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@chancancode  

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Animated Gifts

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Programmer to Thought Leader™ Professional Thought Leadership Angelina Fabbro, Sara Chipps, Gabe Scholz, Tom Dale, Horse JS, Allen Pike g g n n o o r r w w ™

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Chapter 1 Leading By Example Professional Thought Leadership Thought Leadership

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Chapter 1 Leading By Example Professional Thought Leadership Thought Leaders Ship

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No content

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Chapter 2 Create Controversies Kill Your Darlings Professional Thought Leadership

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No content

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No content

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Thought Leadership Is Dead

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Fatigue Fatigue

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Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue

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Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue

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Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue

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Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue

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Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue

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Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue

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Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue

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Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue

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JavaScript Frameworks Fatigue

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No content

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Which of these is not a JavaScript Framework?

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2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 ? “1.0” Releases R.I.P.

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2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 ? Reaching “Critical Mass”

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Hype Fatigue

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An Antidote to Your Hype Fatigue

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No content

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No content

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No content

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“Isn’t Ember dead?”

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Big Bets

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1. Ambitious Web Applications 2. Future Standards Foresight 3. Stability Without Stagnation

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1. Ambitious Web Applications

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Full-fledged Applications

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No content

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Solving the Hard Problems™

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[ MVC ]s

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[ MVC ]s + Router

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[ MVC ]s + Router + Data Store

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[ [ MVC ]s + Router + Data Store ] + Testing

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[ [ MVC ]s + Router + Data Store ] + Testing + Build Tools

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[ [ MVC ]s + Router + Data Store ] + Testing + Build Tools + Deployment

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[ [ [ MVC ]s + Router + Data Store ] + Testing + Build Tools + Deployment ] + Ecosystem

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Solving the Hard Problems™ Real World

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Solving the Hard Problems™ Real World Boring

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“Ember is dead.”

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“Apple has stopped innovating.”

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Ember Inspector

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No content

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No content

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Ember Data

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Models // app/models/post.js export default DS.Model.extend({ title: DS.attr(“string”), body: DS.attr(“string”), published: DS.attr(“date”), });

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Relationships // app/models/post.js export default DS.Model.extend({ title: DS.attr(“string”), body: DS.attr(“string”), published: DS.attr(“date”), author: DS.belongsTo(“user”), comments: DS.hasMany(“comment”), });

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store.find(“post”); store.find(“post”, {q: “Rails”}); store.find(“post”, 1); store.filter(“post”, function(post) { ... }); store.createRecord(“post”, { title: “Rails is Omakase”, body: “...” }); Identity Store

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Data Sources

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// app/adapters/application.js export default DS.RestAdapter.extend({ host: “https://...” }); // app/adapters/user.js export default FirebaseAdapter.extend({ firebase: “https://...” }); Data Sources

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No content

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No content

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Ember CLI

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% ember new test-app version: 0.2.3 installing create .bowerrc create .editorconfig create .ember-cli create .jshintrc create .travis.yml create Brocfile.js create create app/app.js create app/components/.gitkeep create app/controllers/.gitkeep create app/helpers/.gitkeep create app/index.html ... Installed packages for tooling via npm. Installed browser packages via Bower. Successfully initialized git.

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No content

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% ember serve version: 0.2.3 Livereload server on port 35729 Serving on http://localhost:4200/ Build successful - 3774ms. Slowest Trees | Total ----------------------------------------------+--------------------- Concat: Vendor | 3005ms Slowest Trees (cumulative) | Total (avg) ----------------------------------------------+--------------------- Concat: Vendor (1) | 3005ms Babel (2) | 231ms (115 ms)

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% ember generate resource post version: 0.2.3 installing create app/models/post.js installing create tests/unit/models/post-test.js installing create app/routes/post.js create app/templates/post.hbs installing create tests/unit/routes/post-test.js

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Assets Pipeline

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JSHint, Babel, etc

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Build Tools

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Unit Testing

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Acceptance Testing

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Browser Testing

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Browser Testing Test Harness™

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% ember generate resource post version: 0.2.3 installing create app/models/post.js installing create tests/unit/models/post-test.js installing create app/routes/post.js create app/templates/post.hbs installing create tests/unit/routes/post-test.js

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moduleForModel('post'); test('slug', function(assert) { var post = this.subject({ title: 'Rails is omakase' }); assert.equal(post.get('slug'), 'rails-is-omakase'); });

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moduleForComponent('delete-button'); test('delete confirmation', function(assert) { var component = this.subject({ text: 'Delete post' }); component.$().click(); assert.equal(component.$().text(), 'Are you sure?'); });

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module('Acceptance: check out', { ... }); test('Express checkout', function(assert) { visit('/products/agile-web-development-with-rails'); click('#express-checkout'); fillIn('#login .username', 'godfrey'); fillIn('#login .secret', 'secret'); click('#login .submit'); andThen(function() { var confirmation = find('#notice h3').text(); assert.equal(confirmation, 'Thank you for your order'); }); });

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% ember test version: 0.2.3 Built project successfully. ok 1 PhantomJS 1.9 - JSHint - .: app.js should pass jshint ok 2 PhantomJS 1.9 - JSHint - helpers: helpers/resolver.js should pass jshint ... ok 11 PhantomJS 1.9 - route:post: it exists 1..11 # tests 11 # pass 11 # fail 0 # ok

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% ember test --server

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Ember Addons

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Coffee Script ember install ember-cli-coffeescript

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Sass ember install ember-cli-sass

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Mocha ember install ember-cli-mocha

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Code Coverage ember install ember-cli-blanket

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Sauce Labs ember install ember-cli-sauce

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Firebase ember install emberfire

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Authentication ember install ember-cli-simple-auth

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Animations ember install liquid-fire

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Deployment ember install ember-cli-deploy

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Canadian Stylesheets ember install ember-cli-canadian-stylesheets

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No content

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~ 1000 addons (and counting)

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Big Bets

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1. Ambitious Web Applications 2. Future Standards Foresight 3. Stability Without Stagnation

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2. Future Standards Foresight

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Programmer to Thought Leader™ JavaScript Thought Leadership Yehuda Katz g g n n o o r r w w ™

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Routes // app/routes/post.js export default Ember.Route.extend({ model: function(params) { return $.ajax(“/posts/” + params.post_id); } });

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Ember Data store.find(“post”, 1).then(function(post) { ... });

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Synergy™ // app/routes/post.js export default Ember.Route.extend({ model: function(params) { return“post”, params.post_id); } });

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Synergy™ // app/routes/post.js export default Ember.Route.extend({ });

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Testing module('Acceptance: check out', { ... }); test('Express checkout', function(assert) { visit('/products/agile-web-development-with-rails') .then(function() { click('#express-checkout'); }) .then(function() { fillIn('#login .username', 'godfrey'); fillIn('#login .secret', 'secret'); }) .then(function() { click('#login .submit'); }) .then(function() { var confirmation = find('#notice h3').text(); assert.equal(confirmation, 'Thank you for your order'); }); });

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Synergy™ module('Acceptance: check out', { ... }); test('Express checkout', function(assert) { visit('/products/agile-web-development-with-rails'); click('#express-checkout'); fillIn('#login .username', 'godfrey'); fillIn('#login .secret', 'secret'); click('#login .submit'); andThen(function() { var confirmation = find('#notice h3').text(); assert.equal(confirmation, 'Thank you for your order'); }); });

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No content

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Web Components

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Custom Elements

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A directive that is restricted to element names with an isolated scope that uses transclusion.

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Ember Components

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{{#my-button ...}} ... {{/my-button}}

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...for now.

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ES 6+

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ES6 Modules // app/models/post.js import DS from “ember-data”; export default DS.Model.extend({ title: DS.attr(“string”), body: DS.attr(“string”), published: DS.attr(“date”), }); // test/unit/models/post-test.js import Post from 'test-app/models/post'; // ...

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ES6 Syntax // app/routes/post.js export default Ember.Route.extend({ model(params) { return $.ajax(`/posts/${ params.post_id) }`); } });

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ES6 Classes?

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No content

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The Future Is Now™

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ember install ember-cli-computed-decorators

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// app/models/user.js import DS from 'ember-data'; import computed from 'ember-computed-decorators'; export default DS.Model.extend({ firstName: DS.attr(“string”), lastName: DS.attr(“string”), @computed(“firstName”, “lastName”) fullName(firstName, lastName) { return `${ firstName } ${ lastName }`; } });

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// app/models/user.js import DS from 'ember-data'; import computed from 'ember-computed-decorators'; export default DS.Model.extend({ firstName: DS.attr(“string”), lastName: DS.attr(“string”), @computed(“firstName”, “lastName”) fullName(firstName, lastName) { return `${ firstName } ${ lastName }`; } });

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Big Bets

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1. Ambitious Web Applications 2. Future Standards Foresight 3. Stability Without Stagnation

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3. Stability Without Stagnation

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No content

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Release Channels

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Release Beta Canary

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May 1.11 1.12 Beta 3 Apr Mar Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug 1.10 1.12 Beta 2 1.12 Beta 1 1.11 Beta 5 1.11 Beta 4 1.11 Beta 3 Canary Beta Release 1.11 Beta 2 1.11 Beta 1 1.10 Beta 4 1.10 Beta 3 1.10 Beta 2 1.10 Beta 1 1.9 1.9 Beta 4 1.9 Beta 3 1.9 Beta 1 1.8 1.8 Beta 5 1.8 Beta 4 1.8 Beta 3 1.8 Beta 2 1.8 Beta 1 1.7 1.7 Beta 5 1.7 Beta 4 Bound Attributes HTML Bars Glimmer Block Params Injected Properties New CP Syntax {{component}} Streams Handlebars 2.0 Metamorph 2015

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May 1.11 1.12 Beta 3 Apr Mar Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug 1.10 1.12 Beta 2 1.12 Beta 1 1.11 Beta 5 1.11 Beta 4 1.11 Beta 3 Canary Beta Release 1.11 Beta 2 1.11 Beta 1 1.10 Beta 4 1.10 Beta 3 1.10 Beta 2 1.10 Beta 1 1.9 1.9 Beta 4 1.9 Beta 3 1.9 Beta 1 1.8 1.8 Beta 5 1.8 Beta 4 1.8 Beta 3 1.8 Beta 2 1.8 Beta 1 1.7 1.7 Beta 5 1.7 Beta 4 Bound Attributes HTML Bars Glimmer Block Params Injected Properties New CP Syntax {{component}} Streams Handlebars 2.0 Metamorph 2015

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Semantic Versioning

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No content

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Does it really work?

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No content

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Notable Features Shipped During 1.x 1.2 Router loading/error substates 1.3 Router auto location 1.6 ES6-ify Ember internals 1.7 Query params, nestable routes 1.8 Remove metamorph tags 1.9 Handlebars 2.0, Streams 1.10 HTMLBars, {{else if}}, block params 1.11 Bound attributes

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HTMLBars Ember 1.10

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// app/templates/post.hbs

{{ post.title }}

{{markdownToHTML post.body}}

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// app/templates/post.hbs

{{ post.title }}

{{markdownToHTML post.body}}

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Bound Attributes Ember 1.11

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// app/templates/post.hbs

{{ post.title }}

{{markdownToHTML post.body}}

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// app/templates/post.hbs

{{ post.title }}

{{markdownToHTML post.body}}

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// app/templates/post.hbs

{{ post.title }}

{{markdownToHTML post.body}}

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// app/templates/post.hbs

{{ post.title }}

{{markdownToHTML post.body}}

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No content

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Reactive Programming

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Notable Features Shipped During 1.x 1.2 Router loading/error substates 1.3 Router auto location 1.6 ES6-ify Ember internals 1.7 Query params, nestable routes 1.8 Remove metamorph tags 1.9 Handlebars 2.0, Streams 1.10 HTMLBars, {{else if}}, block params 1.11 Bound attributes

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No content

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No content

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No content

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No content

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No content

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Notable Features Shipped During 1.x 1.2 Router loading/error substates 1.3 Router auto location 1.6 ES6-ify Ember internals 1.7 Query params, nestable routes 1.8 Remove metamorph tags 1.9 Handlebars 2.0, Streams 1.10 HTMLBars, {{else if}}, block params 1.11 Bound attributes 1.12 ??? 1.13? Glimmer

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Fast Boot™

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One-way Binding By Default

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Notable Features Shipped During 1.x 1.2 Router loading/error substates 1.3 Router auto location 1.6 ES6-ify Ember internals 1.7 Query params, nestable routes 1.8 Remove metamorph tags 1.9 Handlebars 2.0, Streams 1.10 HTMLBars, {{else if}}, block params 1.11 Bound attributes 1.12 ??? 1.13? Glimmer, One-way binding

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Components Everywhere

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Notable Features Shipped During 1.x 1.2 Router loading/error substates 1.3 Router auto location 1.6 ES6-ify Ember internals 1.7 Query params, nestable routes 1.8 Remove metamorph tags 1.9 Handlebars 2.0, Streams 1.10 HTMLBars, {{else if}}, block params 1.11 Bound attributes 1.12 ??? 1.13? Glimmer, One-way binding, Routable components, <... />, ...

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Ember 2.0

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No content

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Notable Features Shipped During 1.x 1.2 Router loading/error substates 1.3 Router auto location 1.6 ES6-ify Ember internals 1.7 Query params, nestable routes 1.8 Remove metamorph tags 1.9 Handlebars 2.0, Streams 1.10 HTMLBars, {{else if}}, block params 1.11 Bound attributes 1.12 ??? 1.13? Glimmer, One-way binding, Routable components, <... />, ...

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Notable Features Shipped With 2.0 < This slide is intentionally left blank >

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Big Bets

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1. Ambitious Web Applications 2. Future Standards Foresight 3. Stability Without Stagnation

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No content

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No content

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No content

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An Antidote to Your Hype Fatigue

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“Isn’t Ember dead?”

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@chancancode  