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Exploiting XPath in ScreamingFrog and Google Sheets Thiago Pojda SIXT @tedois

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The Nerd ● Husband, dad ● Software Engineer ● SEO since 2008 ● Since 2015, ● Since 2019, living in DE ● Since 2022, Director SEO @ SIXT

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The Nerd ● Husband, dad ● Software Engineer ● SEO since 2008 ● Since 2015, ● Since 2019, living in DE ● Since 2022, Director SEO @ SIXT

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2,000+ locations 100+ countries 270,000+ cars 7,500+ employees 20 SEOs

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SEO @ SIXT ● SEO Specialists ● Local, Content, Tech, Authority, Data ● Product specialists

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Understanding how sites are built and how to extract information from pages has made my analysis much more relevant to both me and my clients

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XPath //div[@class=“content”]/text()

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Expanded syntax is handy but looks terrible /descendant-or-self::div[@class=“content”]/child::text()

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Abbreviated syntax is enough for 99% of the cases /descendant-or-self::div[@class=“content”]/child::text() //div[@class=“content”]/text()

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Abbreviated syntax is enough for 99% of the cases /descendant-or-self::div[@class=“content”]/child::text() //div[@class=“content”]/text()

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Specifier Meaning / Selects a direct child // Select any descendant or self @ Attribute .. Parent . Self

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Specifier Meaning [ and ] Official name is Predicates, you can think of them as filters * Any element function() … a function

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Useful functions ● text() ● contains(where, what) ● normalize-space(text) ● starts-with(where, what) & ends- with(where, what) ● sum() ● and, or

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//author[contains(.,"Matt")] Matches on all author nodes, in current node contains Matt (case-sensitive)

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//author[starts-with(.,"G")] Matches on all author nodes, in current node starts with G (case-sensitive)

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//author[matches(.,"Matt.*")] Regular expressions match Source: License: CC BY 4.0

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//h3[1] The first H3 element

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//h3[last()] The last H3 element

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//h3[last()-1] The one before last H3 element

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//img[not(@alt)] Only images without alt attribute

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//img[@alt] Only images with alt attribute (will match empty alts)

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//img[string-length(@alt) >= 1] Only images with alt attribute longer than 1 character

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Source: License: CC BY 4.0

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Formula Result =importxml(“//title”, D1) Thiago Pojda =importxml(“//h1”, D1) Thiago Pojda =join(,importxml(“//h1/following- sibling::*[1]”, D1)) SIXT | Director of SEO & In-house Dad Joke Specialist =importxml(“//h1/following- sibling::*[2]”, D1) Thiago is a Brazilian SEO nerd who loves learning about (and nudging) consumer behaviours. Worked several years with SEO for big and small brands both at agencies and as in-house, he now leads the SEO Team at SIXT in Germany. =importxml(“//h1/..//a/@href”, D1)

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Find XPath via SF

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use cases

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#1 Pages with SEO Text

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Is my competitor using “SEO texts”? On which page types? Any category they’re doing it more? Why? WHY? WHY?

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Is my competitor using “SEO texts”? On which page types? Any category they’re doing it more? Why? WHY? WHY?

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Is my competitor using “SEO texts”? On which page types? Any category they’re doing it more? Why? WHY? WHY?

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Export your crawl (internal all)

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Categorise what you see

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#2 Products per category

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//div[@id="listing"]//div[contains(text() ,"Ergebnisse")]/text()

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#3 Mapping indexable filters

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//a[contains(@class,"pill")]/text() //a[contains(@class,"pill")]/@href

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Where to use

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Wrap up

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● Think about elements you can use to breakdown your competitor’s strategy ● Find a great XPath for it, crawl, analyze ● Hate XPath until you love it

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Read more ● webscraping/02-xpath/index.html ● s-large-site-audits/329851/ ●

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Exploiting XPath in ScreamingFrog and Google Sheets Thiago Pojda SIXT @tedois