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Fake It While You Make It Kevin Murphy The Gnar Company @KEVIN_J_M

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Third-Party Dependencies @KEVIN_J_M

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55 65 @KEVIN_J_M

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55 65 MA @KEVIN_J_M

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Gnar Company Logo @KEVIN_J_M

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$11 Billion SWEATHR @KEVIN_J_M

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$22 Billion? SWEATHR @KEVIN_J_M

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SWEATHR Third-party dependency @KEVIN_J_M

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class Location end @KEVIN_J_M

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class Location def sweater_weather? end end @KEVIN_J_M

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class Location def sweater_weather? uri = URI(conditions_url_for_zip_code) end end @KEVIN_J_M

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class Location def sweater_weather? uri = URI(conditions_url_for_zip_code) result = Net::HTTP.get(uri) end end @KEVIN_J_M

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class Location def sweater_weather? uri = URI(conditions_url_for_zip_code) result = Net::HTTP.get(uri) response = JSON.parse(result) end end @KEVIN_J_M

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class Location def sweater_weather? uri = URI(conditions_url_for_zip_code) result = Net::HTTP.get(uri) response = JSON.parse(result) feels_like = response.dig( “current_observation”, “feelslike_f”) end end @KEVIN_J_M

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class Location def sweater_weather? uri = URI(conditions_url_for_zip_code) result = Net::HTTP.get(uri) response = JSON.parse(result) feels_like = response.dig( “current_observation”, “feelslike_f”) feels_like.to_f.between?(55, 65) end end @KEVIN_J_M

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it "is time to break out the sweater" do location = zip_code: “02108") expect(location.sweater_weather?).to be true end @KEVIN_J_M

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> rspec spec/sweathr/location_spec.rb Failures: 1) Sweathr::Location#sweater_weather? is time to break out the sweater Failure/Error: expect(weather.sweater_weather?).to be true expected true got false Finished in 0.36974 seconds ( fi les took 0.2812 seconds to load) 1 example, 1 failure 70° F @KEVIN_J_M

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> rspec spec/sweathr/location_spec.rb . Finished in 0.37186 seconds ( fi les took 0.48152 seconds to load) 1 example, 0 failures 63° F @KEVIN_J_M

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> rspec spec/sweathr/location_spec.rb Failures: 1) Sweathr::Location#sweater_weather? is time to break out the sweater Failure/Error: expect(weather.sweater_weather?).to be true expected true got false Finished in 0.36974 seconds ( fi les took 0.2812 seconds to load) 1 example, 1 failure 53° F @KEVIN_J_M

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Direct Interaction ✓ Con fi dence @KEVIN_J_M

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Direct Interaction ✓ Con fi dence ✓ Production parity @KEVIN_J_M

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Direct Interaction ✓ Con fi dence ✓ Production parity - Slow @KEVIN_J_M

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Direct Interaction ✓ Con fi dence ✓ Production parity - Slow - Non-deterministic @KEVIN_J_M

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Direct Interaction ✓ Con fi dence ✓ Production parity - Slow - Non-deterministic - Dependency required @KEVIN_J_M

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Direct Interaction ✓ Con fi dence ✓ Production parity - Slow - Non-deterministic - Dependency required - Rate limiting @KEVIN_J_M

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Why Direct Interaction? ★ Unfamiliar with dependency @KEVIN_J_M

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Why Direct Interaction? ★ Unfamiliar with dependency ★ Low barrier to interact @KEVIN_J_M

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before do api_response = { current_observation: { feelslike_f: “55.0” } }.to_json end @KEVIN_J_M

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before do api_response = { current_observation: { feelslike_f: “55.0” } }.to_json stub_request(:get, url) .to_return(status: 200, body: api_response) end @KEVIN_J_M

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it "is time to break out the sweater" do location = zip_code: “02108") expect(location.sweater_weather?).to be true end @KEVIN_J_M

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Stub ✓ Deterministic @KEVIN_J_M

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Stub ✓ Deterministic ✓ Bypass dependency @KEVIN_J_M

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Stub ✓ Deterministic ✓ Bypass dependency ✓ Isolated unit @KEVIN_J_M

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Stub ✓ Deterministic ✓ Bypass dependency ✓ Isolated unit - Must know response structure @KEVIN_J_M

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Stub ✓ Deterministic ✓ Bypass dependency ✓ Isolated unit - Must know response structure - Stub response vs. reality @KEVIN_J_M

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Stub ✓ Deterministic ✓ Bypass dependency ✓ Isolated unit - Must know response structure - Stub response vs. reality - Possibly verbose @KEVIN_J_M

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Why Stub? ★ Stable interface @KEVIN_J_M

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Why Stub? ★ Stable interface ★ Small response @KEVIN_J_M

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class FakeWeather < Sinatra::Base end @KEVIN_J_M

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class FakeWeather < Sinatra::Base get “/api/:key/conditions/q/:zip_code.json” do end end @KEVIN_J_M

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class FakeWeather < Sinatra::Base get “/api/:key/conditions/q/:zip_code.json” do json current_observation: { feelslike_f: "56.0" } end end @KEVIN_J_M

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it "is time to break out the sweater" do location = zip_code: “02108”) end @KEVIN_J_M

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it "is time to break out the sweater" do location = zip_code: “02108”) Capybara::Discoball.spin(FakeWeather) do |s| end end @KEVIN_J_M

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it "is time to break out the sweater" do location = zip_code: “02108”) Capybara::Discoball.spin(FakeWeather) do |s| location.endpoint_url = s.url end end @KEVIN_J_M

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it "is time to break out the sweater" do location = zip_code: “02108”) Capybara::Discoball.spin(FakeWeather) do |s| location.endpoint_url = s.url expect(location.sweater_weather?).to be true end end @KEVIN_J_M

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Fake ✓ Full stack test @KEVIN_J_M

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Fake ✓ Full stack test ✓ Local, deployable sandbox @KEVIN_J_M

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Fake ✓ Full stack test ✓ Local, deployable sandbox ✓ Limited noise in setup @KEVIN_J_M

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Fake ✓ Full stack test ✓ Local, deployable sandbox ✓ Limited noise in setup ✓ Control fake complexity @KEVIN_J_M

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Fake ✓ Full stack test ✓ Local, deployable sandbox ✓ Limited noise in setup ✓ Control fake complexity - Maintain consistency @KEVIN_J_M

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Fake ✓ Full stack test ✓ Local, deployable sandbox ✓ Limited noise in setup ✓ Control fake complexity - Maintain consistency - Test the fake @KEVIN_J_M

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Why Fake? ★ Need con fi dence in communication @KEVIN_J_M

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Why Fake? ★ Need con fi dence in communication ★ Multi-step interaction @KEVIN_J_M

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it "is time to break out the sweater" do location = zip_code: “02108”) end @KEVIN_J_M

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it "is time to break out the sweater" do location = zip_code: “02108”) VCR.use_cassette(“temp_needs_sweater") do end end @KEVIN_J_M

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it "is time to break out the sweater" do location = zip_code: “02108”) VCR.use_cassette(“temp_needs_sweater") do expect(location.sweater_weather?).to be true end end @KEVIN_J_M

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Fixture ✓ Truth at moment in time @KEVIN_J_M

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Fixture ✓ Truth at moment in time ✓ Complete picture @KEVIN_J_M

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Fixture ✓ Truth at moment in time ✓ Complete picture - Mystery guest @KEVIN_J_M

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Fixture ✓ Truth at moment in time ✓ Complete picture - Mystery guest - Snapshot in time @KEVIN_J_M

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Fixture ✓ Truth at moment in time ✓ Complete picture - Mystery guest - Snapshot in time - Requires periodic system access @KEVIN_J_M

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Why Fixture? ★ Need complete response @KEVIN_J_M

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Why Fixture? ★ Need complete response ★ Dependency accessible @KEVIN_J_M

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Why Fixture? ★ Need complete response ★ Dependency accessible ★ Fixture creation limits impact on dependency @KEVIN_J_M

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Why Fixture? ★ Need complete response ★ Dependency accessible ★ Fixture creation limits impact on dependency ★ Can refresh regularly @KEVIN_J_M

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class Location def sweater_weather? uri = URI(conditions_url_for_zip_code) result = Net::HTTP.get(uri) response = JSON.parse(result) feels_like = response.dig( “current_observation”, “feelslike_f”) feels_like.to_f.between?(55, 65) end end @KEVIN_J_M

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class Location def sweater_weather? uri = URI(conditions_url_for_zip_code) result = Net::HTTP.get(uri) response = JSON.parse(result) feels_like = response.dig( “current_observation”, “feelslike_f”) feels_like.to_f.between?(55, 65) end end 1 @KEVIN_J_M

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class Location def sweater_weather? uri = URI(conditions_url_for_zip_code) result = Net::HTTP.get(uri) response = JSON.parse(result) feels_like = response.dig( “current_observation”, “feelslike_f”) feels_like.to_f.between?(55, 65) end end 1 2 @KEVIN_J_M

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class Location def sweater_weather? uri = URI(conditions_url_for_zip_code) result = Net::HTTP.get(uri) response = JSON.parse(result) feels_like = response.dig( “current_observation”, “feelslike_f”) feels_like.to_f.between?(55, 65) end end 1 2 3 @KEVIN_J_M

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API Client

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module Sweathr module Weather class Api end end end @KEVIN_J_M

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module Sweathr module Weather class Api def current_conditions(zip:) end end end end @KEVIN_J_M

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module Sweathr module Weather class Api def current_conditions(zip:) uri = URI( “#{auth_uri}/conditions/q/#{zip}.json”) end end end end @KEVIN_J_M

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module Sweathr module Weather class Api def current_conditions(zip:) uri = URI( “#{auth_uri}/conditions/q/#{zip}.json”) JSON.parse(Net::HTTP.get(uri)) end end end end @KEVIN_J_M

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it "retrieves the current conditions" do VCR.use_cassette("temp_needs_sweater") do end end @KEVIN_J_M

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it "retrieves the current conditions" do VCR.use_cassette("temp_needs_sweater") do result = api.current_conditions(zip: “02108") end end @KEVIN_J_M

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it "retrieves the current conditions" do VCR.use_cassette("temp_needs_sweater") do result = api.current_conditions(zip: “02108") expect(result).to include( "current_observation" => a_hash_including( "feelslike_f" => a_kind_of(String) ) ) end end @KEVIN_J_M

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Data Representation

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module Sweathr module Weather class CurrentConditions end end end @KEVIN_J_M

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module Sweathr module Weather class CurrentConditions def initialize(results) @results = results end end end end @KEVIN_J_M

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module Sweathr module Weather class CurrentConditions def initialize(results) @results = results end def feels_like_f end end end end @KEVIN_J_M

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module Sweathr module Weather class CurrentConditions def initialize(results) @results = results end def feels_like_f value = @results.dig( "current_observation", “feelslike_f") end end end end @KEVIN_J_M

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module Sweathr module Weather class CurrentConditions def initialize(results) @results = results end def feels_like_f value = @results.dig( "current_observation", “feelslike_f") string_to_ fl oat(value) end end end end @KEVIN_J_M

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describe "#feels_like_f" do it “gives the feels like temp in Fahrenheit" do end end @KEVIN_J_M

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describe "#feels_like_f" do it “gives the feels like temp in Fahrenheit" do conditions = Sweathr::Weather::CurrentConditions .new(json) end end @KEVIN_J_M

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describe "#feels_like_f" do it “gives the feels like temp in Fahrenheit" do conditions = Sweathr::Weather::CurrentConditions .new(json) expect(conditions.feels_like_f).to eq 55.5 end end @KEVIN_J_M

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describe "#feels_like_f" do it “gives the feels like temp in Fahrenheit" do conditions = Sweathr::Weather::CurrentConditions .new(json) expect(conditions.feels_like_f).to eq 55.5 end context "with a non-numeric result";end end @KEVIN_J_M

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describe "#feels_like_f" do it “gives the feels like temp in Fahrenheit" do conditions = Sweathr::Weather::CurrentConditions .new(json) expect(conditions.feels_like_f).to eq 55.5 end context "with a non-numeric result";end context "with no current observation”;end end @KEVIN_J_M

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describe "#feels_like_f" do it "gives the feels like temp in Fahrenheit” do conditions = Sweathr::Weather::CurrentConditions .new(json) expect(conditions.feels_like_f).to eq 55.5 end context "with a non-numeric result";end context "with no current observation”;end context "with no feels like f temperature";end end @KEVIN_J_M

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module Sweathr module Weather end end @KEVIN_J_M

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module Sweathr module Weather def self.client @client ||= end end end @KEVIN_J_M

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module Sweathr module Weather def self.client @client ||= end def self.current_conditions(zip_code:) end end end @KEVIN_J_M

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module Sweathr module Weather def self.client @client ||= end def self.current_conditions(zip_code:) client.current_conditions(zip: zip_code)) end end end @KEVIN_J_M

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class Location def sweater_weather? end end @KEVIN_J_M

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class Location def sweater_weather? current = Sweathr::Weather.current_conditions( zip_code: @zip_code) end end @KEVIN_J_M

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class Location def sweater_weather? current = Sweathr::Weather.current_conditions( zip_code: @zip_code) current.feels_like_f.between?(55, 65) end end @KEVIN_J_M

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module Sweathr module Weather def self.client @client ||= end end end @KEVIN_J_M

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module Sweathr module Weather def self.client @client ||= end def self.client=(client) end end end @KEVIN_J_M

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module Sweathr module Weather def self.client @client ||= end def self.client=(client) @client = client end end end @KEVIN_J_M

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Fake Client

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class FakeWeatherClient end @KEVIN_J_M

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class FakeWeatherClient def current_conditions(zip:) end end @KEVIN_J_M

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class FakeWeatherClient def current_conditions(zip:) { "current_observation" => { "feelslike_f" => @results[zip_code] } } end end @KEVIN_J_M

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class FakeWeatherClient def current_conditions(zip:) { "current_observation" => { "feelslike_f" => @results[zip_code] } } end def add_condition(zip_code:, temp_f:) end end @KEVIN_J_M

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class FakeWeatherClient def current_conditions(zip:) { "current_observation" => { "feelslike_f" => @results[zip_code] } } end def add_condition(zip_code:, temp_f:) @results[zip_code] = temp_f end end @KEVIN_J_M

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Test Mode

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module Sweathr module Testing end end @KEVIN_J_M

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module Sweathr module Testing def self.enable! end end end @KEVIN_J_M

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module Sweathr module Testing def self.enable! Sweathr::Weather.client = end end end @KEVIN_J_M

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module Sweathr module Testing def self.enable! Sweathr::Weather.client = end def self.disable! end end end @KEVIN_J_M

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module Sweathr module Testing def self.enable! Sweathr::Weather.client = end def self.disable! Sweathr::Weather.client = end end end @KEVIN_J_M

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it "is time to break out the sweater" do end @KEVIN_J_M

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it "is time to break out the sweater" do Sweathr::Testing.enable! end @KEVIN_J_M

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it "is time to break out the sweater" do Sweathr::Testing.enable! Sweathr::Weather.client.add_condition( zip_code: "02108", temp_f: “56.0") end @KEVIN_J_M

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it "is time to break out the sweater" do Sweathr::Testing.enable! Sweathr::Weather.client.add_condition( zip_code: "02108", temp_f: “56.0") location = zip_code: “02108”) end @KEVIN_J_M

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it "is time to break out the sweater" do Sweathr::Testing.enable! Sweathr::Weather.client.add_condition( zip_code: "02108", temp_f: “56.0") location = zip_code: “02108”) expect(location.sweater_weather?).to be true end @KEVIN_J_M

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it "is time to break out the sweater" do Sweathr::Testing.enable! Sweathr::Weather.client.add_condition( zip_code: "02108", temp_f: “56.0") location = zip_code: “02108”) expect(location.sweater_weather?).to be true Sweathr::Testing.disable! end @KEVIN_J_M

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Test Mode ✓ Speed @KEVIN_J_M

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Test Mode ✓ Speed ✓ State control @KEVIN_J_M

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Test Mode ✓ Speed ✓ State control ✓ Metadata tracking @KEVIN_J_M

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Test Mode ✓ Speed ✓ State control ✓ Metadata tracking - No dependency interaction @KEVIN_J_M

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Test Mode ✓ Speed ✓ State control ✓ Metadata tracking - No dependency interaction - Test mode vs. reality @KEVIN_J_M

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Why Test Mode? ★ Have dependency coverage elsewhere @KEVIN_J_M

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Why Test Mode? ★ Have dependency coverage elsewhere ★ Need interaction with results @KEVIN_J_M

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Testing Third-Party Dependencies? @KEVIN_J_M

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Client @KEVIN_J_M

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Client Data @KEVIN_J_M

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Client Data Domain @KEVIN_J_M

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Client Data Domain @KEVIN_J_M

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Client Data Domain @KEVIN_J_M

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Client Data Domain @KEVIN_J_M

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Client Data Domain @KEVIN_J_M

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Limit Interaction @KEVIN_J_M

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Limit Interaction Test Con fi dently @KEVIN_J_M

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Gnar Company Logo @KEVIN_J_M