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Myth Buster: My Secrets for Scaling a Growth Business @ draycottmc

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The choice: Grow Fast or Scale Well.

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Choose your Religion 1

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At first Business is all about ideas and innovations.

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To grow you will need to develop structures and codify them.

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2 K.I.S.S Simplify systems so others can replicate them.

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3 Founders Need to Multitask

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Sustainable growth requires balance…

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Sustainable growth requires balance… …between internal and external factors.

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4 Be The Best YOU

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5 Grow Catalysts

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Have them Share your message!

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6 Train Athletes

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Employees need to be adaptable, able to change as the business requires.

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7 Cut Crap

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Don’t wait

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8 It’s a Marathon

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Consider equity ratios…

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Consider equity ratios… …equity drives growth.

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Image Credits 1. Thinkstock 2. The Independent (Uncredited) 3. By ผู้สร้างสรรค์ผลงาน/ส่งข้อมูลเก็บในคลังข้อมูลเสรีวิกิมีเดียคอมมอนส์ - เทวประภาส มากคล้าย - Captured by uploader., CC BY 3.0, 4. Bible Study Tools (Uncredited) 5. Langevin (Uncredited) 6. Ryan Ritchie 7. HD Wallpapers (Uncredited) 8. Tardistopia (Uncredited) 9. Harvard Business Review (Uncredited) 10. Getty Images 11. Stock (Uncredited) 12. Pomello Blog (Uncredited) 13. Ahmad Ali Karim’s Weblog (Uncredited) 14. A Life With Springles on Top Weblog (Uncredited) 15 Ripcord (Uncredited)