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Web 業界は阿鼻叫喚
Maximiliano Firtman
It's official
Evil Apple is back, and it's killing PWAs on iOS for EU
"To comply with the DMA’s requirements, we had to remove
the Home Screen web apps feature in the EU.
"Very low user adoption of Home Screen web apps"
"Minimal impact to their functionality"さらに表示
PWAs won't work on iOS, but only in the EU.
Q: Why is it a big deal?
Most businesses choose PWA apps because they want to:
1- Avoid app stores
2- Write one code for both iOS and Android
With #Apple removing PWA support in iOS for EU users,
businesses now have to:
1- Write a…さらに表示
0:18 · 2024年
119 返信 リンクをコピー
EU のデジタル市場法と
Apple by @1000ch 11