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Comredis Iuri Fernandes Redis, Elixir, Ruby, Metaprogramming, Testing and other Buzzwords

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Ruby require "redis" redis = redis.set("hello ", "world") # => "OK" redis.get("hello") # => "world"

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Connection management Authentication Communication (Request-response) Client RESP Server

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“Requests are sent from the client to the Redis server as arrays of strings representing the arguments of the command to execute.” –Redis documentation RESP (REdis Serialization Protocol)

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Ruby # Get the value of a key. # # @param [String] key # @return [String] def get(key) synchronize do |client|[:get, key]) end end https:/ / redis.rb

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Elixir {:ok, conn} = Redix.start_link # => {:ok, #PID<0.310.0>} Redix.command(conn, ~w(SET hello world)) # => {:ok, "OK"} Redix.command(conn, ~w(GET hello)) # => {:ok, "world"}

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Elixir Redix.pipeline(conn, [ ~w(INCR foo), ~w(INCR foo), ~w(INCR foo 2) ]) #=> {:ok, [1, 2, 4]}

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Elixir Redix.pipeline(conn, [ ~w(INCR foo), ~w(INCR foo), ~w(INCRBY foo 2) ]) #=> {:ok, [1, 2, 4]}

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Ruby redis = redis.set("hello ", "world") # => "OK" redis.get("hello") # => "world"

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Elixir {:ok, conn} = Redix.start_link # => {:ok, #PID<0.310.0>} Redix.command(conn, ~w(SET hello world)) # => {:ok, "OK"} Redix.command(conn, ~w(GET hello)) # => {:ok, "world"}

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Elixir {:ok, conn} = Redix.start_link # => {:ok, #PID<0.310.0>} Redix.command(conn, set("hello", "world"))) # => {:ok, "OK"} Redix.command(conn, get("hello")) # => {:ok, "world"}

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Elixir {:ok, conn} = Redix.start_link # => {:ok, #PID<0.310.0>} conn |> Redix.command(set("hello", "world"))) # => {:ok, "OK"} conn |> Redix.command(get("hello")) # => {:ok, "world"}

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Elixir defmodule Commands do def get(key) do ~w(GET #{key}) end def set(key, value) do ~w(SET #{key} #{value}) end # ... end

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Bad idea!

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lib/redis.rb => 2730 LOC* * Includes a lot of documentation * Handles responses * It does not support all the commands Not for the redis-rb

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Imagine if I could generate all these functions automatically! You can! Metaprogramming FTW! Better, at compile time!

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{ ... "GET": { "summary": "Get the value of a key", "complexity": "O(1)", "arguments": [ { "name": "key", "type": "key" } ], "since": "1.0.0", "group": "string" }, ... } https:/ /

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Parser (Poison) Commands JSON specification Command structured data Elixir macros Functions

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Macro rules Rule 1: Don’t Write Macros Rule 2: Use Macros Gratuitously

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Elixir defmodule Comredis do use Comredis.Command.Generator ... end

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Abstract Syntax Tree Expression quote unquote 1 + 1

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quote unquote 1 + 1 {:+, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel], [1, 1]}

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Elixir defmodule Comredis.Command.Generator do defmacro __using__(_options) do for command <- FileReader.load do generate(command) end end defp generate(command = %Command{}) do quote do @doc unquote doc(command) unquote bodies(command, Argument.split_options(command.arguments)) end end ... end

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Elixir defp bodies(command, {required_args, []}) do args = argument_names(required_args) quote do def unquote(command.canonical_name)(unquote_splicing(args)) do List.flatten [unquote(, unquote_splicing(args)] end end end

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Elixir defp bodies(%Command{canonical_name: :get, name: "GET"}, {[%Argument{canonical_name: :key}], []}) do args = [{:key, [], Elixir}] quote do def unquote(command.canonical_name)(unquote_splicing(args)) do List.flatten [unquote(, unquote_splicing(args)] end end end defp bodies(%Command{canonical_name: :get, name: "GET"}, {%Argument{canonical_name: :key}, []}) do quote do def get(key) do List.flatten ["GET", key] end end end

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How to test it? Don’t test code generation, but the generated code Write tests for each function? No, automatically test all of them

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Property-based testing Generator: random arguments compliant to command arguments Property: commands have a valid syntax Use a Redis server as a test oracle (triq)

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What is missing? Type checking to use Dialyzer More documentation Something else?

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Who uses similar ideas? Elixir - unicode representation ex2ms - ETS match expressions

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Questions? @fqiuri