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Digitale Ökosysteme und Plattformökonomie – von Wollen, Mut und Können — Dr. Matthias Naab Petersberger Strategietage 2022 Daten: Das unbekannte Fundament der Bauindustrie 12.07.2022

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Technologie verändert Medien & Daten durch Digitale Produkte Technologie verändert Märkte & Industrien durch Digitale Prozesse Technologie verändert Wirtschaft & Gesellschaft durch Digitale Geschäftsmodelle Digitization Digitale Transformation Digitalisierung Digitale Disruption

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Digitization | Digitalisierung | Digital Transformation Digitale Ökosysteme Radikale Innovation Inkrementelle Innovation Optimierung von Effizienz & Reduktion von Kosten Neue Wertschöpfung Neue und innovative Dienste und Produkte Datengetriebene Geschäftsmodelle Domänenübergreifende Geschäftsmodelle Digitale Geschäftsprozesse Offshore-Entwicklung & Betrieb Re-Engineering von Geschäftsprozessen

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© Fraunhofer IESE 13 Digital Ecosystems ◼ Socio-technical system (organizations, people, digital systems, relationships) ◼ Independent participants ◼ Collaborating to generate mutual benefit ◼ Collaboration based on ecosystem service, offered by ecosystem initiator, provided through digital platform Participants

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© Fraunhofer IESE 14 Ecosystem Service ◼ Collaboration based on ecosystem service ◼ Generates core benefit of the ecosystem ◼ Provided by ecosystem initiator ◼ Provided purely digitally Ecosystem Service

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Airbnb Lodging offers brokering of private accommodations provided by private hosts for travelers

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Ebay Marketplace offers brokering of any kind of goods provided by sellers for buyers

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Uber Ride offers brokering of transportation provided by private drivers for passengers

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AVIATAR offers brokering of maintenance data provided by aircraft component manufactures for airlines

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Caruso Dataplace offers brokering of vehicle telematics data provided by OEMs for automotive aftermarket service providers

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© Fraunhofer IESE 20 offers brokering of provided by for Digital Ecosystem Service Description Template

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© Fraunhofer IESE 21 Domain Ecosystem ◼ Established business ecosystem in a business domain ◼ Existing players and relationships

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© Fraunhofer IESE 22 Domain Ecosystem ◼ Digital ecosystems emerge and address needs ◼ Competing digital ecosystems possible ◼ Various digital ecosystems possible

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© Fraunhofer IESE 24 Mobility Internet Giants OEMs Suppliers (1st Tier ) Material & Tool Suppliers User Mobility Workshops Roadside Assistance Diagnostics Parts Trade Ambulance Dealership Gas Stations Leasing Insurance

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C A R U S O - D A T A P L A C E . C O M 25 #carusodataplace CARUSO B2B DATAPLACE PROVIDING IN-VEHICLE DATA FOR MOBILITY SERVICES CARUSO DATA PROVIDERS DATA CONSUMERS END USERS Collect Standardize Distribute New services New customers Efficient processes Different providers Different data formats Different quality / price Added Value for B2X Use Cases

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© Fraunhofer IESE 26 Players in the Medical / Healthcare Domain Ecosystem Internet Giants People Patients Health Insurance Personal Device Manufacturers Pharmacy Material / Drug Provides Doctors Rescue Service Medical Device Manufacturers Medical Software & Platform Providers Therapy Personal Health Trainers Hospitals

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Neue geschäftliche Möglichkeiten und Dienste Zugang zu einer großen Anzahl anderer Ökosystem- Teilnehmer Einfachheit durch Harmoni- sierung und sehr gute User Experience Offenheit für viele Teilnehmer und einfacher Einstieg Riesiger Gestaltungs- spielraum Möglichkeit zu disruptiver Neupositio- nierung Großes Wachstums- potential und hohe Skalierbarkeit Netzwerk- effekte und Partizipation an Geschäften im Digitalen Ökosystem Investitions- fähigkeit in Ausbau, Attraktivität und User Experience Chancen durch Digitale Ökosysteme

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Das mit dem Digitalen Ökosystem kann ja nicht so schwer sein … Wir haben schon mal die Plattform gebaut … Wir nennen unser Zeug einfach “Ökosystem” Es ist unser Ökosystem … es muss also vor allem uns nützen Das ist genau das, was unser CDO macht Niemand anderes kann solch ein Ökosystem etablieren, wir haben die Expertise Auch kleine Innovationen führen uns in die Zukunft Wir kümmern uns nur um uns selbst Das Geschäfts- modell definieren wir später … Die Partner haben doch gar keine andere Wahl Das Ökosystem muss nach 18 Monaten einen ROI liefern Wir heuern einfach Berater an, die machen das schon

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… leider liegt es außerhalb unserer Komfortzone Big Picture Ende-zu-Ende Langfristiges Denken Geduld Daten- getriebene Geschäfts- modelle Werte- netzwerke Ausgeglichene Interessen Fehlende Gesamt- kontrolle Organisa- tationen übergreifend Diversität Unsicherheit Keine vorgegebenen Wege und Methoden

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Business Technology Legal CORE Vision Strategy Engineering Usage Operation Governance ORGANIZATION Partner Scouting Casting & Matching Pairing & Engagement Technical Scouting Collaboration Evaluation PARTNERS Establishment Exploitation Nurturing COMMUNITY Observation Exploration Analysis Intervention COMPETITORS OTHER KNOWN PLAYERS Platform Economy Fraunhofer Digital Ecosystems Reference Model Google Apple Facebook Amazon Microsoft Samsung

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Ecosystem Evolution Time Time Network Effects More Services More Benefits More Asset Types Business Volume Volume by Asset Consumers #Asset Consumers Volume by Asset Providers #Asset Providers Platform Status

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From the Outside, it seems to be just a Website or an App … Time Business Volume ~17.000 ~5.300 ~18 M ~22.000 ~75 M ~7.000 ~167 M ~12.700 ~50 M ~15.000 ~570 M #Employees #Consumers Successful ecosystems have been growing over 5 .. 20 years

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© Fraunhofer IESE 54 Unterschiedliche Konstellationen von Ökosystem Partner-Typen Alle Partner vom selben Typ z.B. Parship, WhatsApp (Seltene Konstellation) Provider / Consumer z.B. AirBnB, Uber (Häufigste Konstellation) Mehrere Partner-Typen z.B. Foodora, Schüttflix (Sehr seltene Konstellation)

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© Matti Blume | CC BY-SA 4.0 |

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Technology Platform Digital (Ecosystem) Platform Application / Business Logic Technology / Infrastructure Hardware Software Operated by Developer or Customer Externally Operated / as-a-Service Hardware Platform IaaS Platform Operating System Platform Runtime Environment Platform Runtime Environment Platform with Business Logic PaaS Platform PaaS Platform with Business Logic Marketplace Platform On-Demand Service Platform Communication / Interaction Platform Data Harvesting Platform Content Crowdsourcing Platform Content Distribution Platform Platform Economy Platform “Use the platform to build and run software on top” “Use the platform to consume its service and participate in the ecosystem” Windows AWS PaaS, Azure PaaS Salesforce PaaS AirBnB, Ebay Uber Wikipedia AdSense Waze Facebook, WhatsApp Open Source ERP Systems AWS IaaS, Azure IaaS Intel x64 Java, .NET, Cloud Foundry YouTube Examples

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1 Digital (Ecosystem) Platform Application / Business Logic Technology / Infrastructure Hardware Software Operated by Developer or Customer Externally Operated / as-a-Service Hardware Platform IaaS Platform Operating System Platform Runtime Environment Platform Runtime Environment Platform with Business Logic PaaS Platform PaaS Platform with Business Logic Marketplace Platform On-Demand Service Platform Communication / Interaction Platform Data Harvesting Platform Content Crowdsourcing Platform Content Distribution Platform Platform Economy Platform “Use the platform to build and run software on top” “Use the platform to consume its service and participate in the ecosystem” Software Ecosystem Platform Technology Platform AWS IaaS, Azure IaaS Intel x64 Windows Java, .NET, Cloud Foundry AWS PaaS, Azure PaaS Salesforce PaaS Open Source ERP Systems Eclipse, Firefox, iOS, Android AirBnB, Ebay Uber YouTube Wikipedia AdSense Waze Facebook, WhatsApp Examples

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“SaaS Software Platform” Technology Platform Digital (Ecosystem) Platform Application / Business Logic Technology / Infrastructure Hardware Software Operated by Developer or Customer Externally Operated / as-a-Service Hardware Platform IaaS Platform Operating System Platform Runtime Environment Platform Runtime Environment Platform with Business Logic PaaS Platform PaaS Platform with Business Logic Marketplace Platform On-Demand Service Platform Communication / Interaction Platform Data Harvesting Platform Content Crowdsourcing Platform Content Distribution Platform Platform Economy Platform ~ Innovation Platform ~ Transaction Platform Salesforce Slack Examples

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“SaaS Software Platform” Technology Platform Digital (Ecosystem) Platform Application / Business Logic Technology / Infrastructure Hardware Software Operated by Developer or Customer Externally Operated / as-a-Service Hardware Platform IaaS Platform Operating System Platform Runtime Environment Platform Runtime Environment Platform with Business Logic PaaS Platform PaaS Platform with Business Logic Marketplace Platform On-Demand Service Platform Communication / Interaction Platform Data Harvesting Platform Content Crowdsourcing Platform Content Distribution Platform Platform Economy Platform ~ Innovation Platform ~ Transaction Platform Cloud Platform Salesforce Slack AWS Azure GCP Examples

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“SaaS Software Platform” Vendor Platform Technology Platform Digital (Ecosystem) Platform Application / Business Logic Technology / Infrastructure Hardware Software Operated by Developer or Customer Externally Operated / as-a-Service Hardware Platform IaaS Platform Operating System Platform Runtime Environment Platform Runtime Environment Platform with Business Logic PaaS Platform PaaS Platform with Business Logic Marketplace Platform On-Demand Service Platform Communication / Interaction Platform Data Harvesting Platform Content Crowdsourcing Platform Content Distribution Platform Platform Economy Platform ~ Innovation Platform ~ Transaction Platform Domain Platform Data Platform IoT Platform Cloud Platform “Alliance Platform” Salesforce Slack AWS Azure GCP Plattform Industrie 4.0 Metaverse Platform Plattf. Lernende Systeme Apple Platform Philips HealthSuite Cloudera Siemens Mindsphere Decentraland Examples

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“SaaS Software Platform” Vendor Platform Technology Platform Digital (Ecosystem) Platform Application / Business Logic Technology / Infrastructure Hardware Software Operated by Developer or Customer Externally Operated / as-a-Service Hardware Platform IaaS Platform Operating System Platform Runtime Environment Platform Runtime Environment Platform with Business Logic PaaS Platform PaaS Platform with Business Logic Marketplace Platform On-Demand Service Platform Communication / Interaction Platform Data Harvesting Platform Content Crowdsourcing Platform Content Distribution Platform Platform Economy Platform ~ Innovation Platform ~ Transaction Platform Domain Platform Data Platform IoT Platform Cloud Platform “Alliance Platform” Salesforce Slack AWS Azure GCP Plattform Industrie 4.0 Metaverse Platform Plattf. Lernende Systeme Apple Platform Philips HealthSuite Cloudera Siemens Mindsphere Decentraland Technology Platform Digital (Ecosystem) Platform Application / Business Logic Technology / Infrastructure Hardware Software Operated by Developer or Customer Externally Operated / as-a-Service Hardware Platform IaaS Platform Operating System Platform Runtime Environment Platform Runtime Environment Platform with Business Logic PaaS Platform PaaS Platform with Business Logic Marketplace Platform On-Demand Service Platform Communication / Interaction Platform Data Harvesting Platform Content Crowdsourcing Platform Content Distribution Platform Platform Economy Platform Windows AWS PaaS, Azure PaaS Salesforce PaaS AirBnB, Ebay Uber Wikipedia AdSense Waze Facebook, WhatsApp Open Source ERP Systems AWS IaaS, Azure IaaS Intel x64 Java, .NET, Cloud Foundry YouTube Technology Platforms Digital Ecosystem Platforms “Just Borrowed the Name” Platforms “SaaS Software Platforms” “Blend of … Platforms”

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© Fraunhofer IESE 78 Relevance of Data and AI in Digital Ecosystems Many ecosystem participants → large data sets Data as „assets“ in digital ecosystems Data as foundation for new business models Data as foundation for improvement of services Large data sets → good foundation of usage of AI

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© Fraunhofer IESE 80 Data Sovereignty ◼ Data sovereignty goes beyond personal data protection (GDPR) ◼ Applies also to data not related to persons ◼ Highly demanded or often “assured”, but rarely defined ◼ Definition ◼ „Data sovereignty means the greatest possible control, influence and insight into the use of data by the data provider. The data provider should be entitled and empowered to exercise informational self-determination and receive transparency about data usage.” Transparency Self- Determination Data Sovereignty

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C A R U S O - D A T A P L A C E . C O M 90 #carusodataplace CARUSO B2B DATAPLACE PROVIDING IN-VEHICLE DATA FOR MOBILITY SERVICES CARUSO DATA PROVIDERS DATA CONSUMERS END USERS Collect Standardize Distribute New services New customers Efficient processes Different providers Different data formats Different quality / price Added Value for B2X Use Cases

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© Fraunhofer IESE 92 Data Catalogs and Data Harmonization ◼ Huge effort to harmonize data ◼ Requests for data (number of data items, frequency of delivery) can be extreme ◼ Demand for data is strongly expressed ◼ Nevertheless, often no clear usage scenarios for the data

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© Fraunhofer IESE 102 Zentrale Punkte und Erkenntnisse zu Datenökosystemen in der Bauindustrie Großes Spektrum von Menschen, Aktivitäten und Zielsetzungen Feld muss klar sortiert werden! → Grundlage um über Daten und ihre Anwendungen und den entstehenden Nutzen zu sprechen 1

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© Fraunhofer IESE 104 Zentrale Punkte und Erkenntnisse zu Datenökosystemen in der Bauindustrie Aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach nicht "das eine Baudatenökosystem" Initiativen werden sich interessante und vielversprechende Bereiche des Bauwesens vornehmen und dort zu einem harmonisierten und gut integrierten Datenökosystem verknüpfen Dort können dann nutzbringende Applikationen aufsetzen und ihren Wert für die Nutzer entfalten 2

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© Fraunhofer IESE 106 Zentrale Punkte und Erkenntnisse zu Datenökosystemen in der Bauindustrie Begriff „Datenraum (Data Space) Bauwirtschaft" suggeriert allumfassendes Datenökosystem für die gesamte Branche Meist irreführend, bestenfalls langfristige Vision Klingt einfach und vielversprechend Es muss konkreter werden! Es ist eine schwere Aufgabe! 3

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© Fraunhofer IESE 108 Zentrale Punkte und Erkenntnisse zu Datenökosystemen in der Bauindustrie Es reicht nicht aus, nur auf Daten und deren Interoperabilität zu schauen, um ein Datenökosystem zu etablieren. Vielmehr muss berücksichtigt werden, in welchen Systemen welcher Hersteller, Betreiber und Nutzer sich diese Daten befinden, welche Schnittstellen zum Zugriff es gibt und wer welche Interessen hat. Darüber hinaus müssen alle betriebswirtschaftlichen und rechtlichen Fragen beleuchtet werden und nur wenn alles passt, ergibt sich ein tragfähiges Datenökosystem. 4

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© Fraunhofer IESE 109 Zentrale Punkte und Erkenntnisse zu Datenökosystemen in der Bauindustrie Nur wenn Organisationen oder der Staat einen hinreichenden Nutzen erkennen und in den bewussten Aufbau von Datenökosystemen investieren (Harmonisierung, technische Plattform, Anbindung der Teilnehmersysteme, …), werden Datenökosysteme entstehen Sie entstehen nicht "von selbst" und vor allem nicht ohne signifikante Investitionen 5

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© Fraunhofer IESE 114 Strategische Frage: Wo ist unser Platz in Digitalen Ökosystemen? ?

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Digitale Ökosysteme und Plattformökonomie – von Wollen, Mut und Können — Dr. Matthias Naab Petersberger Strategietage 2022 Daten: Das unbekannte Fundament der Bauindustrie 12.07.2022

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Digitale Ökosysteme: Welche Herausforderungen stellt der Aufbau und wie gelingt er? Digitale Ökosysteme und Plattformökonomie: Was ist das und was sind die Chancen? Dr. Marcus Trapp Dr. Matthias Naab Dr. Dominik Rost Claudia Nass Matthias Koch Bernd Rauch

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