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Testing as you were in PROD , with Testcontainers

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TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. whoami 2. the project 3. what do we want to test 4. what is testcontainers 5. code 6. references

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$whoami JUG organiser at BarcelonaJUG Co-Founder of JBCNConf ( Barcelona ) Software Engineer at Red Hat App. Modernisation and Migration team @vilojona

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the project

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Ingress xavier KIE Server - jBPM - RBAC App - Security - S3 bucket A DB Postgres DB Postgres Kafka S3 bucket B The project 2 1 3 4 5 7 8 9 6 10

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what do we want to test

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What do we want to test End to End tests + clients network connections AWS S3 Kafka PostgreSQL

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What do we want to test End to End tests + clients network connections + external services version PostgreSQL 9.6 KIE 7.3

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What do we want to test End to End tests + clients network connections + external services version + timeouts,params, on clients and listeners Apache Camel Kafka AWS S3

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What do we want to test End to End tests + network steps + external services version + timeouts,params, on clients and listeners + background async processes Insights Apache Camel KIE Server

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What do we want to test End to End tests + network steps + external services version + timeouts,params, on clients and listeners + background async processes + external services specific configuration Apache Camel KIE Server

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What do we want to test End to End tests + network steps + external services version + timeouts,params, on clients and listeners + background async processes + external services specific configuration Apache Camel KIE Server And everything executed in our CI process ( Github + TravisCI )

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Have the whole test in CI

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Testcontainers to the rescue Testcontainers ( not TestContainers ) @testcontainers

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what is Testcontainers

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Testcontai...what ? Testcontainers is a Java library that supports JUnit tests, providing lightweight, throwaway instances of common databases, Selenium web browsers, or anything else that can run in a Docker container. Your APP JUnit test Testcontainer module Docker for Java Docker Container

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12 Tools Modules ● Docker Compose Module ● Elasticsearch container ● Kafka Containers ● Localstack Module ● Mockserver Module ● Nginx Module ● Apache Pulsar Module ● RabbitMQ Module ● Solr Container ● Toxiproxy Module ● Hashicorp Vault Module ● Webdriver Containers OOTB Modules 18 DB Modules ● JDBC support ● R2DBC support ● Cassandra Module ● CockroachDB Module ● Couchbase Module ● Clickhouse Module ● DB2 Module ● Dynalite Module ● InfluxDB Module ● MariaDB Module ● MongoDB Module ● MS SQL Server Module ● MySQL Module ● Neo4j Module ● Oracle-XE Module ● OrientDB Module ● Postgres Module ● Presto Module

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Ingress xavier KIE Server - jBPM - RBAC App - Security - Minio bucket A DB Postgres DB Postgres Kafka Localstack bucket B REAL SUBSTITUTE Components to have similar Prod env 2 1 3 4 5 7 8 9 6 10

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Tasks with containers Definition OOTB Module, Docker image, Dockerfile Start JUnit rule, Manual, Manual parallel Logging Manually, SLF4J consumer Connection Shared network, IP & port Finish Manual, Automatic

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Defining containers OOTB Module Dockerhub image Dockerfile file

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Ingress xavier KIE Server - jBPM - RBAC App - Security - Minio bucket A DB Postgres DB Postgres Kafka Localstack bucket B REAL SUBSTITUTE Testcontainers modules 2 1 3 4 5 7 8 9 6 10 GenericContainer<>("jboss/kie-server-showcase:7.18.0.Final") PostgreSQLContainer () PostgreSQLContainer () LocalStackContainer() GenericContainer<>("minio/minio") GenericContainer<>("minio/mc") KafkaContainer () GenericContainer(new ImageFromDockerfile() GenericContainer<>(new ImageFromDockerfile()

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Starting containers Manual Manual Parallel Automatically

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Logging SLF4J Logger Manual LOG output sample

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Connecting to a container Connecting containers to a same local network Getting container host and random exposed port

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Waiting to be ready Wait strategy : specify the condition to consider a container as useful for testing vs Startup strategy : always always means wait until container is running

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Passing properties to Spring Boot Overriding properties from config file with values from containers Setting the context initializer for Spring

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Finishing the containers Manually Automatically

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Ok, Ok, but …

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The code

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References Testcontainers : @testcontainers Docker for Java : Repository used in this presentation : ( class )

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Books ( devs not only consume tech ) Sci Fy Mind Novel

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@vilojona Thank you :) THE END