursday, March 14, 13

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symbiote > cd your_app_directory > frank launch > frank inspect Thursday, March 14, 13

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symbiote Thursday, March 14, 13

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demo! Thursday, March 14, 13

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Thursday, March 14, 13

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view selectors Thursday, March 14, 13

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view selectors - a little language to specify which views to inspect/ interact with - like CSS or XPath Thursday, March 14, 13

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Thursday, March 14, 13

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Thursday, March 14, 13

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Thursday, March 14, 13

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view marked:‘A Group’ by accessibility label Thursday, March 14, 13

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accessibility labels are your friend ProTiptm Thursday, March 14, 13

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view marked:‘A Group’ by accessibility label Thursday, March 14, 13

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tableViewCell by view class Thursday, March 14, 13

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tableViewCell label drill down Thursday, March 14, 13

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tableViewCell label drill down Thursday, March 14, 13

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tableViewCell label drill down Thursday, March 14, 13

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putting it together Thursday, March 14, 13

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tableViewCell label marked:’A Counter’ putting it together Thursday, March 14, 13

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avoid brittle view selection ProTiptm Thursday, March 14, 13

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record & playback: not a sustainable approach ProTiptm Thursday, March 14, 13

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Thursday, March 14, 13

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UI select interact inspect Thursday, March 14, 13

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UI select interact inspect Thursday, March 14, 13

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user simulation touch(...) type_into_keyboard(...) set_orientation(...) double_tap(...) tap_and_hold(...) drag_with_initial_delay(...) Thursday, March 14, 13

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touch(...) Thursday, March 14, 13

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touch(...) view selector Thursday, March 14, 13

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frank console > cd your_app_directory > frank launch > frank console connecting to app... connected [1] pry(#)> Thursday, March 14, 13

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frank console > touch “button marked:‘Add’” Thursday, March 14, 13

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UI select interact inspect Thursday, March 14, 13

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UI select interact inspect Thursday, March 14, 13

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view introspection frankly_map(view_selector, method) runs an ObjectiveC method on all matching UIView instances Thursday, March 14, 13

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back in the console Thursday, March 14, 13

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back in the console > selector = “button marked:‘Edit’” > element_exists( selector ) => true > frankly_map( selector, ‘isEnabled’ ) => [true] > frankly_map( selector, ‘isHidden’ ) => [false] > frankly_map( selector, ‘accessibilityFrame’ ) => [{"size"=>{"width"=>50, "height"=>30}, "origin"=>{"x"=>5, "y"=>27}}] Thursday, March 14, 13

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interact inspect select UI Thursday, March 14, 13

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putting it all together Thursday, March 14, 13

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back in the console > touch “view marked:‘Add’” > touch “label marked:'CountUp'” > touch “view:'UITextFieldLabel' marked:'Group Name'” > type_into_keyboard “My Group” > touch “view:'UITextFieldLabel' marked:'Counter Name'” > type_into_keyboard “My Counter” > touch “button marked:'Save'” > element_exists “view marked:’My Group’” > element_exists “view marked:’My Counter’” > touch “view marked:’My Counter’” Thursday, March 14, 13

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Thursday, March 14, 13

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other platforms Thursday, March 14, 13

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Android Robotium Calabash Thursday, March 14, 13

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Mobile Web WebDriver (aka Selenium 2) with Capybara (if you’re using ruby) Thursday, March 14, 13

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which WebDriver? Thursday, March 14, 13

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which WebDriver? iPhoneDriver ~ or ~ a desktop WebDriver (e.g. chromedriver) Thursday, March 14, 13

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Headless capybara-webkit poltergeist ghostdriver htmlunitdriver Thursday, March 14, 13

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Thursday, March 14, 13

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cucumber Thursday, March 14, 13

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cucumber write tests which describe behavior in terms of user value Thursday, March 14, 13

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cucumber Given... When... Then... Thursday, March 14, 13

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cucumber Given I have a simple counter And I have counted to 10 When I reset the counter Then the counter should be at 0 Thursday, March 14, 13

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How does that work? Thursday, March 14, 13

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How does that work? Regular Expressions (!!!) Thursday, March 14, 13

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Cucumber steps Given I have a simple counter And I have counted to 10 When I reset the counter Then the counter should be at 0 Thursday, March 14, 13

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Thursday, March 14, 13

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Cucumber step definitions Thursday, March 14, 13

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Cucumber step definitions When /^I reset the counter$/ do touch( “view marked:‘Zero Counts’” ) end Thursday, March 14, 13

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Cucumber step definitions When /^I reset the counter$/ do touch( “view marked:‘Zero Counts’” ) end Thursday, March 14, 13

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Cucumber step definitions When /^I reset the counter$/ do touch( “view marked:‘Zero Counts’” ) end Thursday, March 14, 13

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so, what does Cucumber do for us? Thursday, March 14, 13

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... ... touch “button marked:'CountUp'” touch “view marked:'Group Name'” type_into_keyboard “my group” touch “view marked:'Counter Name'” type_into_keyboard “my counter” touch “button marked:‘Save’” ... ... Thursday, March 14, 13

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When I create a “my counter” counter Thursday, March 14, 13

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When /^I create a "(.*?)" counter$/ do |counter| touch “button marked:'CountUp'” touch “view marked:'Group Name'” type_into_keyboard DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME touch “view marked:'Counter Name'” type_into_keyboard counter touch “button marked:‘Save’” end Thursday, March 14, 13

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When /^I create a "(.*?)" counter$/ do |counter| touch “button marked:'CountUp'” touch “view marked:'Group Name'” type_into_keyboard DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME touch “view marked:'Counter Name'” type_into_keyboard counter touch “button marked:‘Save’” end Thursday, March 14, 13

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When /^I create a "(.*?)" counter$/ do |counter| touch “button marked:'CountUp'” touch “view marked:'Group Name'” type_into_keyboard DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME touch “view marked:'Counter Name'” type_into_keyboard counter touch “button marked:‘Save’” end Thursday, March 14, 13

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When /^I create a "(.*?)" counter$/ do |counter| touch “button marked:'CountUp'” touch “view marked:'Group Name'” type_into_keyboard DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME touch “view marked:'Counter Name'” type_into_keyboard counter touch “button marked:‘Save’” end Thursday, March 14, 13

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“foo” When I create a counter Thursday, March 14, 13

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“bar” When I create a counter Thursday, March 14, 13

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“baz” When I create a counter Thursday, March 14, 13

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Don’t write test scripts in cucumber ProTiptm Thursday, March 14, 13

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Cucumber should be high-level and user-focussed ProTiptm Thursday, March 14, 13

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embrace patterns like Page Object ProTiptm Thursday, March 14, 13

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Thursday, March 14, 13

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race conditions Thursday, March 14, 13

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Thursday, March 14, 13

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Thursday, March 14, 13

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Thursday, March 14, 13

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did we log in? touch “button marked:‘Login’” check_element_exists “view marked:‘Welcome back!’” Thursday, March 14, 13

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did we log in? touch “button marked:‘Login’” check_element_exists “view marked:‘Welcome back!’” Thursday, March 14, 13

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did we log in? touch “button marked:‘Login’” check_element_exists “view marked:‘Welcome back!’” Thursday, March 14, 13

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did we log in? touch “button marked:‘Login’” check_element_exists “view marked:‘Welcome back!’” Thursday, March 14, 13

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what about the network? touch “button marked:‘Login’” check_element_exists “view marked:‘Welcome back!’” Thursday, March 14, 13

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what about the network? touch “button marked:‘Login’” check_element_exists “view marked:‘Welcome back!’” Thursday, March 14, 13

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what about the network? touch “button marked:‘Login’” check_element_exists “view marked:‘Welcome back!’” Thursday, March 14, 13

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what about the network? touch “button marked:‘Login’” check_element_exists “view marked:‘Welcome back!’” Thursday, March 14, 13

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what about the network? touch “button marked:‘Login’” check_element_exists “view marked:‘Welcome back!’” fail Thursday, March 14, 13

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what about the network? touch “button marked:‘Login’” check_element_exists “view marked:‘Welcome back!’” fail Thursday, March 14, 13

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a tempting solution touch “button marked:‘Login’” sleep 2 check_element_exists “view marked:‘Welcome back!’” Thursday, March 14, 13

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a tempting solution touch “button marked:‘Login’” sleep 2 check_element_exists “view marked:‘Welcome back!’” Thursday, March 14, 13

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a tempting solution touch “button marked:‘Login’” sleep 2 check_element_exists “view marked:‘Welcome back!’” PROBLEM slow tests Thursday, March 14, 13

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a tempting solution touch “button marked:‘Login’” sleep 2 check_element_exists “view marked:‘Welcome back!’” PROBLEM slow tests PROBLEM fragile tests Thursday, March 14, 13

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wait_until SOLUTION: Thursday, March 14, 13

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wait_until touch “button marked:‘Login’” wait_until do element_exists “view marked:‘Welcome back!’” end Thursday, March 14, 13

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wait_until touch “button marked:‘Login’” wait_until do element_exists “view marked:‘Welcome back!’” end Thursday, March 14, 13

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wait_until touch “button marked:‘Login’” wait_until do element_exists “view marked:‘Welcome back!’” end Thursday, March 14, 13

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wait_until touch “button marked:‘Login’” wait_until do element_exists “view marked:‘Welcome back!’” end Thursday, March 14, 13

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wait_until touch “button marked:‘Login’” wait_for_element_to_exist do “view marked:‘Welcome back!’” end Thursday, March 14, 13

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wait_until touch “button marked:‘Login’” wait_for_element_to_exist do “view marked:‘Welcome back!’” end Thursday, March 14, 13

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Spin Assert ProTiptm Thursday, March 14, 13

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Thursday, March 14, 13

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Thursday, March 14, 13

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wrapping up the value of testing (feedback) definition of an acceptance test selecting/interacting/inspecting frank console and symbiote “advanced stuff” Thursday, March 14, 13

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this slide deck will be at: Thursday, March 14, 13

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further research - ‘Page Object’ pattern - Spin Asserts - Quarantine broken tests - acceptance testing Journeys - Continuous Integration - faking out external services Thursday, March 14, 13

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helpful resources the cucumber book the rspec book scripting w. Ruby book specification by example book rubymine (good IDE for ruby/cuke dev.) eradicating non- determinism in tests (good blog post) creating maintainable acceptance tests (presentation slides and video) the example tests in the Frank repo Thursday, March 14, 13

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more questions? @ph1 me, at the bar feedback plz! Thursday, March 14, 13