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Elastic February 28, 2018 @jordansissel / @andrewvc What’s the Latest in Logstash Jordan Sissel and Andrew Cholakian

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Thank you to our community You complete the picture

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In the last year, 1,413 Logstashers have helped us with 9,237 issues, comments, and pull requests to our logstash-plugins repository. 864 pull requests were opened. The Logstash Plugins Community 3

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In the last year, 76 Logstashers have helped us with 1,131 issues, comments, and pull requests to our logstash-plugins repository. 179 pull requests were opened. The Logstash Core Community 4

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Triaging in Two Parts

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We couldn’t do it without you!

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The Latest

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queue.type: persisted # (v5.4) input input input filter filter filter output output Icons made by Freepik from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY queue Theme: Don’t lose data.

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Simple things should be simple

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bin/logstash --modules netflow

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bin/logstash --modules arcsight

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bin/logstash --modules

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17 A Tale of Two* Pipelines *(or more)

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1 8 input { beats { port => 3444 tag => apache } tcp { port => 4222 tag => firewall } } filter { if "apache" in [tags] { dissect { ... } } else if "firewall" in [tags] { grok { ... } } } output { if "apache" in [tags] { elasticsearch { ... } } else if "firewall" in [tags] { tcp { ... } } } TCP BEATS DISSECT GROK TCP ES

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1 9 input { beats { port => 3444 tag => apache } tcp { port => 4222 tag => firewall } } filter { if "apache" in [tags] { dissect { ... } } else if "firewall" in [tags] { grok { ... } } } output { if "apache" in [tags] { elasticsearch { ... } } else if "firewall" in [tags] { tcp { ... } } } input { beats { port => 3444 tag => apache } tcp { port => 4222 tag => firewall } } filter { if "apache" in [tags] { dissect { ... } } else if "firewall" in [tags] { grok { ... } } } output { if "apache" in [tags] { elasticsearch { ... } } else if "firewall" in [tags] { tcp { ... } } }

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2 0 input { beats { port => 3444 tag => apache } } filter { dissect { ... } } output { elasticsearch { ... } } input { tcp { port => 4222 tag => firewall } } filter { grok { ... } } output { tcp { ... } } Multiple Pipelines (v6.0) BEATS DISSECT ES TCP GROK TCP

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X-Pack Central Management (v6.0) ------- ----------- -------- - ------ --- ----- ---- ---- --- --- --- ------------ -- -- - -- ---- - -- --- -- - ---- - --- --- ------- ----------- -------- - ------ --- ----- ---- ---- ------ --- ------------ -- -- - -- ---- - -- --- -- - ---- - --- --- ------- ----------- -------- - ------ --- ----- ---- ---- --- --- --- ------------ -- -- - -- ---- - -- --- -- - ---- - --- --- ------- ----------- -------- - ------ --- ----- ---- ---- ------ --- ------------ -- -- - -- ---- - -- --- -- - ---- - --- --- ------- ----------- -------- - ------ --- ----- ---- ---- --- --- --- ------------ -- -- - -- ---- - -- --- -- - ---- - --- --- ------- ----------- -------- - ------ --- ----- ---- ---- ------ --- ------------ -- -- - -- ---- - -- --- -- - ---- - --- --- Three Logstash instances. Doing the same thing. Let’s simplify this.

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X-Pack Central Management (v6.0) ------- ----------- -------- - ------ --- ----- ---- ---- ------ --- ------------ -- -- - -- ---- - -- --- -- - ---- - --- --- ------- ----------- -------- - ------ --- ----- ---- ---- ------ --- ------------ -- -- - -- ---- - -- --- -- - ---- - --- --- ------- ----------- -------- - ------ --- ----- ---- ---- ------ --- ------------ -- -- - -- ---- - -- --- -- - ---- - --- --- ------- ----------- -------- - ------ --- ----- ---- ---- ------ --- ------------ -- -- - -- ---- - -- --- -- - ---- - --- --- One configuration source.

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--experimental-java-execution (v6.1) 27 0: new #121 3: dup 4: iconst_2 5: fconst_1 6: invokespecial #122 9: astore_1 10: aload_1 11: ldc #47 13: aload_0 14: getfield #6 17: invokeinterface #52, 3 filter { if “debug” in [tags] { drop { } } grok { match => { … } } } if event.getField(“tags”)... { drop.execute(event); if event.isCancelled() { return; } } grok.execute(event); Compile bytecode Load Configuration Transform to Java

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--experimental-java-execution (v6.1) 28 “Compile” code = config.compile() pipeline = eval(code) loop do batch = queue.pop() pipeline.execute(batch) end Load Configuration filter { if “debug” in [tags] { drop { } } grok { match => { … } } } Transform to Ruby if event.get(“tags”).include?( drop.execute(event) return if event.cancelled? end grok.execute(event) Ruby

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Logstash 6.2: Protect credentials with the keystore logstash-keystore (Logstash 6.2) % logstash-keystore create % logstash-keystore add es_password # use es_password in the pipeline: output { elasticsearch { hosts => … user => “elastic” password => “${es_password}” } }

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Upcoming Features

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Quick Hits

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Visual Pipeline Builder

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More Security Modules (SIEM, IDS, Firewalls, etc.)

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SNMP Poller (It’s not a trap!)

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Centralized Management Improvements

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Node Groups

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How we do it today 3 7 true ["apache", "cloudwatch_logs"] LS1 LS2 LS3 apache cloudwatch logs

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Where we Want to Go 3 8 true ["webserver_logs”, “security_logs”] LS1 LS2 LS3 apache logs cloudwatch logs webserver_logs security_logs nginx logs azure activity logs

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Pipeline Settings Will Also Be Supported!

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Ancillary Files in Config Management

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Config File Grok Patterns GeoIP Database Without Config Management

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Config File Grok Patterns GeoIP Database Config Management Today

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Config File Grok Patterns GeoIP Database Config Management in the Future

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Java Plugin API

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• Allow people to use additional JVM languages to develop plugins • Enable performance optimization where required Java Plugin API Goals 4 5

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• We’re starting with a low level API, optimized for performance • Will add sugar on top • We plan to support the current plugin API indefinitely • Some esoteric APIs, like flush, may go away Java Plugin API Plan 4 6

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Logstash -> Logstash: Making it a better story

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Currently, things are a little ugly

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How we do it today 4 9 output { lumbjerjack { … } } input { beats { … } } ? ? ?

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Interpipeline Communications

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- senderone config.string: "input { generator { message => huhx } } output { internal { send_to => [foo] } }" - sendertwo config.string: "input { generator { message => whutx } } output { internal { send_to => [foo] } }" - out config.string: " input { internal { address => foo } } output { stdout { codec => json_lines } }" What it looks like 5 1 senderone sendertwo out

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Share a Port 5 2 Beats Ingest + Routing Enrich Weblogs + Output Enrich ETL Logs + Output Enrich Metrics + Output

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Buffer as Needed 5 3 PQ PQ Logs Ingest Output to Elasticsearch Output to S3

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Put it Together 5 4 PQ PQ PQ Beats Ingest and Route Enrich Weblogs Enrich ETL Logs Enrich Metrics + Output to Metrics ES Cluster Output to Logging ES Cluster

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Language Improvements on the Horizons

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• Is not null checks • Array/field reference conflation (is [foo] an array, or a field reference?) • What else does the lang need? • Can we experiment with new languages? The Language Can Move Forward 5 6

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An Ephemeral World Or, how I learned to stop worrying about my disk and embrace ephemeral storage

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An Ephemeral World Part 1: End to End ACKs

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Resiliency today isn’t as easy as it could be

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60 You need to think about disks if you use the PQ

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61 You need to be able to tolerate data loss if you use the in- memory queue

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What if we could give you the best of both worlds?

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End-to-End (E2E) ACKs solve this problem

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We currently buffer at each stage

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Each event must be persisted, then acknowledged

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With E2E ACKs, Nodes Can Fully Fail

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Where we can replay or delay asynchronously acknowledge, we can skip persistence 6 7

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• TCP, UDP, and Syslog protocol offer no facility to replay • The best strategy here is to store ASAP on Logstash, and then try to get it elsewhere ASAP Where we can’t replay, the PQ is still best 6 8

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• Currently in progress • Will likely require rewrites to input plugins to be efficient • Only works for things that are replayable • Luckily, a lot of things are replayable E2E ACK Summary 6 9

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An Ephemeral World Part 2: Distributed Plugin State/Execution

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Problem 1: Plugins store metadata on disk

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This all must be backed up

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Problem 2: Inputs cannot share work

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Today, Logstashes cannot coordinate their access to a service like S3 Active Failover

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• Users must implement backups of metadata • Scaling past one box requires manual partitioning, or is not possible • Failover is tricky, and involves restoring backed up metadata Why Local State is Irritating 7 5

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Solution: Centralized State/Distributed Exec

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Local File Metadata Will Still Work! Active Failover

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But This is Way Cooler Indexing cluster Management Cluster Management Data

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• Plugin state kept in ES • Leader election through ES • Task assignment through ES • Still in design phase, we have a PoC in progress How it Works 7 9

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Problem 3: The DLQ is Local

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Solution: Create an ES DLQ

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• Pitch in on PRs • Report bugs • Review PRs We Need Your Help! 8 2

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Thank You!