My Approach (before)
„If you use the same password everywhere = no good“
1 Low Security Password: heybuddy24
1 High Security Passwort: htowi_fle98dk$$+djk(43.
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My Approach (today)
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My Approach (today)
Single Place for Passwords
439 entries.
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Troy Hunt
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Azure Key Vault in a Nutshell
1. Store and protect “Secret Stuff”
Keys, Secrets, Certificates
2. “Provide” them to Cloud Apps and Services.
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▪ Key
▪ A cryptographic RSA key.
▪ Keys CAN NOT be read from KV.
▪ Apps must ask KV to encrypt, decrypt, sign
▪ Secret
▪ A sequence of bytes (under 25kb)
▪ Authorized users write secrets to KV
▪ Authorized apps read secrets from KV
▪ Certificate.
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Data Plane
Manage the
“Secret Stuff”
“Work with the
Secret Stuff”
Access Policy
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▪ Software Protected Keys
▪ FIPS 140-2 Level 1
▪ HSM Protected Keys
▪ FIPS 140-2 Level 2
10k Operations = 0.03 EUR
Cert Renewal: 2.53 EUR
HSM Keys: 0.84 EUR per Key
HSM Advanced: 4.22 per Key.
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IaaS Disk Encryption
1. In Key Vault Access Policies, allow Disk Encryption
2. Create a Key
3. Configure Disk Encryption on Virtual Machine
4. Reboot.
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Digital Envelope, CEK, KEK, What???
Source: Nilay Parikh,
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Demo: Client Side Storage Encryption
1. Create a Storage Account (done)
2. Create an Application to Upload a blob (Done: ClientSideEncryptionDemo)
3. Register the Application in AAD (done)
This creates a Service Principal (objectId, secret)
4. Configure the Application to use Service Principal (done)
5. Create a Key in Key Vault “ClientSideEncryptionKey”
6. Use a KV Access Policy to allow the App to use the Key
7. Run the Application.
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Lets write some code!
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Lets write some code!
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Goal: Remove Secrets from config
▪ 1. Use a Service Principal
Needs objectId and Secret from App Registration
▪ 2. Use a managed Identity (MSI)
App Service supports MSI.
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Demo: Remove Secrets from App Config
1. Create a Secret in KeyVault
2. AppServivce: Enable Managed Identity (MSI)
3. Key Vault: Add Access Policy for MSI
4. Add Code to Request Secret from Key Vault.
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▪ Key Vaults store
▪ Keys: Can not leave Key Vault
▪ Secrets: Arbitrary strings
▪ Certificates: Certificates
▪ Secret Management via Management Plane (Portal, secured by AD RBAC)
▪ Secret Usage via Data Plane (REST API, Key Vault Access Policy)
▪ Scenarios
▪ Use Key Vault to enable IaaS Disk Encryption
▪ Use Key Vault to do Client Side Encryption for Storage
▪ Use Key Vault to keep secrets out of code with Managed Identity (MSI).
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Thank you!
Manuel Meyer
[email protected]