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@yot88 50 shades of Dev Practices

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Who am I ? Technical Agile coach, Software craftsman I’m Yoan THIRION (freelance) • design software since more than 12 years • fundamental to succeed in that area : agility and technical excellence • help teams deliver well crafted software • implementation of agile and technical practices (eXtreme programming, Refactoring, DDD, Mob programming, …) Let’s connect My services Technical agile coaching Communities of practice Cultural change devops Brown bags Serious games

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@yot88 miro

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@yot88 Accelerate • Effective development matters for organizational success • You can measure development organizations effectiveness objectively • Particular behaviors and technical practice drive better metrics Type Metric Elite Low THROUGHPUT Deployment Frequency Multiple per day 1 - 6 months Lead Time for Changes Less than 1 day 1 - 6 months STABILITY Mean Time to Restore Less than 1 hour 1 - 4 weeks Change Failure Rate 0 - 15 % 46 - 60 %

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Accelerate Capabilities Continuous Delivery (8) Architecture (2) Product & Process (4) Lean Management & Monitoring (5) Cultural (5) Metrics Success

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@yot88 Accelerate results Continuous Delivery (CD) Automated deployment Continuous Integration (CI) Continuous Testing Loosely-Coupled Architecture Automated security Database agility Less Burnout Less Deployment Pain Reach Organizational Goals Technical Practices

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@yot88 Accelerate results Continuous Delivery (CD) Automated deployment Continuous Integration (CI) Continuous Testing Loosely-Coupled Architecture Trunk-Based Development Monitoring & Observability Less Burnout Less Deployment Pain Reach Organizational Goals

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@yot88 How does this relate to XP?

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@yot88 eXtreme programming Agile method 95 / 96 Mainly Kent beck 5 values Engineering practices Feedback loops

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@yot88 eXtreme programming 5 values Communication Courage Feedback Respect Simplicity Agile Methodfrom 95 / 96 Associated practices Feedback loops

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@yot88 XP : an inspiration

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Xp and Accelerate Source : Coding Standard Refactoring Continuous Integration Test Driven Development Pair Programming Customer Tests Planning game Small Releases Metaphor Simple Design Whole team Collective ownership Sustainable pace

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@yot88 What would we add in 2021? Probably some technical practices

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@yot88 Mob programming • strengthen collective ownership / alignment • share knowledge • learn together

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@yot88 approval testing • Also called : Characterization Tests OR Snapshot Tests or Golden Master • outputs that need human approval to say whether the functionality is implemented as expected Less assertions/ less tests Must have to work on legacy code An asset for tdd Scrubbers : convert the non-deterministic text to something stable. Ex : Guid, Dates, …

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@yot88 Property-based testing • identify and test invariants / properties • something that will always be true, no matter what data you provide to your algorithm for all (x, y, ...) such that property (x, y, ...) is satisfied Given (x, y, ...) When I [call the subject under test] with (x, y, ...) Then I expect this (output) Example-based property-based

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@yot88 Mikado • break down refactoring tasks into smaller ones • the code is almost NEVER in an unstable state.

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@yot88 Domain driven design • A development approach • strategic and Tactical patterns TACTICAL STRATEGIC

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@yot88 Consumer driven contract • Améliorer le design et le testing de vos micro-services • Approche de testing orientée “consumer” / Contrat • Éviter les problèmes d’intégration • Valider constamment que nos services sont en capacité de se comprendre testing-of-your-micro-services-through-consumer-driven-contract-tests

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@yot88 CODE analysis Static + behavioral Don’t wait the end of your projects to use them Start from the beginning Hotspot analysis Code coupling Knowledge diffusion System Health

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@yot88 mutation testing A technique to gauge the quality of our tests • Generate mutants • Launch tests • Check result / Generate report

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Design sessions 1) Open a new item 2) Agree on item’s definition 3) Align on flows to implement 4) Write the code Skeleton Pojos Domains Contracts, … todos agree on the naming / parameters / contracts 5) part or whole team works on the implementation Whole team or Puzzle Driven Development

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@yot88 • capture architectural decisions to understand why and their consequences • log the elements that justified a decision Architecture decision records

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@yot88 Tech radar • One source of truth: what should/may be used • Organize your technology watch

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co-design architecture sécu ops tech leads / dev experts porteur de la vision technique techradar Co-designs co-construit diffuse participe / propose participe / propose participe / propose participe / propose alimente knowledge base adr matérialisée par Solution design

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@yot88 And many others… • CQRS / Event sourcing • Consumer driven contract testing • 12 Factor apps • Functional programming paradigms • Functional core imperative shell • … • Togaf • Enterprise Integration patterns • Micro-services • ATDD / BDD • Cloud computing • …

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@yot88 Technique but not only... What do we need to live well as a team?

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@yot88 Soft skills / communication • To live well as a team • Understand each other nvc Give / receive feedback NLP

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@yot88 Facilitation (interactions, workshops) events (retrospectives, stand-ups, …) Event storming, story mapping, break silos / alignment Liberating structures 7 P Canvas

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@yot88 leadership Host leadership

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@yot88 Coaching / Teaching Solution focus

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@yot88 To sum up

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@yot88 DDD / CQRS / ES Clean Architecture 12 Factor apps Functional core imperative shell Togaf Enterprise Integration patterns Micro-services … Approches de test : tdd (classic / outside-in), pbt, mutation, Approval, … cdc Clean Code Techniques de refactoring Mob programming Functional programming … Leadership (M3.0, extreme ownership, host leadership…) Facilitation (event storming, story mapping, liberating structures, …) Coaching (grow, solution focus, …) Teaching (training from the back of the room) Communication (CNV, PNl, …) …

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Continuous learning

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@yot88 Continuous learning… how ?

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@yot88 Continuous learning

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@yot88 Community of practices • connect people / break down silos • share knowledge • learn together • solve problems (collective intelligence)

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@yot88 Learning hours / mentoring Code katas Deliberate practice M.E.N.T.O.R model Mission Engagement Networking Trust Opportunity Review / Renewal

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@yot88 xtrem(s) • stimulate collective intelligence with o Reading o Tech watch • share passions / knowledge • Learning as a group Tools to become a learning organization XTREM Watch XTREM reading

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@yot88 Conferences / meetups • Learn from others • Stay up-to-date With covid a lot of online events On any topics, from anywhere

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@yot88 Technical Coaching Help teams grow Learning hours, code katas, pair programming, mob programming, agile, coaching, …

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– Allan Kelly Implement what makes sense in your context: experiment / learn "create your own process, don’t follow someone else’s prescription.” - allan kelly

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I learned a lot, but it doesn't apply to me I have learned a lot And I can apply it Level of knowledge acquired Applicability of this knowledge I didn't learn much And it doesn't apply to me I can apply what little I have learned

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merci Technical Agile coach, Software craftsman On reste connecté Mes brown bags